The Exit Exam

Spring 2005 AnchorSet, 5-5 Essay

Topic: A way of seeking and landing a satisfying job

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The Exit Exam


Score 4-4 Essay


Score 6-6 Essay

“The Path to the Future”
Most average American people have a strong desire to have a satisfying job with good benefits. The majority of college students are going to school t work toward that goal. There are several ways that a satisfying job can be acquired. Some people have connections with the president of a specific company so it isn’t hard for them to get a job there. For most people however, acquiring a good job can be a very long process.

One of the first things that needs to be done in order to make the job search successful is research. I feel it is a critical part of figuring out exactly what career you want to pursue. Once a specific career is chosen, you can begin to research available positions in that field. The internet is an excellent resource to use when looking for this type of information. Most companies are posting their available positions online. When a job is found, begin to research all the requirements of that position. The majority of well paying jobs have an education requirement. It is very important to take into consideration what is required before making any decisions. Does it offer a fair pay, health benefits, or a company car? These are just as important when making your decision.

The search has been narrowed down to ten different jobs. All ten jobs require a Bachelor’s degree, and two require a Master’s degree in order to be considered for the position. The next step is to conduct more research. This time, you will be researching colleges. There is a very wide variety of colleges, and doing research will help marrow it down a lot. Once a college has been chosen, begin to consider the classes they offer, financial aid available, and how long it will take to get the desired degree. When a college is decided on, register, and begin to attend classes. Work study programs and internships are worth looking into. An internship in your desired field would be a great experience, and would look good on your resume. After attending all the classes required to complete your degree, the only thing left to do is graduate. Make sure to fill out a graduation application as some schools require.

By this time, the jobs you were looking for before you complete your degree are likely to be filled. Another search will need to be done, but this time, you will actually apply for the jobs you find. A resume will need to be completed if one was not done while in school. If you need help, or an educated oppinion, an advisor at your college will likely be willing to help a former student.

Get that resume out to the supervisor of the jobs you have chosen. Attending job fairs and other similar events are great ways to get your name out there. The also offer helpful information, and this lets people know you are looking. To make sure you get things done as quickly as possible, set goals and dead lines for yourself. Landing the right job will be tough, but, if you push yourself to stay motivated, it will pay off in the end.

The satisfaction felt when you finally land that job is too good for words. Don’t trick yourself into thinking all the nard work is over, and you can just relax now. The job requires hard work, and if you want to keep that job forever, only your best will make that a reality.

Choosing a career, going to college, and landing that perfect job is never going to be easy. The feelings of pride, self-worth, and satisfaction make it worth it every time.. Knowing you worked hard, and made it where your are by pushing yourself, is a feeling everyone needs to experience at least once.


Grade: 5/5
Word count: 636
Analysis: This is a “process” essay, one that follows the process of career research, education, and hunting in chronological order. The writing is very good, and the writer sticks closely to the pattern. There very few grammatical or mechanical errors. Since the paper covers the process from beginning to end, a process that probably spans 5 to 8 years, the details within each paragraph are scant, as well they must be when so many years are covered in 7 paragraphs. In both writing and evaluating good writing, it’s important to note that details should provide the depth and substance of an essay. In an essay that provides an overview, as this one does, the details are often more general, so the writing is held to an appropriate length. Should the writer have decided to focus just on the job search after graduation, the details would have had to be more specific, to provide depth and substance in about the same length (500-600w).

Normally, a writer should choose more depth and a narrower focus rather than “overview” type of writing such as this. For the strength of a balance progression and good grammar, this essay was evaluated as a 5. With a more narrowed focus, it could easily have received a 6.

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