Statistics Skills, Including Probability:


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The Nature of Statistics





Clast Skill I.D.1: Identified information contained in graphs.


Clast Skill I.D.2: Determines the mean, median, and mode of a set of numbers.


Clast Skill I.D.3: Uses the fundamental counting principle.


Clast Skill II.D.1: Recognizes properties and interrelationships among the mean, median, and mode in a variety of distributions.


Clast Skill II.D.2: Chooses the most appropriate procedure for selecting an unbiased sample from a target population.


Clast Skill II.D.3: Identifies the probability of a specified outcome in an experiment.


Clast Skill III.D.1: Infers relations and makes accurate predictions from studying statistical data.


Clast Skill IV.D.1: Interprets real-world data involving frequency and cumulative frequency tables.


Clast Skill IV.D.2: Solved real-world problems involving probabilities.