Chapter 1 Review worksheet

1) Members of the kingdom Plantae differ from members of the other kingdoms of Eukarya in that most members of the kingdom Plantae produce their own _____

2) The branch of biology that explains both the diversity and the unity of life is ______.

3) Unequal reproductive success can lead to natural ____________

4) What accounts for the different breeds of domesticated dogs?

5) You try to start your car, but it does not start. What would be your hypothesis?

6) How do hypotheses differ from theories?

7) In what way(s) is the science of biology influencing and changing our culture?

8) What is biology?

 9) What is an example of  a producer?

10) What are eukaryotic genes composed of?

11) What is a gene?

12) More than half of all known species are ______.

13) Which kingdom of Eukarya consists primarily of unicellular organisms?

14) A newly discovered multicellular organism obtains food by digesting dead organisms. Such an organism is most likely a member of the kingdom ______.

15) Observation, question, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, results, conclusion are the proper components of the scientific method

16) In a scientific experiment, the control group serves as a basis of comparison with the experimental group

17) Humans are composed of  eukaryotic cells.

18) Antibiotic resistance evolves in bacteria because the presence of antibiotics favors bacteria that already have genes for resistance

19) Cells can perform all the activities required for life

20) Bacteria and Archaea are the domains that consists of prokaryotic cells

21) Natural selection is associated with Darwin?

22) the accumulation of favorable variations in a population over time is an adaptation in a biological context

23)The difference between discovery science and hypothesis-driven science is discovery science is mostly about describing nature, whereas hypothesis-driven science tries to explain nature.

24) Scientific ideas are subjected to repeated  testing.

25) Discovery science is primarily based on observation                

26) Relative to prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells are usually larger and more complex

27) Organelles are the functional compartments of a cell

28) The DNA of a eukaryotic cell is found within the nucleus.

29) The human genome consists of about 3 billion chemical letters.

30) Taxonomy is the naming and classifying of species

31) Taxonomy assist biologists by categorizing diverse items into smaller and smaller numbers of groups

32) Over a span of two decades, scientists measured changes in the beak size of a population of Galápagos ground finches. This provided evidence of natural selection in action

33) Science is the inquiry-based effort to describe and explain nature

34) Humans and bacteria share a common genetic code.

35) A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a question

36) Properties of life include populations of organisms rarely change over time ,Living things exhibit complex but ordered organization  and Organisms take in energy and use it to perform all of life's activities.

37) Nutrient recycling and energy flow are the two main processes that ecosystems depend upon.

38) Energy is not recycled but is lost from ecosystems

39) Humans are consumers


40) Using the branching tree of life for bears depicted in the accompanying figure, choose from among the following bear species the one that is most distantly related to the sun bear.




Please use the following information to answer the following question(s).

The collared lizard is a species found in the Desert Southwest. Male collared lizards show considerable color variation, ranging from brightly colored to a very dull pattern. Your goal is to determine the function, if any, of male color patterns in collared lizards, using the scientific method. Your tentative explanation is that male color plays a role in attracting females for mating purposes. You predict that females will preferentially choose brightly colored males over dull-colored ones. To test this prediction, you observed the interactions of female collared lizards with their male counterparts. You selected males that were the same age and size, and that differed only in their coloration pattern. You placed equal numbers of the two types of male lizards, bright and dull, in aquariums, along with one female lizard per aquarium. Out of 350 aquariums observed, the female chose to mate with the brightly colored male 277 times, and the dull-colored male 70 times. In 3 instances, the females did not mate with either type.

Create a bar graph of your data, plotting the type of male (dull or brightly colored) on the x-axis. On the y-axis, plot the frequency with which each type of male was chosen by females. Using this graph, answer the following question(s).

41) Is it reasonable to conclude (i.e., is it supported by the data) that female collared lizards prefer more brightly colored male lizards over dull-colored males?

42) Identify the experimental group of this case study.

43) Dull-colored males were part of the ______.

44) Which is  the hypothesis of this case study?

45) "Male collared lizards show considerable color variation." This is a(n) ______.