The Double Helix     (selection) James Watson


The next few days saw Francis Crick becoming increasingly agitated by my failure to stick close to the molecular models. It did not matter that before his tenish entrance I was usually in the lab. Almost every afternoon, knowing that I was on the ten­nis court, he would fretfully twist his head away from his work to see the polynucleotide backbone unattended. Moreover, after tea I would show up for only a few minutes of minor fiddling before dashing away to have sherry with the girls at Pop’s. Francis’s grumbles did not disturb me, however, because further refining of our latest backbone without a solution to the bases would not represent a real step forward.

I went ahead spending most evenings at the films, vaguely dreaming that any moment the answer would suddenly hit me. Occasionally my wild pursuit of the celluloid backfired, the worst occasion being an evening set aside for Ecstasy. Peter [Paulingj and I had both been too young to observe the original showings of Hedy Lamarr’s romps in the nude, and so on the long-awaited night we collected Elizabeth and went up to the Rex. However, the only swimming scene left intact by the English censor was an inverted reflection from a pool of water. Before the film was half over we joined the violent booing of the disgusted undergraduates as the dubbed voices uttered words of uncontrolled passion.

Even during good films I found it almost impossible to forget the bases. The fact that we had at last produced a stereochemically reasonable configu­ration for the backbone was always in the back of my head. Moreover, there was no longer any fear that it would be incompatible with the experimental data. By then it had been checked out with Rosy’s precise measurements. Rosy [Rosalind Franklin], of course, did not directly give us her data. For that matter, no one at King’s realized they were in our hands. We came upon them because of Max’s’ membership on a committee appointed by the Medical Research Council to look into the research activities of Randall’s lab to coordinate biophysics research within its laboratories. Since Randall wished to convince the outside committee that he had a productive research group, he had instructed his people to draw up a comprehensive summary of their accomplishments. In due time this was prepared in mimeograph form and sent routinely to all the committee members. The report was not confidential and so Max saw no reason not to give it to Francis and me. Quickly scanning its contents, Francis sensed with relief that following my return from King’s 1 had correctly reported to him the essential features of the B pattern. [h only minor modifications were necessary in our backbone configuration.

Generally, it was late in the evening after I got back to my rooms that I tried to puzzle out the mystery of the bases. Their formulas were written out in J. N. Davidson’s little book The Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids, a copy of which I kept in Clare. So I could be sure that I had the correct structures when I drew tiny pictures of the bases on sheets of Cavendish notepaper. My aim was somehow to arrange the centrally located bases in such a way that the backbones on the outside were completely regular—that is, giving the sugar-phosphate groups of each nucleotide identical three-dimensional configurations. But each time I tried to come up with a solution I ran into the obstacle that the four bases each had a quite different shape. Moreover, there were many reasons to believe that the sequences of the bases of a given polynucleotide chain were very irregular. Thus, unless some very spe­cial trick existed, randomly twisting two polynucleotide chains around one another should result in a mess. In some places the bigger bases must touch

each other, while in other regions, where the smaller bases would lie oppo­site each other, there must exist a gap or else their backbone regions must buckle in.

There was also the vexing problem of how the intertwined chains might be held together by hydrogen bonds between the bases. Though for over a year Francis and I had dismissed the possibility that bases formed regular hydrogen bonds, it was now obvious to me that we had done so incorrectly. The observation that one or more hydrogen atoms on each of the bases could move from one location to another (a tautomeric shift) had initially led us to conclude that all the possible tautomeric forms of a given base occurred in equal frequencies. But a recent rereading of J. M. Gulland’s and D. 0. Jordan’s papers on the acid and base titrations of DNA made me finally appreciate the strength of their conclusion that a large fraction, if not all, of the bases formed hydrogen bonds to other bases. Even more important, these hydrogen bonds were present at very low DNA concentrations, strongly hinting that the bonds linked together bases in the same molecule. There was in addition the x-ray crystallographic result that each pure base so far examined formed as many irregular hydrogen bonds as stereochemically possible. Thus, conceivably the crux of the matter was a rule governing hydrogen bonding between bases.

My doodling of the bases on paper at first got nowhere, regardless of whether or not I had been to a film. Even the necessity to expunge Ecstasy from my mind did not lead to passable hydrogen bonds, and I fell asleep hoping that an undergraduate party the next afternoon at Downing would be full of pretty girls. But my expectations were dashed as soon as I arrived to spot a group of healthy hockey players and several pallid debutantes. Bertrand also instantly perceived he was out of place, and as we passed a polite interval before scooting out, I explained how I was racing Peter’s father for the Nobel Prize.

Not until the middle of the next week, however, did a nontrivial idea emerge. It came while I was drawing the fused rings of adenine on paper. Suddenly I realized the potentially profound implications of a DNA struc­ture in which the adenine residue formed hydrogen bonds similar to those found in crystals of pure adenine. if DNA was like this, each adenine residue would form two hydrogen bonds to an adenine residue related to it by a 180-degree rotation. Most important, two symmetrical hydrogen bonds could also hold together pairs of guanine, cytosine, or thymine.

I thus started wondering whether each DNA molecule consisted of two chains with identical base sequences held together by hydrogen bonds between pairs of identical bases. There was the complication, however, that such a structure could not have a regular backbone, since the purines (ade­nine and guanine) and the pyrimidines (thymine and cytosine) have dif­ferent shapes. The resulting backbone would have to show minor in-and­out buckles depending upon whether pairs of purines or pyrimidines were in the center.

Despite the messy backbone, my pulse began to race. If this was DNA~. I should create a bombshell by announcing its discovery. The existence of two intertwined chains with identical base sequences could not be a chance matter. Instead it would strongly suggest that one chain in each molecule had at some earlier stage served as the template for the synthesis of the other chain. Under this scheme, gene replication starts with the separation of its two identical chains. Then two new daughter strands are made on the two parental templates, thereby forming two DNA molecules identical to the original molecule. Thus, the essential trick of gene replication could come from the requirement that each base in the newly synthesized chain always hydrogen-bonds to an identical base. That night, however, I could not see why the common tautomeric form of guanine would not hydrogen-bond to adenine. Likewise, several other pairing mistakes should also occur. But since there was no reason to rule out the participation of specific enzymes, I saw no need to be unduly disturbed. For example, there might exist an enzyme specific for adenine that caused adenine always to be inserted opposite an adenine residue on the template strands.

As the clock went past midnight I was becoming more and more pleased. There had been far too many days when Francis and I worried that the DNA structure might turn out to be superficially very dull, suggesting nothing about either its replication or its function in controlling cell bio­chemistry. But now, to my delight and amazement, the answer was turning out to be profoundly interesting. For over two hours I happily lay awake with pairs of adenine residues whirling in front of my closed eyes. Only for brief moments did the fear shoot through me that an idea this good could be wrong.

My scheme was torn to shreds by the following noon. Against me was the awkward chemical fact that I had chosen the wrong tautomeric forms of guanine and thymine. Before the disturbing truth came out, I had eaten a hurried breakfast at the Whim, then momentarily gone back to Glare to reply to a letter from Max Delbrock which reported that my manuscript on bacterial genetics looked unsound to the Gal Tech geneticists. Nevertheless, he would accede to my request that he send it to the Proceedings of the National Academy. In this way, I would still be young when I committed the folly of publishing a silly idea. Then I could sober up before my career was permanently fixed on a reckless course.

At first this message had its desired unsettling effect. But now, with my spirits soaring on the possibility that 1 had the self-duplicating structure, I reiterated my faith that I knew what happened when bacteria mated. Moreover, I could not refrain from adding a sentence saying that I had just devised a beautiful DNA structure which was completely different from Pauling’s. For a few seconds I considered giving some details of what I was up to, but since I was in a rush I decided not to, quickly dropped the letter in the box, and dashed off to the lab.

The letter was not in the post for more than an hour before I knew that my claim was nonsense. I no sooner got to the office and began explaining my scheme than the American crystallographer Jerry Donohue protested that the idea would not work. The tautomeric forms I had copied out of Davidson’s book were, in Jerry’s opinion, incorrectly assigned. My immedi­ate retort that several other texts also pictured guanine and thymine in the enol form cut no ice with Jerry. Happily he let out that for years organic chemists had been arbitrarily favoring particular tautomeric forms over their alternatives on only the flimsiest of grounds. In fact, organic-chemistry textbooks were littered with pictures of highly improbable tautomeric forms. The guanine picture 1 was thrusting toward his face was almost cer­tainly bogus. All his chemical intuition told him that it would occur in the keto form. lie was just as sure that thymine was also wrongly assigned an enol configuration. Again he strongly favored the keto alternative.

Jerr>c however, did not give a foolproof reason for preferring the keto forms. He admitted that only one crystal structure bore on the problem.

This was diketopiperazine, whose three-dimensional configuration had been carefully worked out in Pauling’s lab several years before. Here there was no doubt that the keto form, not the enol, was present. Moreover, he felt sure that the quantum-mechanical arguments which showed why diketopiperazine has the keto form should also hold for guanine and thymine. I was thus firmly urged not to waste more time with my hare­brained scheme.

Though my immediate reaction was to hope that Jerry was blowing hot air, I did not dismiss his criticism. Next to Linus himself, Jerry knew more about hydrogen bonds than anyone else in the world. Since for many years he had worked at Cal Tech on the crystal structures of small organic mole­cules, I couldn’t kid myself that he did not grasp our problem. During the six months that he occupied a desk in our office, 1 had never heard him shooting off his mouth on subjects about which he knew nothing.

‘thoroughly worried, I went back to my desk hoping that some gim­mick might emerge to salvage the like-with-like idea. But it was obvious that the new assignments were its death blow. Shifting the hydrogen atoms to their keto locations made the size differences between the purines and pyrimidines even more important than would be the case if the enol forms existed. Only by the most special pleading could I imagine the polynu­cleotide backbone bending enough to accommodate irregular base sequences. Even this possibility vanished when Francis came in. He imme­diately realized that a like-with-like structure would give a 34 A crystallo­graphic repeat only if each chain had a complete rotation every 68 A. But this would mean that the rotation angle between successive bases would be only 18 degrees, a value Francis believed was absolutely ruled out by his recent fiddling with the models. Also Francis did not like the fact that the structure gave no explanation for the Chargaff rules (adenine equals thymine, guanine equals cytosine). I, however, maintained my lukewarm response to Chargaff’s data. So I welcomed the arrival of lunchtime, when Francis’s cheerful prattle temporarily shifted my thoughts to why under­graduates could not satisfy au pair girls.

After lunch I was not anxious to return to work, for I was afraid that in trying to fit the keto forms into some new scheme I would run into a stone waIl and have to face the fact that no regular hydrogen-bonding scheme was compatible with the x-ray evidence. As long as I remained outside, gazing at the crocuses, hope could be maintained that some pretty base arrangement would fall out. Fortunately, when we walked upstairs, I found that I had an excuse to put off the crucial model-building step for at least several more hours. The metal purine and pyrimidine models, needed for systematically checking all the conceivable hydrogen-bonding possibilities, had not been finished on time. At least two more days were needed before they would be in our hands. This was much too long even for me to remain in limbo, so I spent the rest of the afternoon cutting accurate representations of the bases out of stiff cardboard. But by the time they were ready I realized that the answer must be put off till the next day. After dinner I was to join a group from Pop’s at the theater.

When I got to our still-empty office the following morning, I quickly cleared away the papers from my desktop so that I would have a large, flat surface on which to form pairs of bases held together by hydrogen bonds. Though I initially went back to my like-with-like prejudices, I saw all too well that they led nowhere. When lerry came in I looked up, saw that it was not Francis, and began shifting the bases in and out of various other pair­ing possibilities. Suddenly I became aware that an adenine-thymine pair held together by two hydrogen bonds was identical in shape to a guanine­cytosine pair held together by at least two hydrogen bonds. All the hydro­gen bonds seemed to form naturally; no fudging was required to make the two types of base pairs identical in shape. Quickly I called Jeny over to ask him whether this time he had any objection to my new base pairs.

When he said no, my morale skyrocketed, for I suspected that we now had the answer to the riddle of why the number of purine residues exactly equaled the number of pyrimidine residues. Two irregular sequences of bases could be regularly packed in the center of a helix if a purine always hydrogen-bonded to a pyrimidine. Furthermore, the hydrogen-bonding requirement meant that adenine would always pair with thymine, while guanine could pair only with cytosine. Chargaff’s rules then suddenly stood out as a consequence of a double-helical structure for DNA. Even more exciting, this type of double helix suggested a replication scheme much more satisfactory than my briefly considered like-with-like pairing. Always pairing adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine meant that the base sequences of the two intertwined chains were complementary to each other. Given the base sequence of one chain, that of its partner was auto­matically determined. Conceptually, it was thus very easy to visualize how a single chain could be the template for the synthesis of a chain with the complementary sequence.

Upon his arrival Francis did not get more than halfway through the door before I let loose that the answer to everything was in our hands. Though as a matter of principle he maintained skepticism for a few moments, the similarly shaped A-T and G-G pairs had their expected impact. His quickly pushing the bases together in a number of different ways did not reveal any other way to satisfy Chargaff’s rules. A few minutes later he spotted the fact that the two glycosidic bonds (joining base and sugar) of each base pair were systematically related by a dyad axis perpen­dicular to the helical axis. ‘thus, both pairs could be flip-flopped over and still have their glycosidic bonds facing in the same direction. This had the important consequence that a given chain could contain both purines and pyrimidines. At the same time, it strongly suggested that the backbones of the two chains must run in opposite directions.

The question then became whether the A-T and C-C base pairs would easily fit the backbone configuration devised during the previous two weeks. At first glance this looked like a good bet, since I had left free in the center a large vacant area for the bases. However, we both knew that we would not be home until a complete model was built in which all the stereochemical contacts were satisfactory. There was also the obvious fact that the implications of its existence were far too important to risk crying wolf. ‘1~hus I felt slightly queasy when at lunch Francis winged into the Eagle to tell everyone within hearing distance that we had found the secret of life.

Francis’s preoccupation with DNA quickly became full-time. The first after­noon following the discovery that A-T and C-C base pairs had similar shapes, he went back to his thesis measurements, but his effort was ineffec­tual. Constantly he would pop up from his chair, worriedly look at the card­board models, fiddle with other combinations and then, the period of momentary uncertainty over, look satisfied and tell me how important our work was. I enjoyed Francis’s words, even though they lacked the casual sense of understatement known to be the correct way to behave in Cambridge. It seemed almost unbelievable that the DNA structure was solved, that the answer was incredibly exciting, and that our names would be associated with the double helix as Pauling’s was with the alpha helix.

When the Eagle opened at six, I went over with Francis to talk about what must be done in the next few days. Francis wanted no time lost in see­ing whether a satisfactory three-dimensional model could be built, since the geneticists and nucleic-acid biochemists should not misuse their time and facilities any longer than necessary. They must be told the answer quickly so that they could reorient their research upon our work. Though I was equally anxious to build the complete model, I thought more about Linus and the possibility that he might stumble upon the base pairs before we told him the answer.

That night, however, we could not firmly establish the double helix. Until the metal bases were on hand, any model building would be too sloppy to be convincing. I went back to Pop’s to tell Elizabeth and Bertrand that Francis and I had probably beaten Pauling to the gate and that the answer would revolutionize biology. Both were genuinely pleased, Elizabeth with sisterly pride, Bertrand with the idea that he could report back to International Society that he had a friend who would win a Nobel Prize. Peter’s reaction was equally enthusiastic and gave no indication that he minded the possibility of his father’s first real scientific defeat.

The following morning I felt marvelously alive when I awoke. On my way to the Whim I slowly walked toward the Glare Bridge, staring up at the gothic pinnacles of the King’s College Chapel that stood out sharply against the spring sky. I briefly stopped and looked over at the perfect Georgian features of the recently cleaned Gibbs Building, thinking that much of our success was due to the long uneventful periods when we walked among the colleges or unobtrusively read the new books that came into Heffer’s Bookstore. After contentedly poring over the Times, I wandered into the lab to see Francis, unquestionably early, flipping the cardboard base pairs about an imaginary line. As far as a compass and ruler could tell him, both sets of base pairs neatly fined into the backbone configuration. As the morning wore on, Max and John successively came by to see if we still thought we had it. Each got a quick, concise lecture from Francis, during the second of which I wandered down to see if the shop could be speeded up to produce the purines and pyrimidines later that afternoon.

Only a little encouragement was needed to get the final soldering accomplished in the next couple of hours. The brightly shining metal plates were then immediately used to make a model in which for the first time all the DNA components were present. In about an hour I had arranged the atoms in positions which satisfied both the x-ray data and the laws of stereo­chemistry. The resulting helix was right-handed with the two chains run-fling in opposite directions. Only one person can easily play with a model, and so Francis did not try to check my work until I backed away and said that I thought everything fitted. While one interatomic contact was slightly shorter than optimal, it was not out of line with several published values, and I was not disturbed. Another fifteen minutes’ fiddling by Francis failed to find anything wrong though for brief intervals my stomach felt uneasy when I saw him frowning. In each case he became satisfied and moved on to verify that another interatomic contact was reasonable. Everything thus looked very good when we went back to have supper with Odile.

Our dinner words fixed on how to let the big news out. Maurice [Wilkins], especially, must soon be told. But remembering the fiasco of six­teen months before, keeping King’s in the dark made sense until exact coordinates had been obtained for all the atoms. It was all too easy to fudge a successful series of atomic contacts so that, while each looked almost acceptable, the whole collection was energetically impossible. We suspected that we had not made this error, but our judgment conceivably might be biased by the biological advantages of complementary DNA molecules. Thus the next several days were to be spent using a plumb line and a meas­uring stick to obtain the relative positions of all atoms in a single nucleotide. Because of the helical symmetry the locations of the atoms in one nucleotide would automatically generate the other positions.

After coffee Odile wanted to know whether they would still have to go into exile in Brooklyn if our work was as sensational as everyone told her. Perhaps we should stay on in Cambridge to solve other problems of equal importance. I tried to reassure her, emphasizing that not all American men cut all their hair off and that there were scores of American women who did not wear short white socks on the streets. I had less success arguing that the

in a face-to-face meeting, Crick and Watson presented an earlier model of DNA to Wilkins, Franklin, and another researcher in the Cavendish Laboratory research group affiliated with King’s College at Cambridge. The King’s group quickly proved that the model was seriously flawed. Crick and Watson were particularly humiliated because they had based the model in part on Watson’s recollection of a talk Franklin had given about her research into the amount of water present in the DNA molecule, and at the meeting it was immediately apparent that Watson had remembered her conclusion inaccurately. I

States’ greatest virtue was its wide-open spaces where people never went. Odile looked in honor at the prospect of being long without fashionably dressed people. Moreover, she could not believe that I was serious, since I had just had a tailor cut a tightly fitting blazer, unconnected with the sacks that Americans draped on their shoulders.

1’he next morning I again found that Francis had beaten me to the lab. He was already at work tightening the model on its support stands so that he could read off the atomic coordinates. While he moved the atoms back and forth, I sat on the top of my desk thinking about the form of the letters that I soon could write, saying that we had found something interesting. Occasionally, Francis would look disgusted when my daydreams kept me from observing that he needed my help to keep the model from collapsing as he rearranged the supporting ring stands.

By then we knew that all my previous fuss about the importance of Mg+ ions was misdirected. Most likely Maurice and Rosy were right in insisting that they were looking at the Na+ salt of DNA. But with the sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside, it did not matter which salt was pres­ent. Either would fit perfectly well into the double helix.

Bragg had his first look late that morning. For several days he had been home with the flu and was in bed when he heard that Crick and I had thought up an ingenious DNA structure, which might be important to biol­ogy. During his first free moment back in the Cavendish he slipped away from his office for a direct view. Immediately he caught on to the comple­mentary relation between the two chains and saw how an equivalence of adenine with thymine and guanine with cytosine was a logical consequence of the regular repeating shape of the sugar-phosphate backbone. As he was not aware of Chargaff’s rules, I went over the experimental evidence on the relative proportions of the various bases, noticing that he was becoming increasingly excited by its potential implications for gene replication. When the question of the x-ray evidence came up, he saw why we had not yet called up the King’s group. He was bothered, however, that we had not yet asked Todd’s opinion. Telling Bragg that we had got the organic chemistry straight did not put him completely at ease. The chance that we were using the wrong chemical formula admittedly was small, but since Crick talked so fast, Bragg could never be sure that he would ever slow down long enough to get the right facts. So it was arranged that as soon as we had a set of atomic coordinates, we would have Todd come over.

The final refinements of the coordinates were finished the following evening. Lacking the exact x-ray evidence, we were not confident that the configuration chosen was precisely correct. But this did not bother us, for we only wished to establish that at least one specific two-chain comple­mentary helix was stereochemically possible. Until this was clear, the objec­tion could be raised that, although our idea was aesthetically elegant, the shape of the sugar-phosphate backbone might not permit its existence. Happily, now we knew that this was not true, and so we had lunch, telling each other that a structure this pretty just had to exist.

With the tension now off, I went to play tennis with Bertrand, telling Francis that later in the afternoon I would write Luria and Delbruck about the double helix. It was so arranged that John Kendrew would call up Maurice to say that he should come out to see what Francis and I had just devised. Neither Francis nor I wanted the task. Earlier in the day the post had brought a note from Maurice to Francis, mentioning that he was now about to go full steam ahead on DNA and intended to place emphasis on model building.


{Max Perutz, chemist and leader of the unit at Cambridge university’s Cavendish Laboratories to which Watson and Crick belonged.]


content Questions

1.Why must Watson and Crick find a “solution to the bases” before going forward with the polynucleotide backbone?


2.Why is hydrogen bonding the central problem in finding a solution to the bases?


3.Why were the initial tautomeric forms of guanine and thymine incorrect?


4.What was the correct alternative to “like-with-like pairing”? (


5.Why must the “backbones of the two chains ... run in opposite directions”?


6.How does the double helix resemble a “spiral staircase”?


7.Why did Watson and Crick, without the confirmation of x-ray evidence, believe that “a structure this pretty just had to exist”? (



Application Questions

1.What is the “essential trick” of gene replication? Explain how the Watson-Crick model for the structure of DNA accounts for the precise replication of genetic material.


2.What are the specific roles of the enzymes that catalyze DNA replication?


3.Explain how the sequence of bases in DNA determines the sequence in which amino acids are linked in protein synthesis.


4. Using the additional data that scientists have collected since the Watson-Crick discovery explain why one strand of DNA is copied continuously while the other is copied in discontinuous segments.


5.Following the initial publication of Watson and Crick’s conclusions, what kinds of experimental evidence helped to confirm their model for the structure of DNA?


6.What are the similarities and differences we now know to exist among prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and organelle DNA structure and replication?


7.What is our current understanding of how the sequence of bases in DNA determines the sequence in which amino acids are linked together in protein synthesis? How does DNA’s control of protein synthesis allow it to regulate cellular structure and function?