lWaves are of practical significance to us...they may swamp a small boat,

lsmash supertankers,

l damage offshore structures,

lforce commercial vessels to slow their speed,

ldamage shore structures,


lmake students skip school when they want to surf and…

ldetermine what adaptations organisms along the shoreline must have in order to exist there.


lWaves are mechanical energy that has been transferred from wind, earthquakes, landslides, or other waves to the ocean water.

lMost of the transfer is by wind and waves travel outward from the energy source. As more energy is supplied, waves become larger.





lProperties of waves

l3 factors that determine size of wind generated waves.

l1. time of contact

l2. velocity of wind

l3. fetch-distance over which wind is in contact with water.



lAny one of these factors can limit the wave height.

lIf the wind speed is low, it doesn't matter how far and how long the wind blows over the water, no large waves will be produced.



lIf the wind speed is great but short, again, no large waves will be formed and strong wind over a short area will also not produce large waves.

lWhen no single limiting factor is present, large waves can form at sea. (40-50' S).



lA typical fetch for a local storm is about 500 miles and with the storm moving,

l and the storm winds circulation around the low pressure area,






l The winds can continue to follow the waves on the side of the storm which increases fetch and duration of time over which the wind can add energy to the waves.

lWaves up to 49 feet are not uncommon and the wave lengths can be between 330-600 feet.


lGiant waves over 100' are rare but a Navy Tanker (USS Ramapo)in 1933 encountered a Typhoon and riding on the downside to ease the ride, was overtaken by waves that when measured against the ships superstructure by the officer on watch were 112'high.



lThe period was 14.8 seconds and the wave speed was 90'/sec (60 mph). While conditions to produce waves of this size occur, none have been well documented (or have survived).



lThe portion of the wave that is elevated above the undisturbed sea surface is the crest.

lThe portion that is depressed below the surface is the trough.



lThe distance between two successive crests or two successive troughs is the length of the wave or wavelength,

l and the height of the wave is the vertical distance from the top of the crest to the bottom of the trough.



lThe amplitude is equal to 1/2 the wave height or the distance from the crest or trough to the still water or equilibrium surface.

lThe period is the time required for two successive crests (or troughs) to pass a point in space.



lThe relationship between wavelength and wave periods allow math approximations to be made giving more insight to the behavior and properties of waves.





lThe particles of water get set into motion when a wave passes across the water surface.

lThe ocean wave does not represent a flow of water but a flow of motion or energy from its origin to its eventual dissipation at sea or loss against land.


lAs a wave crest approaches, the surface water particles rise and move forward.

lImmediately under the crest the particles have stopped rising and are moving forward at the speed of the crest..



lWhen the crest passes, the particles begin to fall and to slow their forward motion.

l It reaches a maximum falling speed and zero forward speed when the midpoint between crest and trough passes.


lAs the trough advances, particles slow in falling rate and start to move backward until at the bottom of the trough they reach the maximum backward speed and neither rise or fall.



lAs the remainder of the trough passes, the water particles begin to slow their backward speed and start to rise again, until the mid-point between the crest and trough passes.



lNow they start their forward motion and continue to rise with the advancing crest.

lThe motion creates a circular path or orbit for the water particles.

lThis is the motion that causes a boat to bob!


lThe surface water particles trace an orbit whose diameter is equal to the wave height.

lThe same motion is transferred to the water particles below but less energy of motion is found at each succeeding depth.

lThe diameter of the orbits decrease and become smaller and smaller as the depth increases.



l At a depth of 1/2 the wavelength, the orbital motion has decreased to almost zero.



lIt is possible to relate the wavelength and period of the wave in order to determine the wave's speed.

l The speed of the wave (C) is equal to the length of the wave (L) divided by the period (T):

lSpeed = length/period or C=L/T


lParticles in the ocean are set into an elliptical motion as wind energy acts on water.

lThe energy of the particles move (is transferred) through the ocean, not the particles.

lTheir movement makes the waves shape.


lThe vertical height-from the top of the crest to bottom of trough is the wave height.

•The time between successive crests/troughs passing a fixed point is the period of a wave.



lSharp peaks are called seas and as waves move out of their area.

lThe crests become rounded forming a swell, a long, low wave that can travel thousands of miles.



lAs the wave approaches the shallow water, it changes shape. –

lthe wave length decreases. –

lthe height increases as particles encounter resistance from the bottom.



lThe pathway of the particles become more elliptical as it gets closer to the coastline.

l  ..bottom resistance slows the waves.

l ..shortens wave length when depth is 1/2 wavelength.


lWhen depth decreases less than 1/2 wavelength (or 1.3x height)

l   the frictional drag along the bottom

land forward motion of the wave and steepness of the crest causes the wave to break or collapse against the shore.



lStored energy is released as the water falls against the shore.




lBreakers are formed in the surf zone because the water particle motion at-depth is affected by the bottom, slowed down, and compressed vertically. The orbit speed of the particles near the crest are not slowed too much so…….


lparticles move faster toward the shore than the wave itself.

lThe crest can curl and eventually break (fall over).

lThere are two types, plungers and spillers.



lPlunging breakers are usually found on a steep beach, the curling crest outruns the rest of the wave curves over the air below it and breaks with a sudden loss of energy and a splash.

l Spilling waves occur at flatter beaches and consists of turbulent water and bubbles flowing down the collapsing wave face.


lMarine organisms along the ocean are affected by wave actions.

l Sandy and rocky shores, exposed to the direct assault of strong waves are known as a high energy environment, as opposed to beaches in protected estuaries, bays and lagoons which is a low energy environment.


lWinter usually has higher crests and shorter wave lengths than summer thus release more energy on the shore.



lMost waves at sea are progressive wind waves.

lThey are build up by the wind, restored by gravity and travel in a particular direction.

lThese waves are formed in local active storm centers or by steady winds of the trade wind and westerly wind belts.


lAn active storm may be large, with unsteady winds and varying directions and strength.

lThe winds in the storm flow in a circular pattern around the low-pressure storm center creating waves that move outward and away from the storm in all directions.



lIn the storm center, the sea surface is jumbled with waves of all heights, lengths and periods.

lThere are no regular patterns.

l Sailors call this a sea.

l As waves are being generated, they are forced to get larger by the input of energy forced waves.


lDue to variations in the winds of the storm area, energy at different intensities is transferred to the sea surface at different rates, resulting in waves with a variety of periods and heights.



lOnce a wave is created with its period, the period doesn't change.

lThe speed may change but the period remains the same.

lThe period is a constant property of the wave until the wave is lost by breaking at sea, through friction, or crashing against the shore.










lWaves transport water toward the beach in the surf zone.

lThere is a drift of water in the direction the waves are traveling and is intensified in the surf zone and with the waves approaching the beach at an angle, the transport of water moves both toward and along the beach.


lThis water must flow seaward again and will in a quieter zone with smaller waves.

lBecause these regions may be some distance apart, and narrow, the water may flow out quickly forming a rip current.




lWaves usually approach the shore at an angle and when one end of the crest comes in and feels the bottom and the other end is still in deeper water, the shallow water end slows and because the deep water part is still traveling the same speed, the wave crests bend, or refract.




lWhen a wave passes its energy though a narrow opening, some wave energy will pass through to the other side and once through the energy radiates out and away from the gap.




lA steep, vertical barrier in water deep enough to prevent waves from breaking will reflect the waves..



lPeriods of excessive high water due to changes in the atmospheric pressure and the wind's action on the sea surface are called storm surges or storm tides.

lThese are not typical waves but share characteristics of curving sea surfaces and produce like effects to that of tsunamis.




lOnce energy or generating forces no longer effect the waves, the forced waves become free waves moving at speeds due to their periods and wavelengths.

lSome waves produced have long wavelengths and long periods and have a greater speed than those with short.


lThey gradually move through and ahead of the slower ones and escape the storm and appear as a regular pattern of undulating crests and troughs moving across the sea surface.

lOnce away from the storm these waves are called swell.


lThey carry considerable energy which they lose very slowly..

lThe movement of the faster through and ahead of the slower waves is called sorting or dispersion.

l Groups of these faster waves move as wave trains or packets of similar waves with about the same period and speed (sets).




lEarthquakes are often responsible for producing seismic sea waves or tsunamis. They are called tidal waves (incorrectly) and formed if in an area the earths crust suddenly raised or lowered.



lEnergy is transferred to water as the coastal plates shift.

lTravel through the sea at 100+ mph with a wave length of 100miles when reaching the coast, wave lengths shorten and heights can increase to 100'.


lThe displacement causes a sudden rise or drop of the sea level and gravity causes the water to quickly fill it in. Waves with long wave lengths are produced (100-200km) and periods of 10-20 min



lTo create a wave, a generating force is required.

lThis is a result of a pulse of energy which produces waves (throw a stone etc.)

lThe waves produced by the generating force moves away from the point of disturbance.


lWhen the rock hits the surface, it disturbs and displaces the water surface.

l As the rock sinks, the displaced water flows back into the space from all sides and its momentum forces it upward resulting in a higher surface.


lThe elevated water falls back causing a depression below the surface, which is filled and

l in turn sets up a series of waves that move outward and away from the point of disturbance

luntil they are dissipated through friction among the water molecules.


lThe force that causes water to return to the level of undisturbed surface is the restoring force.

lThis has to do with the surface tension (elastic quality of the surface due to the cohesive behavior of the water molecules.)

lThis affects smaller waves, but larger waves are pulled back by the force of gravity and are called gravity waves.


lThe most common generating force for water waves is moving air or wind.


lAs the wind blows across a smooth water surface, the friction or drag between air and water tends to stretch the surface resulting in wrinkles

l. Surface tension acts to restore a smooth surface.

lThe wind and surface tension create small waves called ripples or capillary waves.


lYou can see these as wind moves over a smooth surface of a pond or lake, and are called cat's paws as they move across the surface keeping pace with the wind.



lAs the wind blows, energy is transferred to the water over large areas, for varying lengths of time, and at different intensities.

lAs waves form, the surface becomes rougher, and its easier for the wind to grip the roughened water surface and add energy .


lAs the wind energy is increased, the oscillations of the water surface becomes larger and the restoring force changes from surface tension to gravity.

lA wave is a result of the interaction between a generating force and a restoring force.


lGenerating forces include any occurrence that adds energy to the sea surface:

l wind,


lsea-bottom faulting or slipping,

lmoving ships,

land even thrown objects.




lLarge waves that suddenly appear at sea unrelated to local conditions are called epsodic waves.

lIt occurs due to the combination of intersecting wave trains, depths and currents.



l Not much is known and when they do occur and swamp ships, witnesses are often removed.

lThey occur near the continental shelf in water about 600' deep and in some areas with prevailing wind, wave and current patterns


lThere is a maximum height for any given wavelength.

lThis value is determined by the ratio of the wave's height to the wave's length and is the measure of steepness of the wave:

lSteepness = height/length or S=H/L



lIf the height to length ratio exceeds 1:7, the wave is too steep, the crest angle will be sharper than 120' and the wave is unstable and will break.

l A wave length of 70m will cause a wave to break when it exceeds 10m (1:7).


lWhitecaps have very short wavelengths(about 1m) and break because the wind increases their height rapidly...quicker than the wavelength increases.

l Also when wave trains pass through each other, the quick increase in height can cause these waves to break (even in the middle of the ocean).