Marine Mammal Questions
Marine Mammals I
1. Why is warm blooded considered an advantage in the marine environment?
2. What is the difference between the heat exchange system in the mammals and the tuna?
3. How much time do the following spend feeding? Seabirds/whales/dolphins
4. What is the limitation of warmblooded marine organisms?
5. Why can't cetaceans survive on land?
6. What is the difference between Odontoceti and Musticeti?
7. How have Cetaceans adapted to be streamlined?
8. What is the difference between eared and true seals?
9. What are some adaptations of the walrus?
10. What is the ecological importance of sea otters?
11. What is blubber? How do mammals build it up? What use is it?
12. Do birds have fat reserves? What use are they?
13. Where are the nostrils found in Cetaceans? Pinnipeds?
14. How is breathing similar in Cetaceans and pinnipeds?
15. Where do marine mammals get fresh water?
16. How do marine birds and mammals conserve water and get rid of salt?
Marine mammals II
1. What insulates the bodies of marine mammals?
2. How do sea otters keep warm?
3. How do marine birds and mammals eat?
4. What grinds up their food?
5. What is odd about the pinniped digestive system?
6. How much air do cetaceans exhale? mammal?
7. What happens when a marine mammal dives?
8. What is this known as?
9. What are some adaptations for diving?
10. What is the function of the ritia mirabilia?
11. Why don't marine mammals get the bends?
12. What is an important modification of marine mammals related to respiration?
13. What causes marine mammals to migrate?
14. How have marine mammals adapted to ensure birth of their young at the correct time and how does it work?
15. Why do cetaceans use echolocation rather than sight?
16. What is meant by vocalization?