Fish lecture I
1. When did the first fish appear? What was it?
2. What two revolutionary developments changed fish and which fish did it occur in?
3. Name the four different forms fish can take, and how they pertain to the lifestyle of the fish.
4. Name the fins and their functions.
5. What are the three main types of tails fish exhibit?
6. Which fish have no stomach?
7. What use is a spiraled, coiled intestine?
8. Where does the blood go from the heart?
9. How many chambers in a fish them.
10. Where do fish obtain O2 from?
11. Where is the gill found in the fish?
12. What is the function of the gill raker?
13. What covers gill slits in (a) sharks (b) bony fish?
14. How is diffusion of O2 increased by the gills? (2 ways)
15. How does the air bladder work?
16. What is ectothermic? How does this effect the fish in (a) warm (b) cold water?
17. How can some fish stay warmer than others and their surroundings?
fish II .
1. What are chloride cells for?
2. Does color vision occur in fish? if so, what use is it?
3. How is light focused by a fish eye?
4. How does the positioning of the eyes on fish assist its vision?
5. What is the function of the inner ear of the fish?
6. What is the function of the lateral line?
7. How do fish smell food?
8. Do fish have tastebuds? What is a barbel?
9. What is electroperceptation in fish?
10. How does slime help the outer surface of the fish?
11. What are the 4 types of scales? Give an example of a fish with each.
12. What are reasons for color in fish?
13. How do chromatophores and iridocytes work for color changes?
14. Name some protective devices fish have developed.
15. What is countershading?
16. Distinguish between anadromous and catadromous?