from the answers provided and use to label the numbers on the picture.
1-4 (A)
oral arm (B) gastric filaments (C) marginal tentacles (D) sense
from the answers provided and use to label the numbers on the picture.
(A) Nematomorpha (B) Kinorhycha (C) Entoprocta (D) Hydroides (E) Nematoda
5 8 6 9 7
What part of the life cycle of the jellyfish is shown under the microscope? (A)
medussa (B) polyp (C) bryozoid (D) balanus
What organism is this? (A) Bryozoan (B) Porifera (C) Cnidaria (D) Ctenophore
12.What phylum are the structures
below found in? (A) Protozoa (B) Porifera (C) Cnidaria (D) Ctenophore (E) Brachyopoda
13. Protozoans belong to
what kingdom? (A) Animala (B) Protista (C) Plantae (D) Fungi
14. How do the Sarcomastigvphora move from one place to another? (A) pseudopodia (B) cilia (C) flagella (D) feet
15. What is the name of the organism that is a
shelled amoeba found in the sea? (A)
diatom (B) foraminiferans (C) dinoflagellates (D) pseudopodia
16. The skeleton of radiolarians is composed of
what material? (A) sodium chloride (B) calcium (C)
calcite (D) silica
17. How do tininnids move
from one place to another? (A) flagella (B)
feet (C) cilia (D) pseudopodia
18. What is the phylum name for sponges? (A) Cnidaria (B) Pseudopodia (C)
Porifera (D) Ctenophora
What is the phylum name for jellyfish? (A) Cnidaria (B) Pseudopodia (C) Porifera (D) Ctenophora
20. Which one of the following terms refers to the leaflike part
of the algae? (A) slipe (B) blade (C) holdfast (D)
air bladder
Match the following phrases to the terms indicated.
21. cilia a) mineralized
skeletal remains of plankton
22. medusa b)numerous short, hairlike cellular projections
23. nematocyst c) fiberous
material making up skeleton of sponges
ooze d) free-swiniming, jellyfish, stage of cnidarians
spongin e) venomous stinging cells in
1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 d 8 e 9 c 10 d 11 e 12 c 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 a 17 d 18 a 19 a 20 b