Lecture 1 and part of lecture 2 notes—

Hint: when printing choose “pages per sheet” and print out 2 or 4 pages per sheet of paper!

•     Expected Learning Outcomes:

•     It is expected that a student completing this class should be able to understand:

•     1.  plant structure and its relationship to plant physiology

•     2.  transport of water, nutrients and carbohydrates throughout the plant

•     3.  photosynthetic and respiratory pathways in plants

•     4.  hormonal regulation of plant function

•     5.  plant physiological response to environmental stress


•     Methods of Assessing Expected Learning Outcomes:

•     1.  In the lecture, learning outcomes will be assessed by the administration of weekly quizzes and two exams .

•     2.  In the laboratory, learning outcomes will be assessed by reviewing lab reports and  a lab final.


II.  What is Plant?

A.  Definition - by most definitions, a plant:

is multicellular;

is non-motile

has eukaryotic cells

has cell walls comprised of cellulose

is autotrophic; and

exhibits alternation of generations - has a distinctive diploid (sporophyte) and haploid (gametophyte) phase.


B.  Examples - the Plant Kingdom includes the angiosperms (flowering plants), gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants), ferns, and bryophytes (mosses & liverworts). Recent classification systems suggest that these organisms, in addition to the red algae and green algae, should be classified in the Plant Kingdom (Plantae).

III.  What is Plant Physiology?

A.  Definitions (numerous) - Plant physiology is the study of:

the functions and processes occurring in plants

the vital processes occurring in plants

how plants work


B.  In essence, plant physiology is a study of the plant way of life, which include various aspects of the plant lifestyle and survival including: metabolism, water relations, mineral nutrition, development, movement, irritability (response to the environment), organization, growth, and transport processes.

C.  Plant physiology is a lab science.

D.  Plant physiology is an experimental science.

E.  Plant physiology relies heavily on chemistry and physics.


IV. Why Study Plant physiology?

Food - plants are the route by which solar energy enters ecosystems

Economically important products - plants produce countless products from fibers to medicines to wood.  For example, you can check out the web notes for my Plants and Human Affairs course or The Society for Economic Botany 

Applications to other disciplines (i.e., agriculture, forestry, horticulture)

Theoretical importance (like a mountain - it’s there!)


Jobs! -   Check out the web sites for the American Society of Plant Biologists, Botanical Society of America, American Phytopathology Society and others.

It's fun & exciting (but, I guess not everyone necessarily agrees!)


V. The Literature of Plant Physiology   
    There is an incredible wealth of information about plant physiology. Never say, "nothing is known about...." unless you are positive. Chances are someone, somewhere, sometime, has studied the phenomena. I think it was Bertrand Russell who said something like, "it’s easier to make a scientific discovery than to discover if it’s already been discovered". Since, there’s so much literature available, it pays to learn a little about the types of resources that are available.  

    One reason why there is so much information is that plant physiology material is found in both the biological and chemical literature.


A.  Types of literature

Primary - original reports of research; journals. Two excellent journals that are published by the American Society of Plant Biology are Plant Physiology and Plant Cell, both of which are available in the Clemens Library.  We’ll check out a copy of Plant Physiology and point out volume, number, date of publication, publisher, organization, format, etc.  


Non-primary - revisions, summaries, compilations, texts. One particularly good example is Annual Review of Plant Biology.  You can also find helpful information in other volumes including the Annual Review of Phytopathology, Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics,  and Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure.  A new volume is published every year by Annual Reviews, Inc.  



The American Society of Plant Biologists has developed the following Principles of Plant Biology to provide basic plant biology concepts for science education at the K-12 levels and to help students gain a better understanding of plant biology.



•            Plants contain the same biological processes and biochemistry as microbes and animals. However, plants are unique in that they have the ability to use energy from sunlight along with other chemical elements for growth. This process of photosynthesis provides the world's supply of food and energy.


•            Plants require certain inorganic elements for growth and play an essential role in the circulation of these nutrients within the biosphere.

•            Land plants evolved from ocean-dwelling, algae-like ancestors, and plants have played a role in the evolution of life, including the addition of oxygen and ozone to the atmosphere.

•            Reproduction in flowering plants takes place sexually, resulting in the production of a seed. Reproduction can also occur via asexual propagation.


•            Plants, like animals and many microbes, respire and utilize energy to grow and reproduce.

•            Cell walls provide structural support for the plant and also provide fibers and building materials for humans, insects, birds and many other organisms.

•            Plants exhibit diversity in size and shape ranging from single cells to gigantic trees.

•            Plants are a primary source of fiber, medicines, and countless other important products in everyday use.


•            Plants, like animals, are subject to injury and death due to infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. Plants have unique ways to defend themselves against pest and diseases.

•            Water is the major molecule present in plant cells and organs. In addition to an essential role in plant structure, development, and growth, water can be important for the internal circulation of organic molecules and salts.


•            Plant growth and development are under the control of hormones and can be affected by external signals such as light, gravity, touch, or environmental stresses.

•            Plants live and adapt to a wide variety of environments. Plants provide diverse habitats for birds, beneficial insects, and other wildlife in ecosystems.



•Why a class in physiology?!
Once you receive your degree in plants, for the rest of your life you will be asked questions about how plants work. In your professional work with plants -- whether you become a garden curator, golf course superintendent, nursery manager, landscape designer, horticultural writer -- knowing what makes plants tick will help you be better at your job.

•For these reasons, we have developed a course in plant functioning, oriented to the garden/landscape.


•"Understanding how the whole factory operates and how it uses its raw materials allows us better to control the end product more effectively.  By knowing the way in which a leaf works, for example, you'll realize just how important it is to supply a plant with the conditions it needs.  Learning the internal mechanisms of a plant will give you a whole new insight into traditional gardening techniques."
                    First paragraph of the class text book, Digging Deeper: Understanding How Your Garden Works


•Why is important and interesting to study plant physiology?

•Why is this course important in our curriculum and what is the justification for our society funding research on plant science? (greater than $400 million dollars a year in Federal money)

•1)Plants are the ultimate food source for what we eat

•Trace the number of the world's population-

•very low when primarily hunters (migratory, couldn't travel with very many kids)

•started rapidly growing upon the switch to agrarian society (~10,000 years ago)


•=permanent home, stored seeds, increasing vegetable component of diet
kids more of an asset in agrarian society
need less land than for hunting, can have cities
~5 million people 10,000 years ago

•now is growing at 1.5% per year (may level off at 10-14 billion by 2100??)

•2) Plants produce the oxygen we breathe and consume CO2 we produce

•Interaction between global vegetation and the composition of the atmosphere

•atmosphere is ~0.035% CO2 now, predicted to increase to 0.06% by 2050

•plants are also sensitive to air pollution


•3) Plants are sources of many non-food products we need

•Fiber=shelter, clothing, paper


•Energy- renewable


•4) Natural curiosity

•Plant biochemistry and physiology is different from animals/bacteria

•Plants are sessile

•must endure the climate

•grow indeterminately to compete successfully

•must obtain nutrition from their immediate surroundings


•dispersal/breeding strategies have evolved

•must defend themselves-can't run & hide

•What are some of the objectives of current research in plant science?

•Increased yield of currently cultivated crops

•Need to increase yield to better feed the world population (>5.8 billion)

•we have made big increases in crop production over the past 30 years and mostly due to increased yield=green revolution

•yield is often proportional to input-more fertilizer, water, pesticide


•=fossil fuel products, very expensive

•yield increases in cereals-wheat and rice due to breeding; corn due to hybrid vigor

•=2.6-fold increase in world grain production since 1950 (loss of >20% of topsoil on cultivated land)
but...in much of the developing world >75% of the population is engaged in food production in the U.S. in recent decades <3% of the population produce our food

•better or faster production and allocation of photosynthate

•better resistance to diseases and pests-before and after harvest (using less pesticide)


•greater tolerance to stress-drought, salt, pollution, heat, cold

•better agricultural technique-control of weeds, ripening, growth (sustainable)

•engineering of nitrogen fixation

•Improved qualities

•more nutritious foods and feeds=better balance of essential amino acids

•ag products that require less processing

•products that yield less waste by-products

•New plants developed as cultivatable crops


•we currently derive 80% of our calories from only 6 different angiosperms (out of 235,000)-only 3,000 have ever been cultivated for food, only 150 ever widely cultivated

•New products from plants

•(Using the ability of plants to harvest solar energy for new applications)

•There has been an attitude that purification of products from plants is archaic compared to chemical synthesis in production laboratories


•Plant products as substitutes for fossil fuels

•industrial oils

•energy production

•auto fuel

•biodegradable plastics

•natural rubber

•Plant products which are medicines or using plants to produce medicines

•vaccines in plants-i.e. oral vaccines in bananas to hepatitis B, rotavirus


•Plants in bioremediation

•cleaning up contaminated soils-heavy metals

•using plants to treat/clean industrial waste

•Impact of ecosystem disturbance on plants

•loss of biodiversity

•shifts in competitive advantage

•effects of changes in atmosphere

•Plants in space


I. What is Plant Physiology?

-sum of all processes and structures that contribute to the life of a plant

-plant physiology is interdisciplinary and is rapidly advancing

-relationship between structure and function is essential

-plants are dynamic organisms


II. What is a plant?

-algae, lower and higher plants - continuous variations on a theme

-our focus will primarily be on the angiosperms (higher flowering plants)

III. What are plants made up of?

-plant cells are the fundamental unit of life

-cells contain proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and many other things



Plasma membrane

-lipid bilayer in which phospholipids predominate

-highly fluid, impermeable to most polar molecules

-contains many proteins (both integral or peripheral) involved in structure and transport

Vacuoles - unique to plants

-large internal vesicle (>90% of cell volume) surrounded by tonoplast

-multiple functions- maintains turgor pressure, shape of cytoplasm, storage, regulation of cytoplasm


•A. Plasma or Cell membrane
    Cell boundary; selectively permeable; bilayer of phospholipids with inserted protein. Phospholipids are unique molecules - they are amphipathic, meaning that they have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions.  They have a glycerol backbone; one of the hydroxyls is bonded to a phosphate and another charged group, the other two hydroxyls are esterified to fatty acids.  The fatty acids range in length from C14 - C24.  One fatty acid is usually unsaturated and the other is saturated. 


•The unsaturated fatty acid is kinked which helps to keep plant cell membranes fluid at cool temperatures.  As a result plant phospholipids usually have a higher degree of unsaturation than animals.   Hydrophobic interactions between the tail regions of the phospholipids hold the membrane together. Some proteins are found: (1) just on the outside or inside surfaces of the membrane (peripheral proteins - non-covalent interactions and anchored proteins - covalently bound to lipids, etc); or (2) embedded in the membrane (integral protein), many of which span the membrane (trans-membrane proteins). 


•Hydrophilic regions of the integral proteins are oriented to the outside of the membrane whereas hydrophobic regions are embedded within the phospholipid bilayer.  Lipid soluble materials can readily pass through but charged or ionized substances (hydrophilic) pass through very slowly, if at all. The function of the membrane is to: (1) regulate traffic; (2) separate the internal from external environment; (3) serve as a platform on which some reactions can occur; (4) participate in some reactions (i.e., the membrane components are important intermediates or enzymes); and (5) provide some structural integrity for the cell.



. A typical plant cell has an external Wall, Cytoplasm and a Vacuole. The Plasmalemma is the boundary that separates the Cytoplasm and the Wall. The Tonoplast (Vacuole Membrane) is the boundary between the Vacuole and the Cytoplasm.


. If all of the Protoplasts are destroyed, the Apoplast remains like a honey-comb. The Apoplast consists of the Cell Walls and Intercellular Spaces.


 This image shows the thick and sturdy cell walls found in the Velamen of Orchids. The Protoplasts are gone and the Apoplast is all that remains. The Velamen is the white part of exposed orchid roots.


. When the Cell Wall is removed, the Protoplast is directly exposed to the outside emvironment. The Protoplast is the Plasmalemma and everything in side of it.


. If all of the Cell Walls were removed and the cells touched one another they would constitute a Symplast (Sym means together).


. Cells are interconnedcted by Plasmodesmata. The interconnected Protoplasts constitute the Symplast.


Building Blocks: Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates


•     Alcohols—an alkane with a hydroxyl group added – hydroxyl group of alcohols is hydrophilic (water-loving) attracts water. Makes it a good organic solvent


•     CH3-0H

•     The main alcohol you need to be aware of today is


•     CH3CH2CH2OH—or Propanol that has 3 OH’s--Glycerol




 -C- H






Figure 5.12 Examples of saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids





•     Lipids contain

•     • Fatty acid molecule and glycerol hydroxyl

•     combined with ester linkage

•     – saturated fat = no double bonds

•     – unsaturated fat = double bonds kinks chain

•     Fatty Acid Molecule –


•     Complex lipids

•     • phospholipids

•     – glycerol

•     – two fatty acids

•     – phosphate group


•     Phospholipids continued

•     • Phosphate group give lipid a polar head.

•     – (hydrophilic water loving)

•     • Fatty acids are hydophobic (water-fearing).

•     • In water phospholipids form a bilayer = membrane polar group facing out, fatty acids in.


•     Lipids and Water

•     Fatty acids have a hydrophobic tail

•     Causes them to form a film on water or, a sealed sphere (a micelle)

•     + hydrophilic head


Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Substances

•     A hydrophilic substance

–    Has an affinity for water

•     A hydrophobic substance

–    Does not have an affinity for water




Figure 5.14 Bilayer structure formed by self-assembly of phospholipids in an aqueous environment


Table 5.1 An Overview of Protein Functions





•     Proteins

•     • Proteins are essential for all aspects of cell structure and function.

•     – Enzymes

•     • Building block proteins = amino acids







Figure 5.18 Making a polypeptide chain



•     Amino Acids

•     • contains at least one Carboxyl group

•     • contains at least one Amino group

•     • Off of the alpha carbon

•     – R = attached groups containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and some cases sulfur.

•     – there are 20 different amino acids



•     Peptide Bonds

•     • It is another dehydration synthesis

•     – two amino acids = dipeptide

•     – three amino acid = tripeptide

•     – long, chain = polypeptide

•     • folded functional polypeptide = proteinFig. 2.8





•     Levels of Protein Structure:

•     • primary structure = unique sequence of amino acids linked together.

•     • secondary structure = twisting and folding  of polypeptide chain (helix and/or pleated sheets.

Figure 5.20 Exploring Levels of Protein Structure: Primary structure

Figure 5.20 Exploring Levels of Protein Structure:
Secondary structure

Figure 5.20 Exploring Levels of Protein Structure:
Tertiary structure


•     Protein Tertiary and Quaternary Structure

•     Nucleic Acids

•     • RNA and DNA are polynucleotides

Figure 5.20 Exploring Levels of Protein Structure: Quaternary Structure





Figure 5.22 Denaturation and renaturation of a protein


•     Carbohydrates

•     • Sugars and starches

•     • made up:

•     – carbon

•     – hydrogen

•     – oxygen

•     • C6H12O6= glucose

•     • general formula - (CH2O)n


•     Carbohydrates continued

•     • monosaccharides ( sacchar = sugar)

•     – 4 carbons = tetrose

•     – 5 carbons = pentoses

•     – 6 carbons = hexoses

•     • glucose is a hexose important living organisms.

•     – 7 carbons = heptoses


•     Carbohydrates continued

•     • disaccharides ( di = two)

•     – two monomers formed by dehydration synthesis reaction.

•     • sucrose = glucose and fructose

•     • lactose = glucose and galactose

•     • polysaccharides

•     • 10 to 100 monosaccharides joined through dehydration synthesis


•     Monosaccharides

•     (sugars)

•     Generic formula of -(CH2O)n

•     - where 3<n<8, with >2 -OH groups

•     Terminal aldehyde group (aldoses) or ketone group (ketoses)



•     • monosaccharides ( sacchar = sugar)

•      – 4 carbons = tetrose 

•     – 5 carbons = pentoses  

•     – 6 carbons = hexoses  

•     • glucose is a hexose important in living organisms.

•      – 7 carbons = heptoses



•     Monosaccharide Ring Formation

•     In aqueous solution aldehyde or ketone group reacts with the -OH group to “close” the chain into a ring structure

•     Minor differences in the spatial arrangement of atoms leads to the formation of isomers.


•     e.g. Glucose, mannose and galactose have identical formulas (C6H12O6)  but different structures

•     Allows for specific enzyme recognition and different biological effects










•     Sugar derivatives

•     Hydroxyl group of simple monosacharides can be replaced

•     Alters the physical properties of the molecule and how it reacts


Figure 5.7 Starch and cellulose structures

Figure 5.8 The arrangement of cellulose in plant cell walls





•     Disaccharide Formation

•     Hydroxyl group on the carbon that attaches to the ketone or aldehyde group

•     can change position

•     a-hydroxyl down

•     hydroxyl up

•     Also allows one monosaccharide to react with another -OH group

•     Forms a disaccharide

•     -4 Linkage


•     Disaccharide and Polysaccharide

•     Formation

•     The disaccharide formed depends on the type of monosaccharide involved

•     Glucose + Glucose = Maltose

•     Glucose + Galactose = Lactose

•     Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose



Figure 5.5 Examples of disaccharide synthesis




•     Polysaccharides are formed by multiple monosaccharides joining together in repeating units (e.g. Glycogen is a polysaccharide made of glucose)

•     Complex polysaccharides are formed by multiple different monosaccharides joining together in repeating units.

•     Complex polysaccharides are often linked to proteins or lipids



Figure 5.6 Storage polysaccharides of plants and animals


Communication Between Cells

•     Fluids and dissolved substances can pass through primary walls of adjacent cells via plasmodesmota.

–    Cytoplasmic strands extending between cells.

Cellular Components

•     Plasma Membrane

–    Composed of phospholipids arranged in two layers, with proteins interspersed throughout.

•   Some proteins extend across the entire width, while others and embedded to the outer surface.



•     Microbodies are small, spherical bodies with a single membrane, distributed throughout the cytoplasm which contain specialized enzymes.

–    Perixosomes - Serve in photorespiration.

–    Glyoxisomes - Aid in converting fat to carbohydrates.


•     Nucleus is bound by two membranes, which together constitute the nuclear envelope.

–    Structurally complex pores occupy up to one-third of the total surface area.

•     Contains fluid nucleoplasm packed with short fibers, and contain larger bodies.

–    Nucleoi composed primarily of RNA.

–    Chromatin Strands - Coil and become chromosomes.


•B. Nucleus
    The cell "brain". Surrounded by a double membrane (two phospholipid bilayers) - the nuclear membrane. Has pores.  The structure of the pores is complex comprised of a more than 100 proteins.  The pore opening is surrounding by a series of proteins and these are attached to a series radial spokes.  Nucleoplasm - matrix within nucleus. DNA, which is found in the nucleus, may be condensed into chromosomes or not (chromatin). There may be one or more nucleolus (site of ribosome production).


•The nucleus is 5-20 mm in diameter.  There is a layer of intermediate filaments (see below) just inside the nuclear envelope; called the nuclear lamina.

•C. Cytoplasm/cytosol
    The cytosol is the gel-like matrix within the cell in which the other structures are embedded.  The cytoplasm refers to the cell materials inside the membrane.



•     Ribosomes are composed of two subunits composed of RNA and proteins.

–    Ribosomal subunits are assembled within the nucleolus, released, and in association with special RNA molecules, initiate protein synthesis.

•   Have no bounding membranes.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

•     Endoplasmic Reticulum facilitates cellular communication and materials channeling.

–    Enclosed space consisting of a network of flattened sacs and tubes forming channels throughout the cytoplasm.

•   Ribosomes may be distributed on outer surface (Rough ER).

–   Associated with protein synthesis.

•   Smooth ER is devoid of ribosomes and is associated with lipid secretion.


•F. Endoplasmic reticulum
    A series of membranous tubes and sacs (cisternae) that run throughout the cell. Rough ER has ribosomes associated with it and is laminar while smooth ER lacks ribosomes and is tubular.  Totally man.  The ER has several functions including:  (1) synthesis of  lipids and membranes (smooth ER); (2) serving as a site for the synthesis of proteins by the ribosomes (rough ER); (3) transport (a type of cell 'highway' system); and (4) support.  



•     . a) formation of vesicles to transport membrane and contents of lumen; vesicles bud off ---> Golgi

•     b) modified in special cells for various functions - e.g. sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.

•     c) lipid synthesis

•     d) drug detoxification


•     2. Endoplasmic Reticulum: --double membrane continuous with nuclear membraneΛER lumen separated from cytosol

•     Rough ER contains bound ribosomes

•     Smooth ER no ribosomes



•     Dictysomes (Golgi Bodies in animals) are often bound by branching tubules that originate from the ER.

–    Involved in the modification of carbohydrates attached to proteins synthesized and packaged in the ER.

•   Polysaccharides are assembled within dictysomes, and collect in small vesicles.

–   Migrate to plasma membrane and secrete contents to the outside.


Golgi Appratus



•     3. Golgi Apparatus

•     communicates with ER via transport vesicles that bring membrane and proteins synthesized in ER

•     Golgi modifies lipids and proteins and sends them on

•     4. Lysosomes - digest macromolecules using enzymes transported from Golgia via transport vesicles






•     C. Golgi Complex ...

•     1. Intermediate step for vesicles produced by smooth ER transporting membrane and proteins

•     a) flattened discs of stacked membranes enclosing a lumen

•     b) cis face - end of Golgi where vesicles arrive; very close to or in contact with ER

•     c) trans face - opposite end from forming face; where processed vesicles are leaving

•     2. Golgi modifies products of ER

•     .




•     Mitochondria release energy produced from cellular respiration.

–    Inward membrane forms numerous folds (cristae).

•   Increase surface area available to enzymes in the matrix fluid.


•D. Mitochondria
    These organelles, like the nucleus and plastids, are double-membrane bound. They vary in shape from tubular (like sausages) to spherical.  They reproduce by fission, have their own ribosomes and DNA (a circular loop like prokaryotic cells). The inner membrane has a larger surface area so it must be folded into finger-like projections (called cristae) to fit inside the outer membrane. Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells. They are the sites of cellular respiration - process by which energy is released from fuels such as sugar.


•The mitochondria are the power plant of the cell. They are small (1-5 mm) and generally numerous (500-2000 per cell). A popular misconception is that "plants have chloroplasts, animals have mitochondria." Plant cells, at least green plant cells (i.e., leaf cells), have both.  Root cells only have mitochondria.  Mitochondrial DNA which comprises about 200 kbases, codes for some of the genes required for cellular respiration including the 70S ribosomes and components of the electron transport system. The inner membrane differs from the plasma membrane in that it has a higher protein content (70%) and unique phospholipids (i.e., cardiolipin).



•     . B. Mitochondria ... 1. Cellular Respiration -- oxidize intermediate products of metabolism to CO2 and H2O; excess free energy transformed into synthesis of ATP


•     2. Structure

•     a) Approximately 1 ΅ in diameter; may be very long in some cells




•     b) 2 membranes - inner membrane and outer membrane

•     c) inner membrane has large surface area and folds inward forming cristae; contains membrane proteins responsible for respiration and ATP synthesis

•     d) outer membrane is a sieve permeable to small molecules; intermembrane space is similar to cytoplasm in concentration of small molecules

•     e) matrix - contains enzymes responsible for many steps of metabolism, DNA, ribosomes, etc.

•     .



•     Chloroplasts are the most conspicuous plastids.

–    Each bound by double membrane.

•   Contain stroma - Enzyme-filled matrix.

•   Contain grana made up of thylakoids.

–   Thylakoid membranes contain chlorophyll.

•     Chromoplasts and Leucoplasts are additional plastids found in many plants.


•     C. Chloroplasts (member of a class of plant organelles called plastids) 1. Photosynthesis


•     a) light energy used to make ATP via mechanism similar to that in miotochodnria

•     b) ATP is used to make CH2O from CO2 and H2O

•     .


•. Organelles Unique to Plants - Plastids
    Plastids are double membrane-bound organelles in plants. They contain their own DNA (in nucleoid region) and ribosomes. They are semi-autonomous and reproduce by fission similar to the division process in prokaryotes. If plastids only arise from other plastids and can’t be built "from scratch", then where do they come from? The egg. Plastids are inherited cytoplasmically, primarily through the female - however, there are examples of paternal inheritance of plastids. 


•The plastid DNA carries several genes including the large subunit of rubisco and those for resistance to some herbicides. The chemistry of the membranes differs from the plasma membrane - plastid membranes are comprised of glycosylglycerides rather than phospholipids (the phosphate in the polar head group in glycosylglycerides is replaced with galactose or a related sugar).

•There are several types of plastids including:


•Proplastids - small, precursors to the other plastid types, found in young cells, actively growing tissues;

•Chloroplasts - sites of photosynthesis (energy capture). They contain photosynthetic pigments including chlorophyll, carotenes and xanthophylls. The chloroplast is packed with membranes, called thylakoids. The thylakoids may be stacked into pancake- like piles called grana (granum, singular). The "liquidy" material in the chloroplast is the stroma. A chloroplast is from 5-20 m in diameter and there are usually 50-200 per cell. 


•  The chloroplast genome has about 145 Kbase pairs, it is smaller than that of the mitochondria (200 kbases).  About 1/3 of the total cell DNA is extranuclear (in the chloroplasts and mitochondria);

•Chromoplasts - non-photosynthetic, colored plastids; give some fruits (tomatoes, carrots) and flowers their color;

•Amyloplasts - colorless, starch-storing plastids;

•Leucoplast - another term for amyloplast;


•Etioplast - plastid whose development into a chloroplast has been arrested (stopped). These contain a dark crystalline body, prolamellar body, which is essentially a cluster of thylakoids in a somewhat tubular form.

•    Plastids can differentiate and convert from one form into another. For example, think about the ripening processing in tomato. Initially, green tomatoes have oodles of chloroplasts which then begin to accumulate lycopene (red) and become chromoplasts. Usually you find only chromoplasts or chloroplasts in a cell, but not both.





•     . 2. Structure

•     a) 2 - 5 ΅ in diameter

•     b) 3 membranes - outer membrane, inner membrane, and thylakoid membrane

•     c) stroma - within inner membrane; contains enzymes for metabolism, DNA, ribosomes, etc.

•     d) thylakoids - disc-like sacks which stack producing grana. Contain membrane proteins which absorb light and make ATP.




•     What are some of the structural features of chloroplasts?

Endosymbiotic Hypothesis

•     What led to the formulation of this hypothesis?



•. Others 

•Microbodies - a general term for any single membrane bound organelle typically derived from the ER that contain catalase and/or hydrogen peroxide producing enzymes. This includes the peroxisomes and glyoxisomes;

•Microsomes - a "biochemical" term for the fraction that is obtained from high speed centrifugation of cell homogenates. It includes membrane fragments and ribosomes.


•G. Peroxisomes
    Membrane sac containing enzymes for metabolizing waste products from photosynthesis, fats and amino acids. Hydrogen peroxide is a product of metabolism in peroxisomes.  Catalase, which breaks down the peroxide is also present and serves as a marker enzyme for these organelles.

•H. Glyoxisomes
    Membrane sac containing enzymes for fat metabolism. Especially common in seeds. Also contain catalase.


•     E. Vacuoles: large vesicles used to segregate some compounds from the rest of the cell

•     1. Food Vacuoles -- produced by phagocytosis (plasma membrane enveloping large particles)

•     2. Plant Central vacuoles ... a) storage of organic compounds (including proteins) and inorganic ions

•     b) serves the functions of lysosomes in plant cells

•     .


•     5. Vacuoles; commonly found in plant cells and yeast taking the place of lysosomes

•     6. Plasma Membrane

•     receives protein and lipid synthesized in ER and modified in Golgi communicates via transport vesicles

•     .


•     In mature cells, 90% of volume may be taken up by central vacuoles bounded by vacuolar membranes (tonoplasts).

–    Filled with cell sap which helps maintain pressure within the cell.

–    Also frequently contains water-soluble pigments.


•V. Organelles Unique to Plants - Vacuoles    
    This is the large, central cavity containing fluid, called cell sap, found in plant cells.  he vacuole is surrounded by a membrane (tonoplast). Back to the water balloon in the box model - imagine the vacuole to be analogous to another water balloon inside our protoplast balloon. This water balloon is a separate entity that can be physically removed from the cell. The vacuole is penetrated by strands of cytoplasm - transvacuolar strands.



•    The tonoplast and plasma membrane have different properties such as thickness (tonoplast thicker).

•    Virtually every plant cell has a large, well-developed vacuole that makes up to 90% or more of the cell volume. Wow! Meristematic and embryonic cells are exceptions. Young tissues have many small vacuoles. As the cell grows the vacuoles expand and eventually coalesce. These small vacuoles appear to be derived from the Golgi.


•    The central vacuole contains water, ions, organic acids, sugars, enzymes, and a variety of secondary metabolites.  Among the hydrolytic enzymes are proteases (digest protein), ribonucleases (digest RNA) and glycosidases (break links between monosaccharides).  These enzymes are typically not used for recycling cellular components but rather leak out on cell senescence.  There are smaller lytic vacuoles, which contain digestive enzymes, that are used for this purpose.  Another type of vacuole, protein bodies, are vacuoles that store proteins. 


Other Structures


Cell wall

-primary wall - primarily cellulose, as well as hemicellulose, pectins - elastic to allow growth

-secondary wall - highly lignified for strength


-membrane lined channels between cells, part of symplast








. Plasmodesmata are narrow channels in the cell wall. There is continuity between the Cytoplasm and Plasma Membranes of adjacent cells. Consequently, the Protoplasts of each cell are in direct communion, and constitute the Symplast.

Molecules can pass from one cell to another via Plasmodesmata (Symplast).


Molecules can also move through the Apoplast but they must cross the Plasmalemma to enter the Symplast.

The movement of Molecules in the Apoplast is governed by the rules of Chemistry and Physics.

The Movement of Molecules in the Symplast is also governed by the rules above plus the rules of Biology.



•. Cell Wall Composition

•Polysaccharides (Polymers made from Sugars) constitute most of the cell wall.

•Cellulose is a  Polymer of Glucose
Hemicellulose has Glucose as one of its principal components.
Pectins are principally composed of acidic sugars like galacturonic acid.

•Phenolic Compounds like Lignin may be present.



•. Proteins constitute a small fraction of the wall.

•Structural Proteins are frequently present.

•Elastin is a protein which appears to function in Wall Loosening.

•Extensin adds Rigidity to the wall.

•Enzymes may be present.



. The Principal Functions of the Cell Wall are to regulate Cell



Ecological Importance

•Cell Walls constitute the Major Component of  Carbon Flow through Ecosystems

•Dead cell Walls help determine Soil Structure


. Functional Overview

The Cell Wall is a Cellular Exoskeleton (External) & thus provides Structural Support.

It is Necessary for the development of  Specialized Cell Shapes. Otherwise, all cells would be spherical.

It is Required for Water Relations (Turgor Pressure would not develop without a Cell Wall).




•     Making Fuel from Plant Biomass: One Plant Biologist’s View

•     You all know that an important target of recent public and private initiatives is to make the production of biofuels, ethanol and other energy-rich small molecules, economically sustainable.


•     The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuels requires the integration of many harvest, “postharvest”, and physical, chemical and biochemical process engineering steps.

•     Lignocellulosic biomass = plant cell walls!

•     Who must be involved in research to make the utilization of plant biomass for energy production feasible?


•     Microbiologists - discovery of microbes for efficient conversion of diverse biomass-derived small molecules into “energy” molecules and descriptions of ways to manage these microbes optimally

•     Engineers - systems for efficient field to “pump” harvest, production and delivery and development of machines for optimal use of new fuels and energy sources

•     Enzymologists - identification of enzymes to use to optimize the breakdown of biomass polymers into useful small molecules for microbe use


•     There are many ways that researchers in the Plant Sciences department can and should be involved:

•     Identification of wild and cultivated plants that have qualities that suit them for use as feedstocks for bioenergy production

•     Genetic improvement of these plants to further enhance their potential utility

•     Devising crop management (pre- and postharvest) systems


•     Identifying potential problems with sustainability (loss of soil organic content, use/overuse of fertilizers, etc.)

•     Identifying and testing of strategies for making plants more compatible with the bioconversion process itself

•     The fundamental “building block” of the plant body is the plant cell.  The outer boundary of the plant cell is the cell wall.



•     Cell walls are primary (1°)

•     1° walls are extensible.

•     They have little (or no) lignin, they may contain simple phenolic cross-links.

•     Cell walls are secondary (2°)

•     2° walls are not extensible (they are found in support tissues, water-conducting cells).

•     They contain lignin.

•     They are produced by cells to the inside of the 1°cell wall, just outside of the cell membrane.

•     A given plant has both 1° and 2° walls.



•     The plant cell wall

•     Is an important source of strength (rigidity) for plant cells and, as such, supports the shape of plant cells, tissues and organs.

•     It is also an important barrier to pathogens and insects.  They generally try to breach that barrier by producing and secreting cell wall-degrading enzymes.

•     However, because the barrier is made of sugars and amino acids, the wall itself is also food for insects and pathogens.


•     Because of its composition, the wall is also a potentially important feedstock for production of biofuels …particularly if we can learn to operate like insects and pathogens and take it apart efficiently.

•     An engineering view of this wall might compare it to a reinforced concrete slab.

•     Cellulose &  hemicellulosic polysaccharides are the rebar and wire

•     Pectins are the concrete

•     Two interacting networks fill the same space. But, this is a fabric and it has porosity. 



•     A flow diagram for field-to-fuel utilization of the ligno-cellulose in crop residues or dedicated biomass energy crops would look something like this:

•     Plant cultivation & management

•     Harvest & postharvest management

•     Pretreatment

•     Cellulose digestion

•     Fermentation



•     One important goal of pretreatment is to make the cellulose of biomass more accessible to cellulases.  Pretreatment should:

•     open up the organization of the cell wall so that enzymes can reach cellulose…and

•     open up the cellulose microfibril so that cellulases can digest the individual glucose polymers more rapidly and completely.


•     Our impression is that lessening the costs (energy, environmental protection/clean-up, physical plant) for biomass pretreatments is an important goal.  Another goal would be to use, rather than lose, the sugars in non-cellulosic polymers.

•     What shape would plant participation in the conversion process have? 

•     How would we go about convincing the plant to help us out?

•     We feel that the keys to answering these questions can be found in an understanding of the ways plant cells make, assemble and disassemble their cell walls.


•     The cell wall of a grain or biomass crop could be genetically manipulated so that a more “biomass conversion compliant” wall is made.  That is, we could genetically engineer changes in the wall’s make-up.

•     In this age of molecular biology, researchers have identified many of the genes that encode cell wall proteins and enzymes that are important in the synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides and lignin.

•     Lignin is a particularly good target for this approach.  Lignin makes forage crops less digestible and makes the production of pulp for paper manufacture more expensive.  It gets in the way!


•     However, the plant has to function as a plant before its cell walls are to be available for production of biofuels and cell walls play important roles in plant development.

•     Modifying a plant’s production of its wall to improve bioconversion is likely to be the goal for a long-term project.

•     The other approach to manipulating cell wall participation in bioconversion is to enhance the plant’s natural talent for disassembly of its own cell walls. 

•     All plants actively modify their cell walls, at specific times, as they grow and develop. 


•     Can we enhance and manage this innate  capacity for wall breakdown so as to make biomass and crop plants that assist in their own bioconversion?

•     Pathogens break down cell walls of their plant hosts, if plant cells are to grow they must selectively digest their own cell walls, when fruits ripen they digest their cell walls so that the fruits soften,  etc.

•     The messages from these observations are that:

•     In nature there is a great diversity of cell wall digesting enzymes


•     Plants and microbes can synthesize cell wall-digesting enzymes and export them into the cell wall space

•     With either tomato fruit “fate”, wall disassembly is accomplished with the secretion of wall-digesting enzymes into the cell wall space.

•     Those very skilled individuals who worked to drop the Seattle Super Dome directly into the space where it had been sitting for several years studied its structure intensively before they decided where to place their explosive charges.


•     We know a great deal about the structure that we want to deconstruct.

•     Can we identify the correct “enzymatic charges” needed to deconstruct cell walls?

•     Can we manage the timing of our internal explosion?


•     We have proposed to Chevron to enhance the value of wheat as a biofuel feedstock by engineering the start of xylan disassembly after the grain has ripened and been harvested.

•     The idea is that this self-digestion will reduce (perhaps eliminate) the need for expensive pretreatments, thus making wheat cell wall bioconversion and production of biofuel more economical.



Cells and Tissues

-Cell types

-parenchyma - generalized thin-walled cell with many forms and functions
-collenchyma - unevenly thickened wall
-sclerenchyma - highly thickened and lignified wall

Vascular system - the plumbing system

-Located in central cylinder (stele) of root, and in vascular bundles in stems and leaves



Meristematic Cells

Meristematic cells give rise to all three fundamental mature cell types. Their major function is cell division, and so their cell cycle indeed cycles. The walls are thin, the vacuole is largely missing, the plastids are immature, etc. The stages of mitosis and cytokinesis are reviewed.


Parenchyma Cells

These cells are the biochemistry machines of the plant. They are alive at maturity and are specialized in any number of structural and biochemical ways. Other than support functions, this cell type is the basis for all plant structure and function.


Parenchyma cells have thin primary walls, and highly functional cytoplasm. The cells are alive at maturity and are responsible for a wide range of biochemical function. For example, other than xylem in vascular bundles, the leaf is composed of parenchyma cells. Some, as in the epidermis, are specialized for light penetration, regulating gas exchange, or anti-herbivory physiology. Other cells, as in the mesophyll, are specialized for photosynthesis or phloem loading.


•     Parenchyma Tissues are usually massive and contain many adjacent Parenchyma cells. This image is from a stem, stained with Toluidine Blue.


•      Parenchyma cells can be elongated, Parenchyma cells can be branched.



Collenchyma Cells

Collenchyma cells are also alive at maturity and have only a primary wall. These cells mature from meristem derivatives. They pass briefly through a stage resembling parenchyma, however they are determined to differentiate into collenchyma, and this fact is quite obvious from the very earliest stages. Plastids do not develop and secretory apparatus (ER and Golgi) proliferates to assist in the accumulation of additional primary wall. This is laid down where three or more cells come in contact. Areas of wall where only two cells come in contact remain as thin as those of parenchyma cells.


•     Collenchyma cells bear a strong resemblance to Parenchyma. However, they have some distinguishing traits. They occur in groups just beneath the Epidermis. They have a primary cell wall which contains lots of pectins. Thus, they stain pink with Toluidine Blue. The cell wall is unevenly thickened, however.


•     The thickenings can occur at the corners of adjacent cells. This is called Angular Collenchyma. This is illustrated in this embossed image.


Sclerenchyma Cells

These cells are hard and brittle (as you might expect from the root: scler-. The cells develop an extensive secondary cell wall (laid down on the inside of the primary wall). This wall is invested with lignin, making it extremely hard. Lignin, plus suberin and/or cutin make the wall waterproof as well. Thus, these cells cannot survive for long as they cannot exchange materials well enough for active (or even maintaining) metabolism. They are typically dead at functional maturity...the cytoplasm is missing by the time the cell can begin to carry out its function.


Functions for sclerenchyma cells include discouraging herbivory (hard cells that rip open digestive passages in small insect larval stages, hard cells forming a pit wall in a peach fruit), support (the wood in a tree trunk, fibers in large herbs), and conduction (hollow cells lined end-to-end in xylem with cytoplasm and end walls missing).

Sclerenchyma includes the fibers used for making thread and fabric...particularly the fibers from flax that are spun and woven into linen..


•     Sclereid under construction. Note the similarity in shape to the Parenchyma cell above. However, note the difference  in wall thickness. The new wall is called Secondary and is deposited after the cell has ceased enlargement.


•     Parenchyma cells can eventually develop into Sclerenchyma cells. However, this is not usually the case. The distinguishing features of Sclerenchyma are the presence of a thick Secondary Wall which has highly organized cellulose microfibrils, and usually contains Lignin. Viewed with Phase optics.



The design and function is to build and maintain the special unevenly thick primary cell wall. The cells are also typically quite elongate. The role of this cell type is to support the plant in areas still growing in length. The primary wall lacks lignin that would make it brittle, so this cell type provides what could be called plastic support. Support that can hold a young stem or petiole into the air, but in cells that can be stretched as the cells around them elongate. Stretchable support (without elastic snap-back) is a good way to describe what collenchyma does. Parts of the strings in celery are collenchyma.

Meristematic Tissues

•     Meristems - Permanent regions of active cell division.

–    Apical Meristems - Found at the tips of roots and shoots.

•   Increase in length as the apical meristems produce new cells (primary growth).

–   Primary Meristems
»  Protoderm
»  Ground Meristem
»  Procambium

Meristematic Tissues

–    Lateral Meristems - Produce tissues that increase the girth of roots and stems.

•   Secondary Growth

–   Vascular Cambium - Produces secondary tissues that function primarily in support and conduction.
»  Thin cylindrical cells.
–   Cork Cambium - Lies outside vascular cambium just inside the outer bark.

Meristematic Tissues

•     Grasses and related plants do not have vascular cambium or cork cambium, but do have apical meristems in the vicinity of the nodes.

–    Intercalary meristems

•   Develop at intervals along stems where they add to stem length.

Tissues Produced By Meristems

•     Simple Tissues

–    Parenchyma - Composed of parenchyma cells. Tend to have large vacuoles and many contain various secretions.

–   Aerenchyma - Parenchyma tissue with extensive connected air spaces.
–   Chlorenchyma - Parenchyma cells containing chloroplasts.

Simple Tissues

–    Collenchyma - Contain living cytoplasm and may live an extended time.

•   Provide flexible support for organs.

–    Sclerenchyma - Cells with thick, tough, secondary walls, normally impregnated with lignin.

•   Sclerids - Stone Cells

•   Fibers - Contain Lumen

Complex Tissues

•     Complex tissues are made up of two or more cell types.

–    Xylem - Chief conducting tissue for water and minerals absorbed by the roots.

•   Vessels - Made of vessel elements.

–   Long tubes open at each end.

•   Tracheids - Tapered at the ends with pits that allow water passage between cells.

•   Rays - Lateral conduction.

Complex Tissues

–    Phloem - Conducts dissolved food materials produced by photosynthesis throughout the plant.

•   Sieve Tube Members - Large, cylindrical

–   Sieve Plates - Porous region

•   Companion Cells - Narrow, tapered


Complex Tissues

–    Epidermis  - Outermost layer of cells.

•   One cell thick

–   Most secrete fatty substance, cutin, on the surface of the outer walls.
»  Forms cuticle.

•   Root epidermal cells produce root hairs.

•   Leaves have stomata bordered by pairs of guard cells.


Complex Tissues

–    Periderm - Constitutes outer bark.

•   Primarily composed of cork cells.

–   Cytoplasm of corks cells secretes suberin into the walls.

•   Some parts of cork cambium form loosely arranged pockets of parenchyma cells that protrude through the surface of the periderm.

–   Lenticels



Complex Tissues

–    Secretory Cells and Tissue

•   Secretory cells may function individually or as part of a secretory tissue.

–   Flower nectar
–   Citrus oils
–   Glandular hair mucilage
–   Latex



-consists of hollow tracheids and vessel members

-dead at functional maturity; highly lignified cells involved in water transport and structure


-consists of sieve tube cells and companions

-alive at functional maturity, but has no nucleus; involved in dissolved solute transport


-Roots, leaves, stems

-variety is key



•     Xylem is clearly visible in the attached illustration.  It is harder to specifically identify the Phloem.




Plant Cell Types

This lecture on plant cell types derives primarily from a series of slides presented in lecture to support the lecture handout: