Fungi Chapter Review Answers

 1) absorption of nutrients

 2) insect exoskeleton … fungal cell walls

 3)  prokaryotes

 4)  exoenzymes

 5)  Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose microfibrils.

 6) gap junctions; plasmodesmata

 7) absorbing nutrients

 8)  The protective coats of both groups are made of chitin.

 9)  pores in septal walls

 10) a rapid distribution of synthesized proteins by cytoplasmic streaming

 11) composed of hyphae. …referred to as a mycelium.usually underground. 

 12) chitin

 13) less chitin.

 14)  polyphyletic

 15)  yeasts

 16)  results in heterokaryotic cells.

 17)  diploid

 18)  karyogamy

 19) 100; 7

 20)  haploid

 21) S phase

 22)  plasmogamy

 23) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage.

 24) pheromones

25)  Deuteromycota

 26)  Deuteromycota

 27) 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules in flagella

 28 animal sperm cells and chytrid zoospores.

 29) chytrids and fungi 

 30) colonization of land and loss of flagellated cells

 31) flagellated zoospores

 32)  by convergent evolution.

 33)  It should produce fewer fermentation products per unit time.

 34) animals. 

 36) conidia. 

C 37)  This phylum contains the mushrooms, shelf fungi, and puffballs. 

D 38)  Members of this phylum form arbuscular mycorrhizae.

 39)  the roots of vascular plants 

 40) asexual structures that produce haploid spores 

 41)  zygomycete

 42)  sexual structures

 43) haustoria and arbuscles

 44)  ascomycete

 45) lichens

 46)  conidium

 47) basidiomycetes

 48) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3

 49) basidia; Basidiomycota

 50) cytoplasmic streaming

 51) conidiophores

 52)  dead organic matter 

 53)  antibiotics.

 54)  cyanobacteria. .. green algae.

 55)  small clusters of fungal hyphae surrounding photosynthetic cells.

 56)  mutualistic.

 57)  Most vascular plants would be stunted in their growth.

 58) Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.

 59) lichens are not purely mutualistic relationships.

 60) They provide organic nutrients to fungal partners.

 61)  fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae.

 62)  spore production.

 63)  It should have lacked peptidoglycan in its cell wall. It was probably a green alga. It was probably not a member of the domain Bacteria. It was probably not a heterotrophic prokaryote.

 64).. They are currently classified among the deuteromycetes. .. They do not form heterokaryons. .. Their spores are produced by mitosis.

 65)  reduce competition for nutrients.

 66)  soredia

 67) aflatoxins.

 68)  AIDS.

 69)  form mycoses on leaves and stems.

 70)  meiosis.

 71)  diploid zygote.

 72)  heterokaryotic stage of the fungal life cycle

 73)  asci.

 74)  four

 75)  heterotrophic

 76) flagellated spores

 77)  conidiophores

 78)  Candida albicans, which causes vaginal yeast infections

 79)  an extensive surface area well suited for absorptive nutrition.

 80) zygomycetes.

 81)  have long-lived dikaryotic mycelia. 

 82) the fast-growing mycelia of any asexually reproducing fungus

 83)  green alga.

 84)  animals.