
Chapter 28: Protists EVEN

Protist answers

2) euglenozoa

 4)  Various combinations of prokaryotic ancestors gave rise to different lineages of protists.

 6)  from engulfed, originally free-living prokaryotes

 8)  horizontal gene transfer

10)  cyanobacteria    green algae    green plants

 12)  a system that uses as many kingdoms as necessary to be accurate

 14) It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis.

 16)  have membrane-bounded sacs under their plasma membrane

18)  multicellular diploid forms.

 20) diplomonads

 22)  Like protozoans, they are unicellular.  Like animals, many are heterotrophic. Like plants, many are photosynthetic.

24)  1 and 4

26)  Trypanosoma kinetoplast chlorarachniophytes nucleomorph

 28)  choanoflagellates

 30) The organism that causes malaria is transmitted to humans by the bite of the tsetse fly.

 32)  conjugation


36) a 

 38)  b

40) diatom

42)  green alga : fungal partner of lichen dinoflagellate : reef-building coral animal alga : certain foraminiferans

44) brown algae

 46)  a feeding plasmodium.

 48) cercozoans

50)  radiolarians

 52) SSU-rRNA sequences.

 54) They possess pigments that reflect and transmit red light.

 56)  red algae

 58are unicellular. 

60) b  

62)  a 

 Biology, 7e (Campbell)

Chapter 28: Protists

Protist answers odd

 1) eukaryotic.

 3)  2, 3, and 5

5)  mitochondria and chloroplasts

 7)  are roughly the same size as bacteria. contain circular DNA molecules. have ribosomes that are similar to those of bacteria. 

 9)  cyanobacteria

 11)  occurred many times. involved endosymbiosis on multiple occasions. allowed for the formation of both complexity and multicellularity.

 13) the need to suspend judgment until enough evidence is available to make an informed decision

the need to be willing to change or drop one's hypotheses when the data warrant it

 15) almost all eukaryotes have mitochondria, while only autotrophic eukaryotes generally have plastids. 

 17)  conjugation.

 19)  plasmodial slime molds

 21)  Which of the following groups does not include many planktonic species?


 23) euglenids

 25)  dinoflagellates

 27) ciliate.

 29)  dinoflagellates

31)  They can exchange genetic material with other ciliates by the process of mitosis.

 33)  Filamentous shape is an adaptation for a nutritional mode as a decomposer. 

35)  kinetoplastids

 37)  c 

39) d

 41) diatom

 43) the porous nature of their cell walls

  45) holdfasts

 47)  2 and 3

 49)  4 and 5 

 51) foraminiferans

 53)  green algae

 55)  green algae

 57They should absorb blue light preferentially.

 59) d  

61)  e  

 63)  c