Review 1 Ch 2 & 3  even

2)  atomic number.

4)  31 daltons

6) 19 daltons

8)  number of neutrons

10) two more neutrons than hydrogen-1.

12)  an electron may move to an electron shell farther out from the nucleus.

14)  electrons in the outer valence shell in the atom.

16)  2

18) outer-shell electrons of two atoms are shared so as to satisfactorily fill the outer electron shells of both atoms.

20) 2

22) Each hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge.

24) a polar covalent bond

26) H2O

28) Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms and ionic bonds involve the electrical attraction between atoms

30 an ionic bond

32)  electrons are not symmetrically distributed in a molecule.

34) polar covalent bonds. 

36)  hydrogen bonds

38)  A water strider can walk across the surface of a small pond.

40)  absorption and release of heat when hydrogen bonds break and form.

42) high heat of vaporization of water.

44)  the release of heat by the formation of hydrogen bonds

46)  hydrogen

48) nonpolar substances that repel water molecules.

50)  60

52) 150

54) pH 2

56) gastric juice at pH 2

58)  concentration of H+ has increased 10 times what it was at pH 9. And concentration of OH- has decreased 10 times what it was at pH 9.

60)  10,000 times more

62)  the HCO3- to act as a base and remove excess H+ with the formation of H2CO3.

64)  cohesion

66) hydrogen ions is equal to the concentration of hydroxide ions.

68) the body of higher temperature to the one of lower temperature.

70)  wax