Photosynthesis-review answers even

2)  ATP and NADPH

4)  stroma of the chloroplast

6)  excite electrons.

8)  this pigment is best at absorbing light with a wavelength of 700 nm.

10)  to test for liberation of O2 in the light.

12)  ATP

14) establishment of a proton gradient

16)  the stroma to the thylakoid space.

C 18) 

A 20) 

C 22) 

24)  synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

26)  6

B 28) 

A 30) 

C 32) 

D 34)   

36)   C4 plant.

38)  fix CO2 into organic acids during the night.

40) RuBP.

42)  H2O à NADPH  à Calvin cycle

44)  In both cases, an enzyme other than rubisco carries out the first step in carbon fixation.

46)  The splitting of water molecules provides a source of electrons. --Chlorophyll (and other pigments) absorb light energy, which excites electrons. --ATP is generated by photophosphorylation.

48)  Bacteria congregated in these areas because these areas had the most oxygen being released.

50)  The bacteria would be relatively evenly distributed along the algal filaments.

52) Other pigments absorb light in addition to chlorophyll a.