Ch 7/8 review answers

1. 1. ATP is produced. 2. DNA is present. 3. Ribosomes are present


3. chloroplast


5. endoplasmic reticulum


7. secondary cell wall


9. a plant or an animal.


11. 4        13. 1        15. 1

17. 5              19. 3


21. cell cleavage


23. 5            25. 2           27. 1  

29. 1         31. 1           33. 5  

35. centrioles


37. proteins


39. true

41. lysosome


43. smooth endoplasmic reticulum


45. integral proteins


47. active transport


49. true


51. membrane potential


53. phagocytosis


55. true


57. It is a passive process.


59. membrane fluidity.


61. small and hydrophobic


63. carbohydrates


65. electrochemical gradients.


67. to release substances from the cell


69. A substance was diffusing much faster than the physical condition indicated it should.

71. true

73. nucleic acid
