Flower Review

 1.            The part of a flower that frequently functions in protecting unopened flower buds is called the

 2.         Which of the following is NOT a feature of monocots?

 3.         The pistil of a flower

4.          Flowering plants that complete their life cycles in a single season are called

5.          Which of the following is usually missing in wind-pollinated plants?

6.          Each flower develops from a

7.          When the calyx, corolla, and stamens of a flower are attached at the top of the ovary, the ovary is said to be

8.          The parts of a flower that eventually become seeds are

9.          Which of the following is a cluster of flowers in which each flower is produced on its own pedicel?

10.        In which of the following habitats are flowering plants known to occur?

11.         Which of the following groups of fruits would botanically be classified as nuts?

12.        Which of the following fruits is derived from a simple flower having more than one pistil?

13.        Which of the following groups of plants produce siliques or silicles for fruits?

14.        Which of the following groups of fruits would be classified botanically as true berries?

15.        Modifications of fruits or seeds that do NOT adapt them for dispersal by either wind or water include

16.        Seedless fruits that develop without fertilization occurring

17.        Most of the flesh of pomes comes from

18.        Which of the following groups of fruits is representative of drupes?

19.        Which of the following types of fruit do not split at maturity?

20.        The growth of a seed embryo without any dormancy is known as

21.        The skin of most fruits is technically the

22.        A berry with a leathery skin containing oils is called a

23.        In a young seedling the part of the stem below the cotyledons is called the

24.        Viability (retention of capacity to germinate) of seeds may often be extended by which of the following?

25.        The botanist who buried bottles of weed seeds on the Michigan State University campus in 1879 was

26.        The part of the flower in which ovules are produced is the

27.        The floral parts are attached to an apical portion of the flowering stem called the

28.        Pollen adheres to a sticky portion of the flower called the

29.        Flowers that possess only petals, stamens, and carpels would be

30.        A plant with flowers containing stamens but no carpels would be a _____ plant with _____ flowers.

31.        A flower with dull green petals, copious amounts of pollen, and long styles with feathery stigmas would be pollinated by

 32.       A uniovulate carpel would contain how many seeds?

33.        An example of an aggregate fruit would be the

34.        The fleshy edible part of the strawberry is actually the

35.        Which fruit would be adapted for dispersal by water?

36.        Which fruit or seed is dispersed by the wind?

37.        Some seeds require that the seed coat be partially digested or decayed before germination will occur.  This process of altering the seed coat to permit germination is called

38.        A plant that requires two growing seasons to complete its life cycle is a(an)

39.        When moisture enters a seed, a physical process called ______ causes the tissues to swell with tremendous expansion forces.


1.          Which group of useful plants belongs to the Laurel Family?

2.          Which of the following plants could be used as a good source of fructose sugar?





3.          Which of the following “survival” materials could you use for food?

4.          Which group of useful plant products is associated with the Mint Family?

5.          Which group of flavoring substances is associated with the Carrot Family?

6.          Vavilov recognized eight centers of origin of cultivated plants. These centers did not include

7.          The Poppy Family is the source of several drugs, including

8.          A family famous for its latex-producing members is the

9.          Asparagus, soaproot, and sansevieria are all members of the

10.        Members of the Rose Family characteristically

            have numerous stamens attached to the rim of a cup.

11.         N. I. Vavilov followed up work on the origin of cultivated plants by a Swiss botanist named

            Alphonse de Candolle.

12.        Of Vavilov's centers, which of the following is believed to have been the source of the fewest plants in cultivation today?

13.        Which of the following is geographically the smallest of Vavilov's centers?

14.        Which of the following families is characterized by having numerous stamens and pistils, petals often irregular in number, and a superior ovary?

15.        Which of the following families is characterized by having four petals, four sepals, six stamens, and a silique or silicle for a fruit?

16.        Which of the following families is characterized by having fused petals, stamens fused to the corolla, and a superior ovary that develops into a berry or a capsule?

 17.       The most widely distributed family, which also has the largest numbers of individuals, is the

 18.       The family whose members include many that have an inflorescence in which a single female flower is elevated on a gynophore is the

 19.       Poinsettia, cassava, and Para rubber all belong to the

20.        Potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants all belong to the

21.        The tiny individual flowers that comprise a single sunflower inflorescence are called

22.        The members of which of the following families all have minute seeds that must become associated with a specific mycorrhizal fungus in order to develop?

23.        Which of the following drugs is produced by members of the Lily Family?

24.        Which of the following flavoring or aromatic substances is produced by members of the Mint Family?

25.        Which of the following families has the stamens and pistil fused into a single structure?

            Orchid Family