Fungus Review

1.          True fungi differ from slime molds in

2.          Which of the following pairs of fungi belongs to the imperfect fungi (Division Eumycophyta, Class Fungi Imperfecti)?

3.          Which of the following pairs of diseases is associated with cup (sac) fungi?

4.          Which of the following useful products is NOT associated with cup (sac) fungi?

5.          Lichens

6.          A mass of interconnected hyphae is called a

7.          Bread molds and water molds have the following feature that sets them apart from other groups of fungi.

8.          Downy mildew of grapes and late blight of potato are two diseases caused by

9.          Monokaryotic and dikaryotic mycelia would be found in

10.        One reason lichens may live for hundreds of years is that

11.         Which of the following groups of fungi does NOT have chitin in the cell walls?

12.        Human consumers of fungi are known as

13.        When a slime mold spore germinates, the active cell that emerges is known as either a myxamoeba or a

14.        A slime mold with individual amoebalike cells that never are in true plasmodia belongs to a small group known as

15.        Which of the following do sexually reproducing water molds and Oedogonium have in common?

16.        Upright hyphae that produce sporangia at their tips are known as

17.        Which of the following is a fungal protuberance that penetrates another organism's cells and aids in digestion of the penetrated cells?

18.        Truffles are the reproductive bodies of

19.        Sufu and tempeh are made by inoculating soybeans with a

20.        Hyphae at the tips of which spores are produced externally (as opposed to within a sporangium) are called

21.        Yeasts are a source of which of the following?

22.        Stinkhorns belong to the

23.        The little bypass loops on the sides of dikaryotic hyphae are

24.        A ringlike membrane on the stalk of a mushroom is called a/an

25.        The tiny pegs on which basidiospores are produced are

26.        Except for a ring of appendages, earth stars resemble

.27.       The only known antidote for poisoning from death angel and similar mushrooms is

28.        Mushrooms that are reported to have more than twice the nutritional value of common edible mushrooms are

29.        A fungus closely related to Penicillium and used to make soy sauce (shoyu) is

30.        Rhizines are often present in which of the following lichen thallus layers?

31.        The naked protoplast of a slime mold is the

32.        In mushrooms, meiosis takes place in this structure.

33.        Filaments of fungi are woven together in a tangled mass called a

34.        Penicillium mold growing on an agar plate inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus bacteria and led to the concept of

35.        Rusts, smuts, and mushrooms all belong to this group.

36.        Which of the following was the first antibiotic isolated from a fungus?

37.        These are heterotrophs which have a cell wall polysaccharide called chitin.

38.        In mushrooms, mitosis takes place in this structure.

