B 1.       All land vertebrates have descended from:

a 2.       Birds evolved from the:

d 3.       Reptiles are:

c 4. Sea turtles usually leave the water only to:

a 5. Sea snakes are:

d 6. Seabirds are:

c 7.       Penguin eggs are laid in the:

b 8.       The tubenoses' migration takes them from:

9.  Why does the female turtle cover her eggs after laying them?

10.  What is thought to help marine turtles navigate to their natal beaches?

11. The only time marine turtles leave the sea is to

12.  Which term refers to decreased heartbeat during diving?

13.  Where do sea snakes lay their eggs? 

14.  Where are the only marine lizards found?

15.  Which bird has a large pouch on its beak and forces water out after catching a fish?

16.  Which bird steals food from other birds?

17. Which sea birds are used by asian fishermen to catch fish? 

18. Which sea bird harasses other sea birds into regurgitating their food in order to eat it? 

19.  Which is NOT a characteristic of marine birds?

20. What is the function of salt glands?

21.  Which sea turtle has a status of threatened rather than endangered?

 (a) Leatherback  (b) Loggerhead  (c) Green Turtle  (d) Hawksbill  (e) Ridley

Choose from the above list for the below habit of the turtles.

22.  Coastal in mangrove habitats.  Feeds on benthic animal matter

23.  Warm-blooded.  No plates on shell but 7 ridges running lengthways.

24.  Young more carnivorous than adults.  Tropical and takes long ocean migrations.

25.  Lives in shallow areas, rocky, coral reefs, estuaries and lagoons--omnivorous.  Amber with red and yellow streaks.


26. What is the fat layer found under the turtle shell called?

27. How many species of sea turtles are there in the world?

28. What is the correct name for the ventral shell of the sea turtle?

29. Where do sea turtles lay their eggs?

30. Which one of these contributes to the death of many sea turtles?

31. The biggest sea turtle is the what?

32. What do you call a group of eggs that sea turtles lay at one time?

33. In loggerhead turtles, the incubation temperature helps determine the sex of the hatchlings. If the temperature is about 28 degrees C, what are the hatchlings sex going to be?

34. What device is put on the nets of shrimpers to help the seaturtle escape from drowning?

35. The following must return to land to breed:

T or F

36 Sea turtles must leave the oceans to lay eggs.

37 Green sea turtles, when ready to lay eggs, migrate to the nearest isolated sandy beach that they happen to encounter.

38 Sea snakes also migrate to sandy beaches to lay their eggs.

39 Marine iguanas can feed in cold ocean water because they warm up by basking in the sun on rocks.

40 Seabirds are endotherms, while sea reptiles usually are ectotherms.

41 Female emperor penguins keep their eggs warm with their feet and lower bodies.

42 Penguins fly clumsily over the water then dive into and swim adeptly in the water to catch prey.

43 Penguins are found mostly in the Antarctic and Arctic regions.

44 Some seabirds migrate as much as 16,000 km from one polar region to the other, and may never experience a polar winter.

45 Pelicans force other birds to regurgitate in mid-air and then catch this food in their beak pouches.

46 Seabird guano can be used for useful human purposes.

47.  Birds have no fat reserves because they feed constantly.

48 .  The longest migration by a bird is 20,000 miles.

49 .  Salt water crocodiles grow to lengths of 20 feet or more and have been known to eat people.