Stem Review

1.          An annual ring  consists of __________ year's growth of xylem.

2.         Which of the following statements pertaining to monocots is true?

3.         In a mature, woody dicot stem, the tissue between the xylem and the phloem is the

 4.        Which of the following function primarily in the lateral conduction of food in a stem?

 5.        Which of the following specialized stems have relatively long internodes?

 6.        Which of the following gives rise to primary tissues?

7.         The tyloses that prevent conduction of any kind in wood are most frequently found in

8.         The ground tissue or fundamental tissue of monocots is composed of

9.         A very thin sheet of desirable wood that is carefully cut so as to produce the best possible view of the grain and then glued to cheaper lumber is called

10.        A wood's capacity to withstand decay organisms is referred to as its

11.        When three or more leaves occur at a node, the leaf arrangement is said to be

12.        Axillary buds are found in

13.        A twig's age can be determined by

14.        Paired appendages associated with leaf petioles are

15.        The procambium produces

16.        In woody dicots, which of the following may eventually be crushed as growth occurs?

17.        Which of the following describe leaf gaps and bud gaps?

18.        Cells produced by the vascular cambium do NOT include

19.        Increase in girth of a tree is due to the activity of

20.       As woody stems age, lenticels develop directly beneath

21.        Which of the following would NOT be part of a stele?

22.       Siphonosteles occur in most

23.       Discrete patches of xylem and phloem found in herbaceous dicot stems are called

24.       Older, nonfunctioning xylem is called

25.       An increment borer is

26.       Rays consist primarily of

27.       In monocot stems the parenchyma cells are referred to collectively as

28.       The following have no nodes or internodes

29.       Wood cells are composed primarily of cellulose and

30.       The bases of lost branches that have become covered over with new annual rings of wood are called

31.        Which function does the stem have in common with the root?

32.       Leaves and buds are attached to the stem at the

33.       One generally distinguishing characteristic between woody stems and herbaceous stems is that woody stems

34.       Which can be used to determine the age of a woody twig?

35.       A discrete region of xylem and phloem in a dicot stem is called a

36.       This tissue is responsible for the production of cork cells.

37.       Retardation of water loss by cork cells is provided by

38.       Which is a product of a woody stem?

39.       Horizontal stems that produce roots and shoots are

40.       The “eyes” of the Irish potato are actually

41.        Cone-shaped stems surrounded by many scalelike leaves that are modified for