
1. Define and then explain the importance of the following qualities of critical thinkers as explained in the Byrnes text: intellectual humility, skepticism, understanding bias (explain the different types), intellectual courage and metacognition. From your own personal experience, give examples of how you or someone you know has either exhibited each these qualities or demonstrated a lack of them. Give examples for all five qualities. (30pts)  

2. In a discussion with an acquaintance you casually mentioned that you think you will vote for the Republican candidate for president in the next election. The acquaintance responded with this statement. "That's ridiculous. Everyone knows that Republicans are controlled by business interests who will destroy our environment if they aren't restrained. Besides, Republicans don't care about the little guy; they only care about the rich." Based on the reading on communication, what errors did your acquaintance make in his statement? (20pts)   

 3. Explain, according to the Byrnes text, what U.S. citizens generally mean by the word “freedom.”  Make sure you explain its meaning as it applies to the government, individuals and the economy. Discuss the concept of individualism as provided in the Byrnes text. In your explanation include the application of the term to rights and responsibilities. Give examples. (20pts.)  

4. From the Byrnes text explain the concept of political equality. What factors might impede or hinder political equality?  Explain the concept of equality of opportunity. What factors might hinder it? How is it possible for people to be treated equally under the law and not have equality of opportunity in regards to the criminal justice system? Explain how affirmative action programs often created conflicts between political equality and equality of opportunity. (25pts.)   

5. Explain the philosophy of human nature behind the phrase “Ambition must be made to counteract ambition” in The Federalist #51. How were these words put to use in the checks and balance system (include shared powers here)? Explain how separate branches with different constituencies along with separate elections were designed to put into effect the check and balance mentioned by Madison in Federalist #51. (25pts)  

6. As described by course materials, explain the debates and the compromises at the constitutional convention in the areas of slavery, voting requirements, and state representation. (20pts.)   

7. From the article by Sanford Levinson explain these criticisms of the U.S. Constitution: A) Congress is in some ways unrepresentative. B) Faults created by the Electoral College C)  life-time terms of office for Supreme Court judges D) small minorities can prevent changing the Constitution (20pts.)  

8. Differentiate clearly between a federal system of governance and a unitary system. Make sure you use examples in your answer. According to your professor what are the major benefits to a Federal system and what are the major benefits of a unitary system? In what areas is the federal or national government sovereign in the United States? In what areas are the states sovereign? (30 pts.)   

9.  Explain what a special interest group is; give at least two examples showing why they fit the definition. From the Federalist #10 explain Madison's thoughts regarding: A) the major reason behind the creation of  factions or special interest groups and B) Why pure democracies cannot control factions but federal republics can. Even in large democratic republics what advantages do special interests that represent moneyed interests have? (20pts)    

10. Why is it that money is probably much more important for political candidates today as compared to the 19th Century? From your readings what were the three major loopholes in the 1974 Federal Election Reform Act? Mention how the soft money loophole is being closed. Why is it difficult to get campaign reform laws passed? What was the major finding of Buckley V. Valeo? How might this and other loopholes affect our political system? (25pts)