OST2854 –Microsoft Office (Applications Package) CRN13015

11:30 am – 12:45 pm Tuesday and Thursday


Course Description & PrerequisitesOST 2854 3 3 0 Microsoft Office (Applications Package)  Beginning/Intermediate office application course.  Students will learn Microsoft Office in a Windows environment and its use in business including:  MS Word for creating and editing word processing documents, MS Excel for creating spreadsheets, MS Access for creating databases, and MS PowerPoint for creating professional slide show presentations.  This is a Microsoft Office Specialist certification preparation course.  (Special Fee:  $25.00)


Term & Year: Fall Term, 2004-2005


Name of the Instructor:  Storm Russo


Office Building and Room Number: Building 1, Room 143


Office Hours: Posted on Office Door (will announce during first week of class)


Contact Number: 407-582-2348  srusso@valenciacollege.edu


Course Text and Supplemental Materials: ·       Microsoft Office 2003 by Nita Rutkosky, which includes a student CD.       ·       A Zip Disk to save data.


Course Outcomes (or objectives) - Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate the ability to describe and explain:

Important Dates:


Withdrawal Deadline – November 5th, 2004

Credit Classes Do Not Meet - Sept 6, Sept 21, Oct 5, Oct 7, Nov 24-27

Final Exam – Dec 16 11:30 am (Attendance Required)



Tentative Course Schedule

Weeks 1 – 5                MS Word

Weeks 6 – 9                MS Excel

Weeks 10 – 13                        MS Access

Weeks 14 to the end    MS PowerPoint



Valencia Student Core Competencies

This course seeks to reinforce the following Valencia Student Competencies:

Evaluation Process

Final Grades will be calculated as follows:

      Average of all graded exercises and skill assignments                        20%

      Average of all unit performance assessments                                                35%

      Average of theory tests                                                                   35%

      Final Exam                                                                                      10%

       A = 90-100%  (3.6 -4.0)                      C = 70-79% (2.8-3.19)

       B = 80-89%    (3.2-3.59)                     D = 60-69% (2.4-2.79)

Attendance /Tardiness / Withdrawal Policy 


Regularity in classroom attendance and punctuality is vital to academic success.  Students are expected to attend class regularly and punctually.  Students who do not maintain regular attendance and who fall behind in their work may be withdrawn by the professor.  A student may withdraw at any time during the term in Atlas.  Students will receive a W  if withdrawn by November 5th, 2004.  After this date, if a student withdraws or is withdrawn by the professor for excessive absences or other reasons, the professor will assign a grade of WP (withdrawn passing) or WF (withdrawn failing), based upon the student’s academic achievement in the class as of the last day of attendance.  W and WP will not be counted in the grade point average.  WF will be calculated as an F in the grade point average. 


Make-Up Policy for Examinations and All Other Assignments: 


An exercise or a skill assessment will be given a check mark when done correctly.  If an exercise or skill assessment is returned with the notation “FIX”, correct any errors and turn in the new version to receive full credit.  All skill assessments and exercises are of equal value.  A student will either receive a 100% or a 0% on each assignment.

A perfect performance assignment will receive a score of (4.0).  One full point will be deducted for omissions or text additions, incorrect formulas, or commands that result in copy that seriously deviates from the exercise instructions. One-half point will be deducted for each typographical error or major formatting error. One-quarter point will be deducted for minor formatting errors.



Expected Student Conduct:


Valencia College is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct.  By enrolling at Valencia College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct.  The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the faculty.  Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty to leave the class.  Violation of any classroom or Valencia’s rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from Valencia.  Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions.  You will find the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.


Academic Honesty:  

Each student is expected to be in complete compliance with the college policy on academic honesty as set forth in the college catalog and the student handbook.  Any student cheating on and exam will receive a zero on the exam and the professor, at his discretion, can withdraw the student from the class.

Computer/Equipment Use Policy


Use of computers in the Business, IT, and Public Services classrooms at Valencia College is restricted to those activities designated by the instructor to enhance the class materials.  Any other use is strictly forbidden.  Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to:

            Use of computer to send E-mail or access Internet sites not specifically assigned in class.

            Use of computer for job, internship, homework or other activities not assigned in class.

            Modifying any hardware or software system configuration or setting.

            Activities not in accordance with the Valencia Student Code of Conduct


Use of computers in the departmental open lab is limited to those activities involved with preparing homework or coursework in this department and is subject to the same restriction as listed above.


Computer use is remotely monitored; any student using computers inappropriately may be subject to dismissal from class or banishment from the lab.  Subsequent offense may be sent to the campus administration for further disciplinary action.


Students with Disabilities


Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a notification from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the instructor, preferably during the first two weeks of class.  The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities.  The East Campus Office is located in Building 5, Room 216.


Disclaimer Statement


This outline may be altered, at the instructor’s discretion, during the course of the term.  It is the responsibility of the student to make any adjustments as announced.