Le français intensif, l'automne de l’année 2002

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Objectives:     Greetings & Pronunciation
                        Describe self and others &
Identifying people and places
                        Useful Expressions
                        Giving numerical information
                        Expressing action and disagreement


4          H, Chapitre préliminaire: On commence! Le monde francophone, pp. 4-5
            H, Les formules de politesse & prononciation,
pp. 6-7
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 6
            H, Les salutations familières, pp. 8-9
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 8
            H, Les chiffres & l’heure, pp. 10-15       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 10
            H, Un autoportrait pp. 16-17
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 16
            H, Les jours de la semaine, pp. 18-19
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 18
            H, En cours, pp. 20-21; l’alphabet p. 22
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 21
            H, Expressions utiles, pp. 22-23
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 24-25
            WB, Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & Journal 
                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F
            LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 1-73         

6          H, Chapitre préliminaire: On commence! Le monde francophone, pp. 4-5
            H, Les formules de politesse & prononciation,
pp. 6-7
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 6
            H, Les salutations familières, pp. 8-9
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 8
            H, Les chiffres & l’heure, pp. 10-15       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 10
            H, Un autoportrait pp. 16-17
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 16
            H, Les jours de la semaine, pp. 18-19
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 18
            H, En cours, pp. 20-21; l’alphabet p. 22
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 21
            H, Expressions utiles, pp. 22-23
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 24-25
            WB, Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & Journal 
                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F
            LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 1-73                         

10        H, Chapitre préliminaire: On commence! Le monde francophone, pp. 4-5
            H, Les formules de politesse & prononciation,
pp. 6-7
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 6
            H, Les salutations familières, pp. 8-9
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 8
            H, Les chiffres & l’heure, pp. 10-15       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 10
            H, Un autoportrait pp. 16-17
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 16
            H, Les jours de la semaine, pp. 18-19
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 18
            H, En cours, pp. 20-21; l’alphabet p. 22
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 21
            H, Expressions utiles, pp. 22-23
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 24-25
            WB, Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & Journal 
                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F
            LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 1-73 

18        Test Chapitre préliminaire
, Chapitre 1: A l’université, La France et ses régions, pp. 28-29
            H, Les gens à l’université,
pp. 30-31
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 31
            H, Identifying & describing people, pp. 32-33 & pp. 50-53
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) pp. 33 & 50
            H, Stratégies et lecture, read pp. 34-35
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 34
            H, Les personnalités, pp. 36-37       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 36
            H, Describing people, pp. 38-41
            H, Le campus et le quartier, pp. 42-45
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook)pp. 43 & 44
            H, Lecture & composition, read pp. 54-57
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 58-59
            WB, Lesson 1: Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal
             LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 74-145          

20        Test Chapitre préliminaire
, Chapitre 1: A l’université, La France et ses régions, pp. 28-29
            H, Les gens à l’université,
pp. 30-31
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 31
            H, Identifying & describing people, pp. 32-33 & pp. 50-53
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) pp. 33 & 50
            H, Stratégies et lecture, read pp. 34-35
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 34
            H, Les personnalités, pp. 36-37       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 36
            H, Describing people, pp. 38-41
            H, Le campus et le quartier, pp. 42-45
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook)pp. 43 & 44
            H, Lecture & composition, read pp. 54-57
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 58-59
            WB, Lesson 1: Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal
             LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 74-145

23        Test Chapitre préliminaire
, Chapitre 1: A l’université, La France et ses régions, pp. 28-29
            H, Les gens à l’université,
pp. 30-31
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 31
            H, Identifying & describing people, pp. 32-33 & pp. 50-53
, A écouter (
listen to the CD provided with the textbook) pp. 33 & 50
            H, Stratégies et lecture, read pp. 34-35
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 34
            H, Les personnalités, pp. 36-37       
H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook) p. 36
            H, Describing people, pp. 38-41
            H, Le campus et le quartier, pp. 42-45
            H, A écouter (listen to the CD provided with the textbook)pp. 43 & 44
            H, Lecture & composition, read pp. 54-57
            H, Vocabulaire, pp. 58-59
            WB, Lesson 1: Compétence 1, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal 
                                    Compétence 2, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 3, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, & Journal 
                                    Compétence 4, exercices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Journal
             LM, (Quia Web Site) pp. 74-145