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Fitness & Wellness for Life I  

Fitness CenterFitness Center

Fitness & Wellness for Life I
HLP 1081
Mini Syllabus
Mary Sue Gausz

This is a brief version of the syllabus for this course.  When the semester begins students will receive a more complete detailed syllabus the first class meeting.  If you are on East campus come visit the fitness center (6-125) we would be happy to answer any questions. 

This course provides the student an opportunity to study fitness and wellness as they actually participate in different types of exercise protocols and assessments. There is no prerequisite for this course so students are not expected to be in shape or know how to use the fitness center equipment.  I welcome all students no matter what age, shape, or fitness background.

This class will help students change their level of fitness.  By working out twice a week for 60 minutes to 90 minutes, students will have the opportunity to experience the results of a disciplined exercise program. 

As students work through the lab assessments they will discover behaviors and attitudes that affect their mental and emotional health as well as physical well-being.  The physical assessments compare the student’s current fitness level to set fitness standards which then allows the student to set specific goals for their physical fitness.

Since this is a physical workout, students will discover the importance of nutrition and healthy food choices.  Reading and talking about nutrition works well in the classroom but in the fitness center the body does not function well when it doesn’t have the right nutrients.  Students will analyze their eating habits and evaluate needed changes.

Textbook and required software:
Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness , Hoeger & Hoeger, current edition, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Belmont, CA.
The text can be bought at East Campus bookstore or online at http://www.valenciabookstores.com/valencc/main/index.asp

Course Content
A short lecture is held once a week and then students go into the fitness center to workout.   Utilizing the text Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness  lecture topics range from general fitness and wellness, nutrition, behavior modification, stress management, body composition, weight management, to specific exercise guidelines in strength training, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility, skill-related fitness and comprehensive fitness programming.
Twice a week in the fitness center students participate in exercise regimens designed to improve muscle fitness and aerobic endurance as they learn how to safely use Valencia’s fitness center equipment.  I design the required workout regimens which include warm up, aerobics, strength training, relaxation and stretching.

Students also work on labs that assess physical and mental well being.  Some of these labs can be completed outside of class and other labs require equipment.  The labs that require equipment are completed in the fitness center.  A course outline will be given to the student with all required due dates.  Labs may be turned in early but no late papers are accepted. 
Since changing one’s fitness level requires weekly effort this class has a major emphasis on attendance and participation.
60%  -  Attendance, complete required workout
30% - Labs, assessments (no late papers accepted)
10% - Final Exam 

90 – 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
Below 59  F

Attendance Policy
Students are expected to be in class every day.  There are no excused absences. I do realize illness, family or job priorities may cause a student to miss class therefore if a student is absent I do allow up to four absences to be made up.  A student may stay enrolled in class with 5 absences but at 6 the student must withdraw from class no matter how many make ups have been completed.  This is an activity course with heavy emphasis on participation since the objective is to change a student’s fitness level.   

I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have about this class so you
can make a final decision as to whether this course meets your expectations.  Email me
and be sure to state Fitness and Wellness for Life I as the class in question.