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Prof. Juan P. Rivera


Valencia College


I enjoy traveling to different parts of the world. What follows are just examples


booster separation columbia at launch columbia first launch

The solid rocket booster were used to trust the space shuttle into outer space where the earth gravity is very low.

In 1981, I was working as part of the engineers getting ready the Columbia for its first space mission.

Columbia was the first Space Shuttle that was launch into space.  I was working as part of the engineering crew responsible to make sure that the mission was a success.

cargo bay open
land and ocean
young and crippen

Once in space in absence of gravity the shuttle bay doors were opened to expose the experiments of space load to be exposed to the rest of the universe


This was a photo taken from the Space Shuttle showing the oceans and the separation from land.  Also you will notice the horizon where the sky and earth meets.

This is a view of John Young and Bob Crippen working together on a scientific experiment in outer space in the absence of gravity.  Notice that the astronaut suits are not needed.



Astronomers work to increase our understanding of how the Universe began and how it has evolved and will evolve in the future. They study how interstellar dust, gas clouds, planets, stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies came to exist and how they work. To do this the only tools available are light, physics and mathematics.

So, welcome to ASTRONOMY. During the semester I will make the necessary announcements to keep you informed. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail. Always use the e-mail system provided by CANVAS.

To see more photos related to NASA please click the following link.

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