BSC 1011C
General Biology II
Dr. Graeme Lindbeck

Vertebrate Evolution And Diversity


A. Invertebrate Chordates and the Origin of Vertebrates

  1. Four anatomical features characterize the phylum Chordata
  2. Invertebrate chordates provide clues to the origin of vertebrates

B. Introduction to the Vertebrates

  1. Neural crest, pronounced cephalization, a vertebral column, and a closed circulatory system characterize the subphylum Vertebrata
  2. An overview of vertebrate diversity

C. Jawless Vertebrates

  1. Class Myxini: Hagfishes are the most primitive living "vertebrates"
  2. Class Cephalaspidomorphi: Lampreys provide clues to the evolution of the vertebral column
  3. Some extinct jawless vertebrates had ossified teeth and body armor

D. Fishes and Amphibians

  1. Vertebrate jaws evolved from skeletal supports of pharyngeal slits
  2. Class Chondrichthyes: Sharks and rays have cartilaginous skeletons
  3. Osteichthyes: The extant classes of bony fishes are the ray-finned fishes, the lobe-finned fishes, and the lungfishes
  4. Tetrapods evolved from specialized fishes that inhabited shallow water
  5. Class Amphibia: Salamanders, frogs, and caecilians are the three extant amphibian orders

E. Amniotes

  1. Evolution of the amniote egg expanded the success of the vertebrates on land
  2. Vertebrate systematists are reevaluating the classification of amniotes
  3. A reptilian heritage is is evident in all amniotes
  4. Birds began as feathered reptiles
  5. Mammals diversified extensively in the wake of the Cretaceous extinctions

F. Primates and the Evolution of Homo sapiens

  1. Primate evolution provides a context for understanding human origins
  2. Humanity is one very young twig on the vertebrate tree


Humans and their closest relatives are vertebrates.

They share several unique features including a backbone, a series of vertebrae.

The vertebrates belong to one of the two major phyla in the Deuterostomia, the chordates.

The phylum Chordata includes three subphyla, the vertebrates and two phyla of invertebrates, the urochordates and the cephalochordates.

A. Invertebrate Chordates and the Origin of Vertebrates

1. Four anatomical features characterize the phylum Chordata

Although chordates vary widely in appearance, all share the presence of four anatomical structures at some point in their lifetime.

  1. The notochord, present in all chordate embryos, is a longitudinal, flexible rod located between the digestive tube and the nerve cord.

  2. The dorsal, hollow nerve cord develops in the vertebrate embryo from a plate of ectoderm that rolls into a tube dorsal to the notochord.

  3. Pharyngeal gill slits connect the pharynx, just posterior to the mouth, to the outside of the animal.

  4. Most chordates have a muscular tail extending posterior to the anus.

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2. Invertebrate chordates provide clues to the origin of vertebrates

Most urochordates, commonly called tunicates, are sessile marine animals that adhere to rocks, docks, and boats.

Some species are colonial, others solitary.

Tunicates are suspension-feeders.

While the pharyngeal slits of the adult are the only link to the chordate characteristics, all four chordate trademarks are present in the larval forms of some tunicate groups.

Cephalochordates, also known as lancelets, closely resemble the idealized chordate.

Lancelets are suspension feeders, feeding by trapping tiny particles on mucus nets secreted across the pharyngeal slits.

A lancet frequently leaves its burrow to swim to a new location.

Though feeble swimmers, their swimming mechanism resembles that of fishes through the coordinated contraction of serial muscle blocks.

Molecular evidence suggests that the vertebrates' closest relatives are the cephalochordates, and the urochordates are their next closest relatives.

The evolution of vertebrates from invertebrates may have occurred in two stages.

This first stage may have occurred through paedogenesis, the precocious development of sexual maturity in a larva.

The paedogenetic hypothesis is deduced from comparing modern forms, but no fossil evidence supports or contradicts this hypothesis.

Several recent fossil finds in China provide support for the second stage, from cephalochordate to vertebrate.

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B. Introduction to the Vertebrates

1. Neural crest, pronounced cephalization, a vertebral column, and a closed circulatory system characterize the subphylum Vertebrata

The dorsal, hollow nerve cord develops when the edges of an ectodermal plate on the embryo's surface roll together to form the neural tube.

In vertebrates, a group of embryonic cells, called the neural crest, forms near the dorsal margins of the closing neural tube.

Neural crest contributes to the formation of certain skeletal elements, such as some of the bones and cartilages of the cranium, and other structures.

Organisms that have the neural crest and a cranium are part of the clade Craniata which includes the vertebrates and the hagfishes.

The cranium and vertebral column are parts of the vertebrate axial skeleton.

Most vertebrates also have an appendicular skeleton, supporting two pairs of appendages (fins, legs, or arms).

The vertebrate endoskeleton is made of bone, cartilage, or some combination of the two materials.

Active movement by vertebrates is supported by ATP generated through aerobic respiration.

An active lifestyle requires a large supply of organic fuel.

These multiple adaptations in form and function to a variety of systems have supported the transition from a relatively sedentary lifestyle in pre-vertebrates to a more active one pursued by most vertebrates.

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2. An overview of vertebrate diversity

Our current understanding of vertebrate phylogeny is based on anatomical, molecular, and fossil evidence.

Among tetrapods, most amphibians lay eggs in water or an otherwise moist environment.

The other terrestrial tetrapods are amniotes, producing shelled, water-retaining eggs which allow these organisms to complete their life cycles entirely on land.

The traditional vertebrate group known as "reptiles" (turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators) does not form a monophyletic group unless birds are included.

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C. Jawless Vertebrates

The two extant classes of jawless vertebrates, the agnathans, are the hagfishes and the lampreys.

1. Class Myxini: Hagfishes are the most primitive living "vertebrates"

All of the 30 or so species of hagfishes are marine scavengers, feeding on worms and sick or dead fish.

The skeleton of hagfish is made entirely of cartilage, a rubbery connective tissue.

Hagfishes lack vertebrae.

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2. Class Cephalaspidomorphi: Lampreys provide clues to the evolution of the vertebral column

There are about 35 species of lampreys inhabiting both marine and freshwater environments.

Sea lampreys live as suspension-feeding larvae for years in streams before migrating to the sea or lakes as predaceous/parasitic adults.

Some species of lampreys feed only as larvae.

The notochord persists as the main axial skeleton in adult lampreys.

Both hagfishes and lampreys lack skeleton-supported jaws and paired appendages.

A comparison of gnathostomes and agnathans shows that the brain and cranium evolved first in the vertebrate lineage.

This was followed by the vertebral column.

The jaws, ossified skeleton, and paired appendages evolved later.

This interpretation is consistent with the early Cambrian fossils in Chinese strata.

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3. Some extinct jawless vertebrates had ossified teeth and bony armor

Jawless vertebrates are much more diverse and common in the fossil record than they are among today's fauna.

Ostracoderm fossils show animals with circular or slitlike openings that lacked jaws.

Fossils of extinct agnathans provide evidence that mineralization of certain body structures evolved early in vertebrate history.

Conodonts, which date back as far as 510 million years ago, had ossified coneshaped toothlike structures in their mouths.

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D. Fishes and Amphibians

During the late Silurian and early Devonian periods, gnathosomes largely replaced the agnathans.

In addition to jaws, fishes have two pairs of fins.

Jaws and paired fins were major evolutionary breakthroughs.

With these adaptations, many fish species were active predators, allowing for the diversification of both lifestyles and nutrient sources.

1. Vertebrate jaws evolved from skeletal supports of the pharyngeal slits

Vertebrate jaws evolved by modification of the skeletal rods that have previously supported the anterior pharyngeal slits.

The Devonian period (about 360 to 400 million years ago) has been called the "age of fishes".

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2. Class Chondrichthyes: Sharks and rays have cartilaginous skeletons

The class Chondrichthyes, sharks and their relatives, have relatively flexible endoskeletons of cartilage rather than bone.

There are about 750 extant species, almost all in the subclass of sharks and rays, with a few dozen species in a second subclass the chimaeras, or ratfishes.

The cartilaginous skeleton of these fishes is a derived characteristic, not a primitive one.

During the development of most vertebrates, the skeleton is first cartilaginous and then becomes ossified as hard calcium phosphate matrix replaces the rubbery matrix of cartilage.

The streamlined bodies of most sharks enable them to be swift, but not maneuverable swimmers.

Most sharks are carnivores that swallow their prey whole or use their powerful jaws and sharp teeth to tear flesh from animals too large to swallow.

Acute senses are adaptations that go along with the active, carnivorous lifestyle of sharks.

Shark eggs are fertilized internally.

Rays are closely related to sharks, but they have adopted a very different lifestyle.

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3. Osteichthyes: The extant classes of bony fishes are the ray-finned fishes, the lobe-finned fishes, and the lungfishes

Bony fishes are the most numerous group of vertebrates, both in individuals and in species (about 30,000 species).

Traditionally, all bony fishes were combined into a single class, Osteichthyes, but most systematists now recognize three extant classes: the ray-finned fishes, the lobe-finned fishes, and the lungfishes.

Nearly all bony fishes have an ossified endoskeleton with a hard matrix of calcium phosphate.

The skin is often covered with thin, flattened bony scales.

Like sharks, fishes can detect water disturbances through the lateral line system, part of which is visible as a row of tiny pits along either side of the body.

Bony fishes breathe by drawing water over four or five pairs of gills located in chambers covered by a protective flap, the operculum.

The reproductive modes of fishes vary extensively.

Most fishes have an internal, air-filled sac, the swim bladder.

Bony fishes are generally maneuverable swimmers.

The most familiar families of fishes belong to the ray-finned fishes, class Actinopterygii.

Bony fishes, including the ray-finned fishes, probably evolved in freshwater and then spread to the seas during their long history.

Lobe-finned fishes (class Actinistia) have muscular pectoral and pelvic fins supported by extensions of the bony skeleton.

Three genera of lungfishes (class Dipnoi) live today in the Southern Hemisphere.

The ancestor of amphibians and all other tetrapods was probably a lungfish from the Devonian, a period when these fishes were dominant predators.

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4. Tetrapods evolved from specialized fishes that inhabited shallow water

Amphibians were the first tetrapods to spend a substantial portion of their time of land.

However, there were earlier vertebrate tetrapods that had relatively sturdy, skeleton-supported legs instead of paired fins, and which lived in shallow aquatic habitats.

During the Devonian period, a diversity of plants and arthropods already inhabited the land.

A diversity of fishes resembling modern lobe-fins and lungfishes had already evolved.

These fishes (and modern frogs) used buccal pumping to breath air.

At the water's edge, leglike appendages were probably better equipment than fins for paddling and crawling through the dense vegetation in shallow water.

The fossil record chronicles the transition to land over a 50-million-year period from 400 to 350 million years ago.

As the earliest terrestrial tetrapods, amphibians benefited from abundant food and relatively little competition.

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5. Class Amphibia: Salamanders, frogs, and caecilians are the three extant amphibian orders

Today the amphibians (class Amphibia) are represented by about 4,800 species of salamanders (order Urodela, "tailed ones"), frogs (order Anura, tail-less ones"), and caecilians (order Apoda, "legless ones").

Some of the 500 species of urodeles are entirely aquatic, but others live on land as adults or throughout life.

The 4,200 species of anurans are more specialized than urodeles for moving on land.

Among adaptations that reduce predation, anurans may be camouflaged or secrete a distasteful, even poisonous, mucus from skin glands.

Apodans, the caecilians (about 150 species), are legless and nearly blind.

Superficially resembling earthworms, most species burrow in moist forest soil in the tropics.

Amphibian means "two lives," a reference to the metamorphosis of many frogs from an aquatic stage, the tadpole, to the terrestrial adult.

Many amphibians do not live a dualistic - aquatic and terrestrial - life.

Paedomorphosis, the retention of some larval features in a sexually mature adult, is common among some groups of salamanders.

Most amphibians retain close ties with water and are most abundant in damp habitats.

Amphibian eggs lack a shell and dehydrate quickly in dry air.

Many amphibians display complex and diverse social behavior, especially during the breeding season.

For the past 25 years, zoologists have been documenting a rapid and alarming decline in amphibian populations throughout the world.

Several causes that have been proposed include environmental degradation (especially acid rain) and the spread of a pathogen, a chytrid fungus.

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E. Amniotes

1. Evolution of the amniotic egg expanded the success of vertebrates on land

The amniote clade consists of the mammals, the birds, and the vertebrates commonly called reptiles, including turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodiles.

The evolution of amniotes from an amphibian ancestor involved many adaptations for terrestrial living including:

The amniotic eggs enabled terrestrial vertebrates to complete their life cycles entirely on land.

Inside the shell of the amniotic egg are several extraembryonic membranes that function in gas exchange, waste storage, and the transfer of stored nutrients to the embryo.

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2. Vertebrate systematists are reevaluating the classification of amniotes

The amniotes are a monophyletic group (clade), with all modern reptiles, birds, and mammals sharing a common ancestor.

An evolutionary radiation of amniotes during the early Mesozoic era gave rise to three main groups, called synapsids, anapsids, and diapsids.

The synapsids included mammal-like reptiles, the therapsids, from which mammals evolved.

The anaspid lineage is probably extinct.

The diapsids include most or all (depending on placement of turtles) groups of modern reptiles, as well as a diversity of extinct swimming, flying, and land-based reptiles.

During the early Mesozoic radiation of amniotes, the diapsids split into two evolutionary branches, the lepidosaurs (including lizards, snakes, and tuataras) and the archosaurs (including crocodiles and alligators, dinosaurs, and birds).

The classical classification of amniotes is at odds with several alternatives that are based on strict application of cladistic conventions, in which each taxa must represent a monophyletic group.

Regardless of final classification, "reptile" is still a useful informal category for discussing all the amniotes except birds and mammals.

In fact, all modern amniotes, including birds and mammals, evolved from forms that would probably be called "reptiles" if we saw them walking around today.

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3. A reptilian heritage is evident in all amniotes

Reptiles have several adaptations for terrestrial life not generally found in amphibians.

Most reptiles lay shelled amniotic eggs on land.

Reptiles, sometimes labeled "cold-blooded," do not use their metabolism extensively to control body temperature.

Because they absorb external heat rather than generating much of their own, reptiles are more appropriately called ectotherms.

Reptiles were far more widespread, numerous, and diverse during the Mesozoic than they are today.

Reptiles became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for more than 200 million years in two great waves of adaptive radiation.

Pterosaurs had wings formed from a membrane of skin that stretched from the body wall, along the forelimb, to the tip of an elongated finger.

Dinosaurs were an extremely diverse group varying in body shape, size, and habitat.

There is increasing evidence that many dinosaurs were agile, fast-moving, and, in some species, social.

There is continuing debate about whether dinosaurs were endothermic, capable of keeping their body warm through metabolism.

By the end of the Cretaceous, the dinosaurs became extinct.

There are about 6,500 species of extant reptiles, classified into four groups: Testudines (turtles); Sphenodontia (tuataras); Squamata (lizards and snakes); and Crocodilia (alligators and crocodiles).

Turtles evolved in the Mesozoic era and have scarcely changed since.

Lizards are the most numerous and diverse reptiles alive today.

Snakes are probably descendents of lizards that adapted to a burrowing lifestyle through the loss of limbs.

Snakes are carnivorous and a number of adaptations aid them in hunting and eating prey.

Crocodiles and alligators (crocodilians) are among the largest living reptiles.

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4. Birds began as feathered reptiles

Birds evolved during the great reptilian radiation of the Mesozoic era.

Almost every part of a typical bird's anatomy is modified in some way to enhance flight.

The skeletons of birds have several adaptations that make them light, flexible, but strong.

Flying requires a great expenditure of energy from an active metabolism.

Birds have excellent vision and excellent coordination, supported by well-developed areas of the brain.

The large brains of birds (proportionately larger than those of reptiles or amphibians) support very complex behavior.

The most obvious adaptations for flight are wings.

Wings are airfoils that illustrate the same principles of aerodynamics as airplane wings.

Feathers are among the most remarkable of vertebrate adaptations.

Feathers may have functioned first as insulation during the evolution of endothermy and were later co-opted as flight equipment.

The evolution of flight required radical alteration in body form but provided many benefits.

Cladistic analyses of fossilized skeletons support the hypothesis that the closest reptilian ancestors of birds were theropods.

The most famous Mesozoic bird is Archeopteryx, known from fossils from Bavaria.

Archeopteryx is not considered to be the ancestor of modern birds, but probably an extinct side branch.

In 1998, paleontologists described a diversity of Chinese fossils that may fill in the gap between dinosaurs and early birds such as Archeopteryx.

There about 8,600 extant species of birds classified in about 28 orders.

Most birds are carinates because they have a carina, or sternal keel, which anchor the large pectoral muscles.

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5. Mammals diversified extensively in the wake of the Cretaceous extinctions

With the extinction of the dinosaurs and the fragmentation of continents that occurred at the close of the Mesozoic era, mammals underwent an extensive adaptive radiation.

There are about 4,500 extant species of mammals.

Vertebrates of the class Mammalia were first defined by Linnaeus by the presence of mammary glands.

Most mammals are born rather than hatched.

Mammals generally have larger brains than other vertebrates of equivalent size.

Feeding adaptations of the jaws and teeth are other important mammalian traits.

Mammals evolved over 220 million years ago from reptilian stock.

While therapsids disappeared during the Mesozoic, mammals coexisted with dinosaurs and underwent a great adaptive radiation in the Cenozoic in the wake of the Cretaceous extinctions.

Monotremes - the playtpuses and the echindas - are the only living mammals that lay eggs.

Monotremes have hair and females produce milk in specialized glands.

Marsupials include opossums, kangaroos, bandicoots, and koalas.

A marsupial is born very early in development and in most species completes its embryonic development while nursing within a maternal pouch, the marsupium.

In Australia, marsupials have radiated and filled niches occupied by eutherian mammals in other parts of the world.

Through convergent evolution, these diverse marsupials resemble eutherian mammals that occupy similar ecological roles.

While marsupial mammals diversified throughout the Tertiary in South America and Australia, the placental mammals began an adaptive radiation on the northern continents.

Compared to marsupials, eutherian mammals (placentals) have a longer period of pregnancy.

Marsupials and eutherians are more closely related to each other than either is to monotremes.

Adaptive radiation during the Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods produced the orders of eutherian mammals that we recognize today.

The current hypothesis, based on molecular systematics, for the evolutionary relationships among eutherian orders clusters them into four main clades.

The Afrotheria includes elephants, aardvarks, hyraxes, and manatees.

The order Edentata is composed of sloths, anteaters, and armadillos, all from South America.

The third clade includes the bats (Chiroptera), the "core insectivores" (such as shrews and moles), carnivores, artiodactyls (pigs, cows, camels, and hippos) and perissodactyls (horses and rhinoceroses), and cetaceans.

The fourth (and largest) eutherian branch contains the lagomorphs (rabbits and relatives), rodents, and primates.

The order Rodentia ("gnawing"), with about 1,700 species, is the largest mammalian order and includes rats, mice, squirrels, and beavers.

Order Primates includes monkeys, apes, and humans.

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F. Primates and the Evolution of Homo sapiens

1. Primate evolution provides a context for understanding human origins

Primates are difficult to define unambiguously in terms of morphological attributes.

The earliest primates were probably tree dwellers, shaped by natural selection for arboreal life.

Other primate features also originated as adaptations for tree dwelling.

Primates are divided into two subgroups.

The oldest known anthropoid fossils, from about 45 million years ago, support the hypothesis that tarsiers are the prosimians most closed related to anthropoids.

By about 40 million years ago, monkeys were established in Africa, Asia, and South America.

In addition to monkeys, the anthropoid suborder also includes four genera of apes: Hylobates (gibbons), Pongo (orangutans), Gorilla (gorillas), and Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos).

With the exception of gibbons, modern apes are larger than monkeys, with relatively long arms and short legs, and no tails.

Although all apes are capable of brachiating, only gibbons and orangutans are primarily arboreal.

Social organization varies among the genera, with gorilla and chimpanzees highly social.

Apes have relatively larger brains than monkeys, and their behavior is more flexible.

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2. Humanity is one very young twig on the vertebrate tree

In the continuity of life spanning over 3.5 billion years, humans and apes have shared ancestry for all but the last few million years.

Paleoanthropology is the study of human origins and evolution.

Paleoanthropologists use two words that are easy to confuse but which have distinct meanings.

Paleoanthropology has a checkered history with many misconceptions about human evolution generated during the early part of the twentieth century that still persist in the minds of the general public, long after these myths have been debunked by fossil discoveries.

First, our ancestors were not chimpanzees or any other modern apes.

Second, human evolution did not occur as a ladder with a series of steps leading directly from an ancestral hominoid to Homo sapiens.

Third, the various human characteristics, such as upright posture and an enlarged brain, did not evolved in unison.

After dismissing some of the folklore on human evolution, we must admit that many questions about our own ancestry remains.

Our anthropoid ancestors of 30 - 35 million year ago were still tree dwellers.

By about 20 million years ago, the climate became drier and the forests of what is now Africa and Asia contracted and the savanna habitat increased.

The fossil record and comparisons of DNA between human and chimpanzees indicate that they diverged from a common hominoid ancestor only about 5 - 7 million years ago.

Human evolution is marked by the evolution of several major features.

All known hominid (human) fossils older than about 1.5 million hears are from eastern and southern Africa.

The various pre-Homo hominids are classified in the genus Australopithecus ("southern ape") and are known as australopithecines.

In 1974, a new fossil, about 40% complete, was discovered in the Afar region of Ethiopia.

Based on this fossil and other discoveries, this species had a brain the size of a chimpanzee, a prognathic jaw, longer arms (for some level of arboreal locomotion), and sexual dimorphism more apelike than human.

In the past few years, paleoanthropologists have found hominid species that predate A. afarensis.

One key question in paleoanthropology is which of the australopithicines were evolutionary dead ends and which were either on, or close to, the phylogenetic lineage that led to the Homo branch.

The earliest fossils that anthropologists place in our genus, Homo, are classified as Homo habilis.

A remarkably complete fossil of a young hominid known as "Turkana Boy" indicates that even larger brains had evolved by 1.6 million years ago.

Homo erectus was the first hominid species to migrate out of Africa, colonizing Asia and Europe.

The term Neanderthal is now used for humans who lived throughout Europe from about 200,000 to 40,000 years ago.

Controversy surrounds the classification of fossils of the humans that lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa from about 500,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Two alternative hypotheses have been proposed for the origin of anatomically modern humans.

In the multiregional hypothesis, fully modern humans evolved in parallel from the local populations of H. erectus.

The other hypothesis, the "Out of Africa" or replacement hypothesis, argues that all Homo sapiens throughout the world evolved from a second major migration out of Africa that occurred about 100,000 years ago.

Both hypotheses recognize the fossil evidence for humanity's African origin.

A compromise alternative to these extremes suggests that Homo sapiens originated and then dispersed from Africa 100,000 years ago.

So far, the genetic data have mostly supported the replacement hypothesis.

To choose among these competing hypotheses, comparisons of Y chromosomes in 2001 provide perhaps the most important genetic data so far.

So far, the fossil evidence has been less one-sided than the genetic data in testing the alternative hypotheses.

The western European fossil evidence is consistent with total replacement of Neanderthals about 40,000 years ago by anatomically modern humans, known as Cro-Magnons.

However, fossil evidence from outside Europe is more ambiguous, with some paleoanthropologists interpreting some Asian fossils as intermediates between older fossils of H. erectus and the skeletal features of modern Asians.

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