BSC 1010C
General Biology I

Dr. Graeme Lindbeck



  1. Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes
  2. Like begets like, more or less: a comparison of asexual versus sexual reproduction
  3. Fertilization and meiosis alternate in sexual life cycles
  4. Meiosis reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid
    1. The Stages of Meiotic Cell Division
    2. A Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
  5. Sexual life cycles produce genetic variation among offspring
    1. Independent Assortment of Chromosomes
    2. Crossing Over
    3. Random Fertilization
  6. Evolutionary adaptation depends on a population's genetic variation

Reproduction is an emergent property associated with life. The fact that organisms reproduce their own kind is a consequence of heredity.

Heredity = Continuity of biological traits from one generation to the next.

Because they share similar genes, offspring more closely resemble their parents or close relatives than unrelated individuals of the same species.

Variation = Inherited differences among individuals of the same species.

Though offspring resemble their parents and siblings, they also diverge somewhat as a consequence of inherited differences among them.

The development of genetics in this century has increased our understanding about the mechanisms of variation and heredity.

Genetics = The scientific study of heredity and variation.

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I. Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes

DNA = Type of nucleic acid that is a polymer of four different kinds of nucleotides.

Genes = Units of hereditary information that are made of DNA and are located on chromosomes.

Inheritance is possible because:

The actual transmission of genes from parents to offspring depends on the behavior of chromosomes.

Chromosomes = Threadlike structures in eukaryotic nuclei that are made of DNA and protein.

Locus = Specific location on a chromosome that contains a gene.

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II. Like begets like, more or less: a comparison of asexual versus sexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction:

Results in a clone, or genetically identical individual. Rarely, genetic differences occur as a result of notation, a change in DNA.

Sexual Reproduction:

What generates this genetic variation during sexual reproduction? The answer lies in the process of meiosis.

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III. Fertilization and meiosis alternate in sexual life cycles

The human life cycle follows the same basic pattern found in all sexually reproducing organisms; meiosis and fertilization result in alternation between the haploid and diploid condition.

Life cycle = Sequence of stages in an organism's reproductive history, from conception to production of its own offspring.

Somatic cell = Any cell other than a sperm or egg cell.

Karyotype = A display or photomicrograph of an individual's somatic-cell metaphase chromosomes that are arranged in a standard sequence.

Homologous chromosomes (homologues) = A pair of chromosomes that have the same size, centromere position and staining pattern.

Autosome = A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome.

Sex chromosome = Dissimilar chromosomes that determine an individual's sex.

Chromosomal pairs in the human karyotype are a result of our sexual origins.

Diploid = Condition in which cells contain two sets of chromosomes; abbreviated as 2n.

Haploid = Condition in which cells contain one set of chromosomes; it is the chromosome number of gametes and is abbreviated as n.

Gamete = A haploid reproductive cell.

Sperm cells and ova are gametes, and they differ from somatic cells in their chromosome number. Gametes only have one set of chromosomes.

Human gametes contain a single set of 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome (either an X or a Y).

The diploid number is restored when two haploid gametes unite in the process of fertilization. Sexual intercourse allows a haploid sperm cell from the father to reach and fuse with an ovum from the mother.

Fertilization = The union of two gametes to form a zygote.

Zygote = A diploid cell that results from the union of two haploid gametes.

Gametes are the only cells in the body that are not produced by mitosis.

  1. The Variety of Sexual Life Cycles
  2. Alternation of meiosis and fertilization is common to all sexually reproducing organisms; however, the timing of these two events in the life cycle varies among species. There are three basic patterns of sexual life cycles:

    Animal: In animals, including humans, gametes are the only haploid cells.

    Fungi and Some Protists: In many fungi and some protists, the only diploid stage is the zygote.

    Plants and Some Algae: Plants and some species of algae alternate between multicellular haploid and diploid generations.

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IV. Meiosis reduces chromosome number from diploid to haploid

Meiosis and sexual reproduction significantly contribute to genetic variation among offspring. Meiosis includes steps that closely resemble corresponding steps in mitosis.

  1. The Stages of Meiotic Cell Division
  2. Interphase I: Interphase I precedes meiosis.

    Meiosis I: This cell division segregates the two chromosomes of each homologous pair and reduces the chromosome number by one-half. It includes the following four phases:

    Prophase I. This is a longer and more complex process than prophase of mitosis.

    As prophase I continues, the cell prepares for nuclear division.

    Metaphase 1. Tetrads are aligned on the metaphase plate.

    Anaphase 1. Homologues separate and are moved towards the poles by the spindle apparatus.

    Telophase I and Cytokinesis. The spindle apparatus continues to separate homologous chromosome pairs until the chromosomes reach the poles.

    Meiosis II: This second meiotic division separates sister chromatids of each chromosome.

    Prophase II.

    Metaphase II. Chromosomes align singly on the metaphase plate.

    Anaphase II. Sister chromatids separate.

    Telophase II and Cytokinesis.

  3. A Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
  4. Though the processes of mitosis and meiosis are similar in some ways, there are some key differences:

    Prophase   Synapsis occurs to form tetrads. Chiasmata appear as evidence that crossing over has occurred.   Neither synapsis nor crossing over occurs.
    Metaphase   Homologous pairs (tetrads) align on the metaphase plate.   Individual chromosomes align on the metaphase plate.
    Anaphase   Meiosis separates pairs of individual divide and sister chromatids stay together. Sister chromatids of each chromosome move to the same pole of the cell; only the homologues separate.   Mitosis separates sister chromatids of chromosomes. Centromeres do not of individual chromosomes. Centromeres divide and sister chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell.

    Meiosis II is virtually identical in mechanism to mitosis, separating sister chromatids.

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V. Sexual life cycles produce genetic variation among offspring

Meiosis and fertilization are the primary sources of genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms. Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation by:

  1. Independent Assortment of Chromosomes
  2. At Metaphase I, each homologous pair of chromosomes aliens on the metaphase plate. Each pair consists of one maternal and one paternal chromosome.

    Independent assortment = The random distribution of maternal and paternal homologues to the gametes. (In a more specific sense, assortment refers to the random distribution of genes located on different chromosomes.)

  3. Random Fertilization
  4. Random fertilization is another source of genetic variation in offspring. In humans, an egg cell that is one of eight million different possibilities will be fertilized by a sperm cell that is also one of eight million possibilities. Thus, the resulting zygote can have one of 64 trillion possible diploid combinations.

    To summarize, there are three important sources of genetic variability in sexually reproducing organisms:

    1. Independent assortment of homologous chromosome pairs during meiosis I.
    2. Crossing over between homologous chromosomes during prophase of meiosis I.
    3. Random fusion of gametes.

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VI. Evolutionary adaptation depends on a population's genetic variation

Inheritable variation is the basis for Charles Darwin's theory that natural selection is the mechanism for evolutionary change. Natural selection:

There are two sources of genetic variation:

  1. Sexual reproduction: independent assortment in meiosis I, crossing over in prophase of meiosis I, and random fusion of gametes during fertilization.
  2. Mutation, which is rare structural change in a gene.

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Dr. Graeme Lindbeck .