BSC 1010C
General Biology I

Dr. Graeme Lindbeck



  1. Plants and other autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere
  2. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in plants
  3. Evidence that cloroplasts split water molecules enabled researchers to track atoms through photosynthesis
    1. The Splitting of Water
    2. Photosynthesis as a Redox Process
  4. The light reactions and the Calvin cycle cooperate in transforming light to the chemical energy of food
  5. The light reaction transform solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH: a closer look
    1. The Nature of Sunlight
    2. Photosynthetic Pigments: The Light Receptors
    3. The Photoexcitation of Chlorophyll
    4. Photosystems: Light-Harvesting Complexes of the Thylakoid Membrane
    5. Noncyclic Electron Flow
    6. Cyclic Electron Flow
    7. A Comparison of Chemiosmosis in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria
  6. The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar: a closer look
  7. Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation have evolved in hot, and climates
    1. Photorespiration: An Evolutionary Relic?
    2. C4 Plants
    3. CAM Plants
  8. Photosynthesis is the biosphere's metabolic foundation: a review

Photosynthesis transforms solar light energy trapped by chloroplasts into chemical bond energy stored in sugar and other organic molecules. This process:

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I. Plants and other autotrophs are the producers of the biosphere

Organisms acquire organic molecules used for energy and carbon skeletons by one of two nutritional modes:

  1. Autotrophic Nutrition, or
  2. Heterotrophic Nutrition.

Autotrophic nutrition = (Auto = self; trophos = feed) Nutritional mode of synthesizing organic molecules from inorganic raw materials.

Photoautotrophs = Autotrophic organisms that use light as an energy source to synthesize organic molecules. Examples are photosynthetic organisms such as plants, algae and some prokaryotes.

Chemoautotrophs = Autotrophic organisms that use the oxidation of inorganic substances, such as sulfur or ammonia, as an energy source to synthesize organic molecules. Unique to some bacteria, this is a rarer form of autotrophic nutrition.

Heterotrophic nutrition = (Heteros = other; trophos = feed) Nutritional mode of acquiring organic molecules from compounds produced by other organisms; heterotrophs are unable to synthesize organic molecules from inorganic raw materials.

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II. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in plants

Although all green plant parts have chloroplasts, leaves are the major organs of photosynthesis in most plants.

Chloroplasts are lens-shaped organelles measuring about 2 - 4 mm by 4 - 7 mm. These organelles are divided into three functional compartments by a system of membranes.

  1. Intermembrane Space. The chloroplast is bound by a double membrane which partitions its contents from the cytosol. A narrow intermembrane space separates the two membranes.
  2. Thylakoid Space. Thylakoids form another membranous system within the chloroplast. The thylakoid membrane segregates the interior of the chloroplast into two compartments: thylakoid space and stroma.

Thylakoids = Flattened membranous sacs inside the chloroplast.

Thylakoid space = Space inside the thylakoid.

Grana = (Singular, granum) Stacks of thylakoids in a chloroplast.

  1. Stroma. Reactions that use chemical energy to convert carbon dioxide to sugar occur in the stroma, viscous fluid outside the thylakoids.

Photosynthetic prokaryotes lack chloroplasts, but have chlorophyll built into the plasma membrane or into membranes of numerous vesicles within the cell.

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III. Evidence that chloroplasts split water molecules enabled researchers to track atoms through photosynthesis: science as a process

Some steps in photosynthesis are not yet understood, but the following summary equation has been known since the early 1800's:

Indicating the net consumption of water simplifies the equation:

The simplest form of the equation is:

  1. The Splitting of Water
  2. The discovery that O2 released by plants is derived from H2O and not from CO2, was one of the earliest clues to the mechanism of photosynthesis.

    Scientists later confirmed van Niel's hypothesis by using a heavy isotope of oxygen (18O) as a tracer to follow oxygen's fate during photosynthesis.

    An important result of photosynthesis is the extraction of hydrogen from water and its incorporation into sugar.

    Electrons associated with hydrogen have more potential energy in organic molecules than they do in water, where the electrons are closer to electronegative oxygen.

    Energy is stored in sugar and other food molecules in the form of these high-energy electrons.

  3. Photosynthesis as a Redox Process
  4. Respiration is an exergonic redox process; energy is released from the oxidation of sugar.

    Photosynthesis is an endergonic redox process; energy is required to reduce carbon dioxide.

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IV. The light reactions and the Calvin cycle cooperate in transforming light to the chemical energy of food: an overview

Photosynthesis occurs in two stages: the light reactions and the Calvin cycle.

Light reactions = In photosynthesis, the reactions that convert light energy to chemical bond energy in ATP and NADPH. These reactions:

Calvin cycle = In photosynthesis, the carbon-fixation reactions that assimilate atmospheric CO2 and then reduce it to a carbohydrate; named for Melvin Calvin. These reactions:

Carbon fixation = The process of incorporating CO2 into organic molecules.

The Calvin cycle reactions do not require light directly, but reduction Of CO2 to sugar requires the products of the light reactions:

Chloroplasts thus use light energy to make sugar by coordinating the two stages of photosynthesis.

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V. The light reactions transform solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH: a closer look

To understand how the thylakoids of chloroplasts transform light energy into the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH, it is necessary to know some important properties of light.

  1. The Nature of Sunlight
  2. Sunlight is electromagnetic energy. The quantum mechanical model of electromagnetic radiation describes light as having a behavior that is both wavelike and particle-like.

    1. Wavelike properties of light.
      • Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy that travels in rhythmic waves which are disturbances of electric and magnetic fields.
      • A wavelength is the distance between the crests of electromagnetic waves.
      • The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from wavelengths that are less than a nanometer (ganuna rays) to those that are more than a kilometer (radio waves).
      • Visible light, which is detectable by the human eye, is only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and ranges from about 380 to 750 nm. The wavelengths most important for photosynthesis are within this range of visible light.
    2. Particle-like properties of light.
      • Light also behaves as if it consists of discrete particles or quanta called photons.
      • Each photon has a fixed quantity of energy which is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light. For example, a photon of violet light has nearly twice as much energy as a photon of red light.

    The sun radiates the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy.

  3. Photosynthetic Pigments: The Light Receptors
  4. Light may be reflected, transmitted or absorbed when it contacts matter.

    Pigments = Substances that absorb visible light.

    Each pigment has a characteristic absorption spectrum or pattern of wavelengths that it absorbs. It is expressed as a graph of absorption versus wavelength.

    A graph of wavelength versus rate of photosynthesis is called an action spectrum and profiles the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of visible light for driving photosynthesis.

    The action spectrum for photosynthesis does not exactly match the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a.

    The accessory pigments expand the range of wavelengths available for photosynthesis. These pigments include:

  5. The Photoexcitation of Chlorophyll
  6. What happens when chlorophyll or accessory pigments absorb photons?

    The only photons absorbed by a molecule are those with an energy state equal to the difference in energy between the ground state and excited state.

    The excited state is unstable, so excited electrons quickly fall back to the ground state orbital, releasing excess energy in the process. This released energy may be:

    Pigment molecules do not fluoresce when in the thylakoid membranes, because nearby primary electron acceptor molecules trap excited state electrons that have absorbed photons.

  7. Photosystems: Light-Harvesting Complexes of the Thylakoid Membrane
  8. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and the carotenoids are assembled into photosystems located within the thylakoid membrane. Each photosystem is composed of:

    1. antenna complex.
      • Several hundred chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid molecules are light-gathering antennae that absorb photons and pass the energy from molecule to molecule. This process of resonance energy transfer is called induc tive resonance.
      • Different pigments within the antennal complex have slightly different absorption spectra, so collectively they can absorb photons from a wider range of the light spectrum than would be possible with only one type of pigment molecule.
    2. reaction-center chlorophyll.
      • Only two of the many chlorophyll a molecules in each complex can actually transfer an excited electron to initiate the light reactions. These specialized chlorophyll a’s are located in the reaction center.
    3. primary electron acceptor.
      • Located near the reaction center, a primary electron acceptor molecule traps excited state electrons released from the reaction center chlorophyll.
      • The transfer of excited state electrons from chlorophyll to primary electron acceptor molecules is the first step of the light reactions. The energy stored in the trapped electrons powers the synthesis of ATP and NADPH in subsequent steps.

    Two types of photosystems are located in the thylakoid membranes, photosystem I and photosystem II.

  9. Noncyclic Electron Flow
  10. There are two possible routes for electron flow during the light reactions: noncyclic flow and cyclic flow.

    Both photosystem I and photosystem II function and cooperate in noncyclic electron flow which transforms light energy to chemical energy stored in the bonds of NADPH and ATP. This process:

    Light excites electrons from P700, the reaction center chlorophylls in photosystem I. These excited state electrons do not return to the reaction center chlorophylls, but are ultimately stored in NADPH, which will later be the electron donor in the Calvin Cycle.

    When the antenna assembly of photosystem II absorbs light, the energy is transferred to the P680 reaction center .

    Electrons from P680 flow to P700 during noncyclic electron flow, restoring the missing electrons in P700. This, however, leaves the P680 reaction center of photosystem II with missing electrons; the oxidized P680 chlorophyll thus becomes a strong oxidiz ing agent.

    As excited electrons give up energy along the transport chain to P700, the thylakoid membrane couples the exergonic flow of electrons to the endergonic reactions that phosphorylate ADP to ATP.

  11. Cyclic Electron Flow
  12. Cyclic electron flow is the simplest pathway, but involves only photosystem I and generates ATP without producing NADPH or evolving oxygen.

    The function of the cyclic pathway is to produce additional ATP.

  13. A Comparison of Chemiosmosis in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria
  14. Chemiosmosis = The coupling of exergonic electron flow down an electron transport chain to endergonic ATP production by the creation of an electrochemical proton gradient across a membrane. The proton gradient drives ATP synthesis as protons diff use back across the membrane.

    Chemiosmosis in chloroplasts and chemlosmosis in mitochondria are similar in several ways:

    Oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and photophosphorylation in chloroplasts differ in the following ways:

    1. Electron Transport Chain
      • Mitochondria transfer chemical energy from food molecules to ATP. The high-energy electrons that pass down the transport chain are extracted by the oxidation of food molecules.
      • Chloroplasts transform light energy into chemical energy. Photosystems capture light energy and use it to drive electrons to the top of the transport chain.
    2. Spatial Organization
      • The Inner mitochondrial membrane pumps protons from the matrix out to the intermembrane space, which is a reservoir of protons that power ATP synthase.
      • The chloroplast's thylakoid membrane pumps protons from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment, which functions as a proton reservoir. ATP is produced as protons diffuse from the thylakoid compartment back to the stroma through ATP synthase com plexes that have catalytic heads on the membrane's stroma side. Thus, ATP forms in the stroma where it drives sugar synthesis during the Calvin cycle.

    There is a large proton or pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane.

    A tentative model for the organization of the thylakoid membrane includes the following:

    Summary of the Light Reactions:

    During noncyclic electron flow, the photosystems of the thylakoid membrane transform light energy to the chemical energy stored in NADPH and ATP. This process:

    During cyclic electron flow, electrons ejected from P700 reach ferredoxin and flow back to P700. This process:

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VI. The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar: a closer look

ATP and NADPH produced by the light reactions are used in the Calvin cycle to reduce carbon dioxide to sugar.

For the Calvin cycle to synthesize one molecule of sugar (G3P), three molecules of CO2 must enter the cycle. The cycle may be divided into three phases:

For the net synthesis of one G3P molecule, the Calvin cycle uses the products of the light reactions:

G3P produced by the Calvin cycle is the raw material used to synthesize glucose and other carbohydrates.

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VII. Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation have evolved in hot, and climates

  1. Photorespiration: An Evolutionary Relic?
  2. A metabolic pathway called photorespiration reduces the yield of photosynthesis.

    Photorespiration = In plants, a metabolic pathway that consumes oxygen, evolves carbon dioxide, produces no ATP and decreases photosynthetic output.

    When the O2 concentration in the leaf‘s air spaces is higher than CO2 concentration, rubisco accepts O2 and transfers it to RUBP. The "photo" in photorespiration refers to the fact that this pathway usually occurs in light when photosynthesis reduces CO2 and raises O2 in the leaf spaces. The "respiration" in photorespiration refers to the fact that this process uses O2 and releases CO2.

    Some scientists believe that photorespiration is a metabolic relic from earlier times when the atmosphere contained less oxygen and more carbon dioxide than is present today.

    Whether photorespiration is beneficial to plants is not known.

    Photorespiration is fostered by hot, dry, bright days.

    Certain species of plants, which live in hot arid climates, have evolved alternate modes of carbon fixation that minimize photorespiration. C4 and CAM are the two most important of these photosynthetic adaptations.

  3. C4 Plants
  4. The Calvin cycle occurs in most plants and produces 3-phosphoglycerate, a three-carbon compound, as the first stable intermediate.

    Many plant species preface the Calvin cycle with reactions that incorporate carbon dioxide into four-carbon compounds.

    Leaf anatomy of C4 plants spatially segregates the Calvin cycle from the initial incorporation of CO2 into organic compounds. There are two distinct types of photosynthetic cells:

    1. Bundle-sheath cells.
      • Are arranged into tightly packed sheaths around the veins of the leaf.
      • Thylakoids in the chloroplasts of bundle-sheath cells are not stacked into grana.
      • The Calvin cycle is confined to the chloroplasts of the bundle sheath.
    2. Mesophyll cells.
      • Are more loosely arranged in the area between the bundle sheath and the leaf surface.

    The Calvin cycle of C4 plants is preceded by incorporation of CO2 into organic compounds in the mesophyll.

  5. CAM Plants
  6. A second photosynthetic adaptation exists in succulent plants adapted to very and conditions. These plants open their stomata primarily at night and close them during the day (opposite of most plants).

    The CAM and C4 pathways:

    Regardless of whether the plant uses a C3, C4 or CAM pathway, all plants use the Calvin cycle to produce sugar from CO2.

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VIII. Photosynthesis is the biosphere's metabolic foundation: a review

On a global scale, photosynthesis makes about 160 billion metric tons of carbohydrate per year. No other chemical process on Earth is more productive or is as important to life.

Photosynthesis transforms light energy to chemical bond energy in sugar molecules.

Most plants make more organic material than needed for respiratory fuel and for precursors of biosynthesis.

Photorespiration can reduce photosynthetic yield in hot dry climates. Alternate methods of carbon fixation minimize photorespiration.

Course Pages maintained by
Dr. Graeme Lindbeck .