BSC 1010C
General Biology I

Dr. Graeme Lindbeck

A Tour of the Cell



  1. Microscopes provide windows to the world of the cell
  2. Cell biologists can isolate organelles to study their function
  3. A panoramic view of the cell
    1. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
    2. Cell Size
    3. The Importance of Compartmental Organization
  4. The nucleus contains a cell's genetic library
  5. Ribosomes build a cell's proteins
  6. Many organelles are related through the endomembrane system
  7. The endoplasmic reticulum manufactures membranes and performs many other biosynthetic functions
    1. Functions of Smooth ER
    2. Rough ER and Protein Synthesis
    3. Rough ER and Membrane Production
  8. The Golgi apparatus finishes, sorts, and ships many products of the cell
  9. Lysomes are digestive compartments
  10. Vacuoles have diverse functions in cell maintenance
  11. Peroxisomes consume oxygen in various metabolic functions
  12. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the main energy transformers of cells
  13. The cytoskeleton provides structural support and functions in cell motility
    1. Microtubules
    2. Microfilaments (Actin Filaments)
    3. Intermediate Filaments
  14. Plant cells are encased by cell walls
  15. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal cells functions in support, adhesion, movement and development
  16. Intercellular junctions integrate cells into higher levels of structure and function
  17. The cell is a living unit greater than the sum of its parts
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All organisms are made of cells, the organism's basic unit of structure and function.
The cell as a microcosm can be used to illustrate four themes integral to biology:
  1. Theme of emergent properties. Life at the cellular level arises from interactions among cellular components.
  2. Correlation of structure and function. Ordered cellular processes (e.g. protein synthesis, respiration, photosynthesis, cell-cell recognition, cellular movement, membrane production and secretion) are based upon ordered structures.
  3. Interaction of organisms within their environment. Cells are excitable responding to environmental stimuli. In addition, cells are open systems that exchange materials and energy with their environment.
  4. Unifying theme of evolution. Evolutionary adaptations are the basis for the correlation between structure and function.
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I. Microscopes provide windows to the world of the cell

The microscope's invention and improvement in the seventeenth century led to the discovery and study of cells.

In 1665, Robert Hooke described cells using a light microscope. Modern light microscopy is based upon the same principles as microscopy first used by Renaissance scientists.

Two important concepts in microscopy are magnification and resolving power.

Magnification = How much larger an object is made to appear compared to its real size.

Resolving Power = Minimum distance between two points that can still be distinguished as two separate points.

In the 1950's, researchers began to use the electron microscope which far surpassed the resolving power of the light microscope.

The transmission electron microscope (TEM) aims an electron beam at a thin section of specimen which may be stained with metals to absorb electrons and enhance contrast.

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is useful for studying the surface of a specimen.

Disadvantages of an Electron Microscope:

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II. Cell biologists can isolate organelles to study their function

Modern cell biology integrates the study of cell structure (cytology) with the study of cell function. Cell fractionation is a technique that enables researchers to isolate organelles without destroying their function.

Cell fractionation = Technique which involves centrifuging disrupted cells at various speeds and duration's to isolate components of different sizes, densities and shapes.

The process of cell fractionation involves the following:

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III. A panoramic view of the cell

  1. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
  2. Living organisms are made of either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells - two major kinds of cells, which can be distinguished by structural organization.

    (pro = before; karyon = kernel)
    (Eu = true; karyon = kernel)
    Found in the Domains Bacteria and Archaea.
    Found in the Domain Eukarya.
    No true nucleus; lacks nuclear envelope. True nucleus; bounded by nuclear envelope.
    Genetic material in nucleoid region. Genetic material within nucleus.
    No membrane-bound organelles. Contains cytoplasm with cytosol and membrane-bound organelles.
    Cytoplasm = Entire region between the nucleus and cell membrane. Cytosol = Semi-fluid medium found in the cytoplasm.

  3. Cell Size
  4. Range of cell size is limited by metabolic requirements. The lower limits are probably determined by the smallest size with:

    The upper limits of size are imposed by the surface area to volume ratio. As a cell increases in size, its volume grows proportionately more than its surface area.

  5. The Importance of Compartmental Organization
  6. The average eukaryotic cell has a thousand times the volume of the average prokaryotic cell, but only a hundred times the surface area. Eukaryotic cells compensate for the small surface area to volume ratio by having internal membranes which:

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IV. The nucleus contains a cell's genetic library

Nucleus = A generally conspicuous membrane-bound cellular organelle in a eukaryote; contains most of the genes that control the entire cell.

Nuclear envelope = A double membrane which encloses the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell.

The nucleus contains most of the cell's DNA which is organized with proteins into a complex called chromatin.

chromatin = Complex of DNA and histone proteins, which makes up chromosomes in eukaryotic cells; appears as a mass of stained material in nondividing cells.

chromosomes = Long threadlike association of genes, composed of chromatin and found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

The most visible structure within the nondividing nucleus is the nucleolus.

Nucleolus = Roughly spherical region in the nucleus of nondividing cells, which consists of nucleolar organizers and ribosomes in various stages of production.

Nucleolar organizers = Specialized regions of some chromosomes, with multiple copies of genes for rRNA (ribosomal RNA) synthesis.

The nucleus controls protein synthesis in the cytoplasm:

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V. Ribosomes build a cell's proteins

Ribosome = A cytoplasmic organelle which is the site for protein synthesis.

Ribosomes function either free in the cytosol or bound to endoplasmic reticulum. Bound and free ribosomes are structurally identical and interchangeable.

Free ribosomes = Ribosomes suspended in the cytosol.

Bound ribosomes = Ribosomes attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum.

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VI. Many organelles are related through the endomembrane system

Biologists now consider many membranes of the eukaryotic cell to be part of an endomembrane system.

Vesicles = Membrane-enclosed sacs that are pinched off portions of membranes moving from the site of one membrane to another.

Membranes of the endomembrane system vary in structure and function, and the membranes themselves are dynamic structures changing in composition, thickness and behavior.

The endomembrane system includes:

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VII. The endoplasmic reticulum manufactures membranes and performs many other biosynthetic functions

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) = (Endoplasmic=within the cytoplasm; reticulum= network) Extensive membranous network of tubules and sacs (cisternae) which sequesters its internal lumen (cisternal space) from the cytosol.

There are two distinct regions of ER that differ in structure and function: smooth ER and rough ER.

  1. Functions of Smooth ER
  2. Appears smooth in the electron microscope because its cytoplasmic surface lacks ribosomes. Smooth ER functions in diverse metabolic processes:

    1. Synthesizes lipids, phospholipids and steroids.
      • For example, mammalian sex hormones and steroids secreted by the adrenal gland.
      • Cells that produce and secrete these products are rich in smooth ER (e.g. testes, ovaries, skin oil glands).
    2. Participates in carbohydrate metabolism.
      • Smooth ER in liver contains an embedded enzyme that catalyzes the final step in the conversion of glycogen to glucose (removes the phosphate from glucosephosphate).
    3. Detoxifies drugs and poisons.
      • Smooth ER, especially in the liver, contains enzymes which detoxify drugs and poisons.
      • Enzymes catalyze the addition of hydroxyl groups to drugs and poisons. This makes them soluble in the cytosol, so they may be excreted from the body.
      • Smooth ER in liver cells proliferates in response to barbiturates, alcohol and other drugs. This, in turn, may increase drug tolerance.
    4. Stores calcium ions necessary for muscle contraction.
      • In a muscle cell, the ER membrane pumps Ca2+ from the cytosol into the cistemal space.
      • In response to a nerve impulse, Ca2+ leaks from the ER back into the cytosol which triggers muscle cell contraction.

  3. Rough ER and Protein Synthesis Rough ER:
  4. Proteins destined for secretion are synthesized by ribosomes attached to rough ER:

    Ribosomes attached to rough ER synthesize secretary proteins.
    Growing polypeptide is threaded through ER membrane into the lumen or cisternal space.
    Protein folds into its native conformation.
    If destined to be a glycoprotein, enzymes localized in the ER membrane catalyze the covalent bonding of an oligosaccharide to the secretary protein.
    Protein departs in a tranvport vesicle pinched off from transitional ER adjacent to the rough ER site of production.

    Glycoprotein = Protein covalently bonded to carbohydrate.

    Oligosaccharide = Small polymer of sugar units.

    Transport vesicle = Membrane vesicle in transit from one part of the cell to another.

  5. Rough ER and Membrane Production
  6. Membranes of rough ER grow in place as newly formed proteins and phospholipids are assembled:

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VIII. The Golgi apparatus finishes, sorts, and ships many products of the cell

Many transport vesicles leave the ER and travel to the Golgi apparatus.

Golgi apparatus = Organelle made of stacked, flattened membranous sacs (cisternae), that modifies, stores and routes products of the endoplasmic reticulum.

Enzymes in the Golgi modify products of the ER in stages as they move through the Golgi stack from the cis to the trans face:

During this process, the Golgi:

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IX. Lysosomes are digestive compartments

Lysosome = An organelle which is a membrane-enclosed bag of hydrolytic enzymes that digest all major classes of macromolecules. Back to top

X. Vacuoles have diverse functions in cell maintenance

Vacuole = Organelle which is a membrane-enclosed sac that is larger than a vesicle (transport vesicle, lysosome or microbody). Back to top

XI. Peroxisomes consume oxygen in various metabolic functions

Peroxisome = Membrane-bound organelles that contain specialized teams of enzymes for specific metabolic pathways; all contain peroxide-producing oxidases. Back to top

XII. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the main energy transformers of cells

Mitochondria and chloroplasts are organelles that transduce energy acquired from the surroundings into forms useable for cellular work.

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Mitochondria = Organelles which are the sites of cellular respiration, a catabolic oxygen-requiring process that uses energy extracted from organic macromolecules to produce ATP.

    Structure of the Mitochondrion:

  3. Chloroplasts
  4. Plastids = A group of plant and algal membrane-bound organelles that include amyloplasts, chromoplasts and chloroplasts.

    Amyloplasts = (Amylo=starch) Colorless plastids that store starch; found in roots and tubers.

    Chromoplasts = (Chromo=color) Plastids containing pigments other than chlorophyll-, responsible for the color of fruits, flowers and autumn leaves.

    Chloroplasts = (Chloro=green) Chlorophyll-containing plastids which are the sites of photosynthesis.

    Structure of the Chloroplast:

    Chloroplasts are divided into three functional compartments by a system of membranes:

    1. Intermembrane Space. The chloroplast is bound by a double membrane which partitions its contents from the cytosol. A narrow intermembrane space separates the two membranes.
    2. Thylakoid Space. Thylakoids form another membranous system within the chloroplast. The thylakoid membrane segregates the interior of the chloroplast into two compartments: thylakoid space and stroma.

      Thylakoid space = Space inside the thylakoid.

      Thylakoids = Flattened membranous sacs inside the chloroplast.

      • Chlorophyll is found in the thylakoid membranes.
      • Thylakoids function in the steps of photosynthesis that initially convert light energy to chemical energy.
      • Some thylakoids are stacked into grana.

      Grana = (Singular, granum) Stacks of thylakoids in a chloroplast.

    3. Stroma. Photosynthetic reactions that use chemical energy to convert carbon dioxide to sugar occur in the stroma.

      Stroma = Viscous fluid outside the thylakoids.

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XIII. The cytoskeleton provides structural support and functions in cell motility

It was originally thought that organelles were suspended in a formless cytosol. Technological advances in both light and electron microscopy (e.g. high voltage E.M.) revealed a three-dimensional view of the cell, which showed a network of fibers througho ut the cytoplasm - the cytoskeleton.

Cytoskeleton = A network of fibers throughout the cytoplasm that forms a dynamic framework for support and movement.

  1. Microtubules
  2. Found in cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells, microtubules:

    Functions of microtubules include:

    1. Cellular support.
      • May radiate from the centrosome, a microtubule-organizing center near the nucleus of most animal cells, and form a framework for cellular support.
      • Microtubular bundles near plasma membrane reinforce cell shape.
    2. Tracks for organelle movement.
      • Protein motor molecules (e.g. kinesin) interact with microtubules to translocate organelles (e.g. vesicles from the Golgi to the plasma membrane).
      • Separation of chromosomes during cell division.
      • Make up centrioles in animal cells.
    Centriole = Pair of cylindrical structures in animal cells, composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules arranged in a ring.

    Cilia and flagella = Locomotor organelles found in eukaryotes, which are formed from a specialized arrangement of microtubules.

    (singular, cilium)
    (singular, flagellum)
    Occur in large numbers on cell One or a few per cell
    Shorter; 2-20 mm in length Longer; 10-200 mm in length.
    Work like oars, alternating, power with recovery strokes. Creates force in the same direction as the axis of the cilium. Undulating motion that creates force in direction perpendicular to the axis of the flagellum.

    Ultrastructure of Cilia and Flagella:

    Basal Body = A cellular structure, identical to a centriole, that anchors the microtubular assembly of cilia and flagella.

    The unique ultrastructure of cilia and flagella is necessary for them to function:

  3. Microfilaments (Actin Filaments) Structure of Microfilaments:
  4. Function of Microfilaments:
    1. Participate in muscle contraction.
      • Along the length of a muscle cell, parallel actin microfilaments are interdigitated with thicker filaments made of the protein myosin, a motor molecule.
      • With ATP as the energy source, a muscle cell shortens as the thin actin filaments slide across the myosin filaments. Sliding results from the swinging of myosin cross-bridges intermittently attached to actin.
    2. Provide cellular support (e.g. bundles of microfilaments in the core of intestinal microvilli).
    3. Responsible for localized contraction of cells. Small actin-myosin aggregates exist in some parts of the cell and cause localized contractions. Examples include:
      • Contracting ring of microfilaments pinches an animal cell in two during cell division.
      • Elongation and contraction of pseudopodia during amoeboid movement.
      • Involved in cytoplasmic streaming (cyclosis) found in plant cells.
    Cytoplasmic streaming (cyclosis) = Flowing of the entire cytoplasm around the space between the vacuole and plasma membrane in a plant cell.

  5. Intermediate Filaments
  6. Structure of Intermediate Filaments:

    Function of Intermediate Filaments:

    1. Specialized for bearing tension; may function as the framework for the cytoskeleton.
    2. Reinforce cell shape (e.g. nerve axons).
    3. Probably fix organelle position (e.g. nucleus).
    4. Compose the nuclear lamina, lining the nuclear envelope's interior.
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XIV. Plant cells are encased by cell walls

Most cells produce coats that are external to the plasma membrane.

  1. Cell Walls
  2. Plant cells can be distinguished from animal cells by the presence of a cell wall:

    Plant cells develop as follows:

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XV. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal cells functions in support, adhesion, movement and development

Animal cells lack walls, but they do have an elaborate extracellular matrix (ECM).

Extracellular matrix (ECM) = Meshwork of macromolecules outside the plasma membrane of animal cells. This ECM is:

Some cells are attached:

Fibronectins bind to transmembrane receptor proteins called integrins that:

The extracellular matrix:

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XVI. Intercellular junctions integrate cells into higher levels of structure and function

Neighboring cells often adhere and interact through special patches of direct physical contact.

Intercellular Junctions in plants:

Plasmodesmata (singular, plasmodesma): Channels that perforate plant cell walls, through which cytoplasmic strands communicate between adjacent cells.

Intercellular Junctions in Animals:

Tight junctions = Intercellular junctions that hold cells together tightly enough to block transport of substances through the intercellular space.

Desmosomes = Intercellular junctions that rivet cells together into strong sheets, but still permit substances to pass freely through intracellular spaces. The desmosome is made of:

Gap junctions = Intercellular junctions specialized for material transport between the cytoplasm of adjacent cells.

Course Pages maintained by
Dr. Graeme Lindbeck.