Elvenoaks Concepts

How are Beliefs and Opinions formed?

"I believe in our country."

"I don't believe in fairy tales."

Elvenoaks Concepts

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What does it mean to "believe" in something? Does it mean the same thing for everyone? Is it an uncompromising position, or do beliefs "change" with time? Are "opinion" and "belief" the same thing?

When it comes to the concept of "learning" and the development of critical thinking skills, an understanding of the relationship between "belief," "opinion," and "facts" is essential. "Learning" involves acquiring new information, and for that information to be processed and understood clearly, it must relate, in some way, to concepts that an individual already knows. Simply put, if a new idea does not fit into what a student "already knows" or thinks is necessary, it will be seen as unimportant and promptly forgotten (usually within hours after the classroom test).

So, in college, if a student is asked to learn a concept he or she "does not believe in," little or no significant learning will take place.

On to Some Definitions

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