Special Projects

These projects are designed for limited credit independent study students

Da4ogers, M.F.A. Professor of English

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Project #1Candide by Voltaire (1 credit)

Task: Read Voltaire's Candide and write a 750w-1000w essay on what Voltaire meant by the phrase at the end of the novel that, "we must cultivate our garden." The paper should include at least two references (quotes or paraphrases) from one of the secondary sources (not the novel itself) listed below.

Overview: For this project, I ask that you read Candide by Voltaire. The book can be found in most libraries, in bookstores, or online.

Candide is a satiric commentary on 18th century European thought. Voltaire was considered a literary and intellectual genius, but was only marginally accepted and tolerated by the aristocrats of the time. For more information on Voltaire's life and European philosophy at the time, refer to the SparkNotes pages or

Once you have completed reading the text, the goal is to compose a paper of between 750w and 1000w that examines what Voltaire meant by the phrase at the end of the story, "we must cultivate our garden."

Study Guide: In order to help you understand the author's purpose in writing the story (it's more than just a farce), I ask taht you read "WHY" from The Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire. This brief entry should give you some idea about the sort of person Voltaire was. Remember that he lived in the early 1700's, when the European world was ruled by monarchs and most everyone else was a peasant!.

When you have read this entry, please email your thoughts about it and the story. I will explain and clarify any part of the novel that you wish.

More of Voltaire's thoughts can be read in the whole The Philosophical Dictionary. Hanover Historical Texts Project

The final essay is not intended to be a "test," but rather the culmination of your reading and study, so it's my responsibility to make sure you understand Voltaire to the best of my abilities.

As evidence for your opinion (thesis), I ask that you include at least 2 quotes and MLA documentation. You may use quotes or paraphrases from Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary or one of the above links. The Philosophical Dictionary was Voltaire's "blog" on his perspective of 18th century life. Similar to a journal, it presents a collection of thoughts. I recommend it highly for source material (and for an interesting read!).

Project #2 The Perennial Philosophy (2 credits)

Gottfried Leibniz just keeps reappearing! He also coined the phrase "perennial philosophy." It is a spiritual and mystical term, referring to the spiritual undercurrents that form the foundation of all religion. Aldous Huxley, in 1945, examined this "philosophy of philosophies" in his book The Perennial Philosophy.

This project asks you to examine the concept of the Perennial Philosophy. What is it? Is it, as some say, the common denominator of of philosophical and religious thought, or rather a special (perhaps superstitious) form of spiritualism?

This project will not require a documented paper (unless it is a requirement of your specific study), but I do ask that you keep a bibliography of your search. This project can be completed with only Internet sources. The final paper should be between 750 and 1000 words and include information from at least 5 sources.

Here are some sources to get you started:

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