help file

general information

Calender is created using javascript and cookies to simulate a fully functional calendar database.

There are two types of reminders for use:

  • global reminders
  • personal reminders
Both types are able to be created, edited, and deleted, but by different groups. Other features of Calendar are:
  • Current day alert of reminders
  • Daily view of reminders
  • Monthly view of all reminders
  • print feature for two views (monthly and daily)



options are set in options.js. These control some of the functionality of the calendar.

    calendar width

    default: 100%
    the value represents the width of the calendar. An integer or percentage can be used.


    default: 14%
    the value represents the width of each cell box within the calendar. An integer or percentage can be used.

    enabling personal reminders

    default: true
    value represents the use of personal (cookie) reminders for all end users. Alternate value is false.

    personal reminder expiration length

    default: 14
    value represents the number of days a personal (cookie) reminder is stored until it expires. Only integer should be used. Recommended values range from 1 to 365 days.

    enabling popup reminder (alerts)

    default: true
    value represents the use of browser alerts to notify the end user of the current day's reminders. Alternate value is false.

    exclusive personal reminders

    default: true
    value represents the ability of only certain people to be able to add personal (cookie) reminders. Alternate value is false.

    Admin expiration length
    default: 365
    value represents the number of days a user is considered an admin and can access personal reminders. Only integer should be used. Recommended values range from 1 to 365 days.

    enabling different month/day text

    default: false
    value represents the ability to use different month text rather than the default values. Alternate value is true.

    month text array
    the new month text must be specified within the array surrounded by double quotation marks("") and in the correct order (January - December).

    day text array
    the new day text must be specified within the array surrounded by double quotation marks("") and in the correct order(Sunday - Saturday).



by default the calendar starts in the current month with the current day highlighted.

The calendar view displays global and personal(cookie) reminders within each cell box.

    changing months

    to change to a different month, simply click on the forward or back arrows location in the top corners of the calendar.

    viewing reminders (daily or monthly)

    to view daily reminders, simply click on the date in the cell box. this will bring up a smaller window with daily reminder information for a given day.

    to view monthly reminders, simply click on the month name located at the top center of the calendar. this will bring up a smaller window with a list of all reminders for a given month.

    global/personal reminders

    global reminders have various display methods.
    color: global reminders can be associated with a unquie color.
    links: global reminder text can have a link to reference any outside http page.


    a javascript alert will popup once when the calendar is initially opened. It will display a list of the alerts with the total for the current day.

    this can be toggled by a setting in the options.js file.


daily scheduler

Daily Scheduler can help to manage personal reminders.

This section applies only to personal reminders.

the date is also display to help ease navigation and avoid not knowing which day is being set with a reminder.

    creating new reminders

    to set a new reminder click on the link new reminder from the daily scheduler main view. Type the reminder text into the textbox and click on set reminder.

    once the reminder is set, it will be displayed on the main calendar and the daily scheduler.

    to cancel setting the of a new reminder, click on daily scheduler at the top.

    editing existing reminders

    to edit an existing reminder click on the reminder text in the daily scheduler view.

    the edit screen shows the existing text and a text box to change the text. If you want to modify the existing text, click on the current text link to populate the text box to edit the existing text.

    once the edit is complete, click on set reminder.

    to cancel the editing of a reminder, click on daily scheduler at the top.

    deleting reminders

    to delete a personal reminder, simply click on the checkbox to the right of the reminder text and click on delete reminder(s). the updated information will be displayed on the main calendar and daily scheduler.


global reminders

global reminders are able to be seen by all users. they are set in an external javascript file.

    adding global reminders

    to set global reminders, edit global_reminders.js.
    create an array for the appropriate month. The syntax is "var MonthYear = new Array()" where Month and Year are the exact time frame that you want the reminders to be displayed.
    NOTE: Month must have the same spelling as the month text used.
        var September2001 = new Array()

    once the array has been created, list each global reminder as follows:
    Date(s),Color,Display Text,Link (each element must be surrounding by double quotation marks("") )

    Date(s): the date within the month and year that you want the reminder.

    Color: to associate a reminder with a color simply supply a color (hexadecimal). To use no color, leave the element blank.
        ...,"#000000",... (specified color) or ...,"",... (blank)

    Display Text: create the reminder text that will be seen by all end users.
    NOTE: If a double quote is needed in the text, escape the character by placing a slash in front of the quote mark (\").
        ...,"Text to be viewed",... or ...,"Text \"to be\" viewed",...

    Link: to add a link from the display text, add the full path as it would be seen in the location field in a browser.

    spanning days

    Spanning: to span multiple days (dates do not have to be consecutive) with the same global reminder, just create a hyphen delimited list.

    multiple global reminders

    to have more than one global reminder, each set must be followed by a comma(,) except for the last set.
    "1","#000000","some text","",
    "2","#ff0000","other text","",
    "3","#ffff00","some other text",""


exclusive reminders

    where to enable/disable

    the default file is admin.html. it is highly suggest that you rename the file name.

    if the option to have admins (exclusive personal reminders) is enabled, this will only allow certain people to add personal reminders.

    adding an admin places a cookie on the user's computer. if present, it will allow only that user to use personal reminders.

    the length of the cookie is determined in the options file.

    from the admin screen a user is able add, delete, and rename their information.


technical information

Calendar is coded for both IE 4.0+ and Netscape 4.0+


Calendar 2.1.3



Javascript and cookies is no replacement for a real database. Cookies are limited by the number of cookies and the amount of information a cookie can hold.

All information is stored locally on the user's machine.

As a default, all reminders for one day are set to expire 14 days after it is set.

If used improperly, Calendar will crash the browser.



There are no bugs as of yet.... ....



uses style sheets to control all colors and font for calendar

reminder text is displayed in the main calendar

global reminder functionality as been expanded to include color and links

optimized code



