
Technology for Educators
EME 2040

Items Included:


Files to download:

How to submit finished work.

As you explore WebCT, there are several important guidelines for using this site.
  1. Assignments Section
    You will find one assignment for each of the 12 Chapters in your text. In addition, you will find Outlines 1 - 5, and Projects 1 and 2. These are grouped by type of project, and not by date. Be sure to look at the calendar section for an overall listing of dates when materials are due.
    • The Availability dates for each item begins about 1 week before the item is due. The item must be submitted with the availability time period. The ending date (and time) is the last possible time you can send your material, and still be "on time".
    • You will notice an item called cutoff date. This usually extends one week after the due date. It is there if you choose to submit an item late. You will have one letter grade deducted for being late. After the cutoff date, a late item will not be accepted.
  2. Chapter Tests (Quizzes)
    You will find a quiz for each of the 12 chapters. In addition there is a Midterm Exam and a Final Exam. The chapter quizzes are meant to be used as a study guide for the Midterm and the Final. I do NOT record your chapter quizzes. You can take these as often as you want to review the material. I do record your Midterm and your Final.
  3. Grades
    This section will be used to post your grades. Only you can see your own grades. Grades will be posted after projects pass the due date.
  4. Mail
    This section will be used for all internet communications. Check the Mail frequently.
  5. Discussions
    This section will be used in some of the weekly assignments. I will make topics available as we cover those areas in the course. At the beginning, only the Main topic is displayed. After discussions have been completed, I will compile them into separate documents which you can download and review. Discussions will be locked and hidden after the time period expires, but the compiled information will be available in the Downloads section.
    This section will contain information and sample files for your convenience. In many instances it will duplicate materials that are available in your assignments. The compiled discussion questions will be available here.


In this first class we will be covering the syllabus and course calendar. These are found on the Homepage. Please open the Syllabus and read through the material. Also, open the Calendar section for a schedule of assignments and tests. After you have read these materials, use the Mail section to email me that you understand these items. Include any questions you have about this course.
During this period you will download the questionnaire file attached
with this Intro assignment, and answer it using the computer. You will upload this file and submit it for grading.