Professional Commitment

    I truly love technology and have jumped at any chance to involve myself in working with it.  I wish that I had more experience with data base management.  Both Sim Man and our test bank relies heavily on data bases.  Understanding relationships in data bases would be very helpful to proper management of either.  I hope that with more experience I will gain more expertise.  Certainly working with an Instructional Designer will be of great help.  I am not sure that I will become as proficient as I would like, that would involve a course in DBM, which at this point in time is unrealistic. As I said in the methods section, I have gladly shared what I know with others.  I can see that a great deal needs to be done.

    The PhD in nursing that is offered at UCF is one that focuses on the use of technology in education.  I am hoping that I will be able to start the program once my son starts school.