Reflective Critique

   If I had the whole thing to do again, I certainly would have done a more thoughtful action research project.  I had no idea what I was doing at the beginning.  I saw a need and took some naive steps to correct it.  The learning that occurred was valuable, but I think I would have had more to offer my students had I known more about what I was doing earlier on.  

    I am still into the middle of the tenure process and it is difficult to know what to write.   I have  learned much about testing and I have much more to learn.  What I do know is that it will be necessary for all faculty to become more proficient with test bank software.  As I stated earlier, I do not believe that all faculty adopt or adapt easily to computerized test banks but it is the method that makes the most sense.  The test bank software that we have is complex, but all data management software is.  This particular software is written on an Access (Microsoft) backbone, so anyone with a data management background will be able to assist us with managing the program.  I am learning more about the program and Pat Woodbery and I have plans to educate other select faculty as we go along.   I will be given release time next year to work on an online program that will involve working with a new version of the software (hopefully with a more user friendly interface) and I am planning on learning to work with the software in online environment.  This will involve getting other faculty "online" as well.

    I became a nurse because I wanted to work with people and teaching certainly fit that bill too.  I truly enjoy the Life Map and Inclusion parts of this work.  I take the most joy from working with someone with a math problem and watching them "get it".  I believe that most can do math safely.  I spend 2-4 hours a week tutoring and it has been very rewarding this term.

    I continue to struggle with Spanish but I believe that it will pay off in the end.  I am plugging along and eventually I will find someone to practice with.  I study everyday, although that has been a bit more difficult this term.  I believe that with the number of bilingual students that we have, it is really important to reach out to them.

    I am involved in the pinning ceremony which gives me closure with the students.  I act as the liaison between students and faculty.  This term will be the pinning of the first class that I taught.  Having this opportunity means a great deal to me because I have been close to many of them.  I know who is having babies, who is working where and what is going on in their lives.   I feel privileged to know them well, listen when needed and guide when asked.

   I love working with technology and have been granted a wonderful opportunity to head up a grant to put  the Advanced Standing Track online.  I am so excited that I can hardly stand it.  The task is very daunting, but attainable.  I certainly have the budget to make it successful!  I have directed several grants in the past and I know there will be stumbling blocks, but I feel very optimistic about the end product.  I have been investigating the options for furthering my education and I believe that I will likely try to get into the PhD program at UCF because the offer a Nursing degree with a technology in education focus.  This will be after my son is in school, but that is coming up fast!