Adequate Preparation

Learning Outcome Number 2

Develop new teaching and learning strategies for classroom instruction.  This will include electronic media presentation skills


Prior to coming to Valencia College, I was involved in multiple "bleeding edge technologies".  I was the program manager for several grants involving high speed data lines, synchronous/asynchronous case presentation, digital imaging, database management, and education projects that used both local and distance technology.  I have evolved from the use of old fashioned slide presentations to the use of Power Point.  I am by no means an expert at any of the above, however I did come to Valencia with more than just a passing familiarity.  So when asked if I could develop new learning strategies and use electronic media presentations I was thrilled.

Most of what I did for this LO was hone the skills that I came with and shared what I could with other faculty.  I attended seminars and workshops and incorporated what I learned into the classroom.