Adequate Preparation

Learning Outcome Number 1

Assess the effectiveness of nursing theory tests in NUR 1141C to measure learning and determine if students have achieved the objectives of the course.


During the first days at Valencia, I was exposed to the importance of test writing skills.  On one of our orientation days we spent an entire afternoon working on the basics of test writing.  I was given some sound guidelines and resources were provided to assist me with the task of test writing.   This was a good thing too, because coming from a clinical preceptor mindset, I had little to no knowledge about test construction.  I had long forgotten the principles taught in my graduate program.  So I set out to begin the daunting and often frustrating task of test writing. 

I endeavor with significant input from my mentor, to create evaluation instruments and  new test questions using psychometrically sound principles of test construction and use relevant statistical indices to evaluate the items. 

My mentor Pat Woodbery, is an expert in test construction and item writing.  She has coached and taught me along the way.  In addition, I have sought out further support by reading material such as Critical Thinking and Test Item Writing (1996) by Susan Morrison, Patricial Smith, & Robin Britt and Systematic Assessment of Learning Outcomes: Developing Multiple-Choice Exams (2002) by Mary E. McDonald.  This is a small but informative text that highlights all facets of test and question design.  I also completed the Assessment Strategies for Nurse Educators-Test Development and Item Writing (offered by Nursing Council Learning Extension Virtual Campus).  The sponsoring organization, National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) administers the NCLEX-RN which all nursing students must pass to obtain their licenses.