Survey Key: ZS11161
The number of people who took this survey by 8/5/2003 12:47:58 PM is: 68

Formative Class Evaluation - NUR 1141C

Take the survey only once. Please take a few moments to provide feedback to us on how you are finding the course, and any suggestions for improvement. Written comments are especially helpful to us.
Please indicate your response to the following questions.
Please rate to what extent each of the following helped you to learn. Using a scale of 1-5; 5 is excellent and 1 is poor
5 4 3 2 1
1. Seminar Assignments [20] [32] [14] [1] [0]
2. Lab Assignments [22] [31] [13] [1] [0]
3. Lecture notes taken in class [37] [20] [9] [0] [1]
4. Lecture notes available on the website [46] [12] [4] [1] [3]
5. Study questions [18] [26] [14] [8] [1]
6. Test prep sessions [24] [25] [6] [6] [4]
7. Test review classes [27] [21] [13] [4] [1]

8. I would rate my strength in Math as:
  [18] Strong
  [20] Good
  [21] Average
  [8] Below Average

9. The time spent on the nursing math in class was/is:
  [34] Very helpful
  [28] Somewhat helpful
  [5] Not helpful

10. What would you suggest to help you learn the material better?
Frequent(more) exams with lesser coverage, so the information is not too much to handle, also it will help us to make up if we have a failed exam.]
Your team is awsome. My only problem is my computer will not let me get the PP notes or anything that is downloaded. I still have done very well taking down notes in class. This is how I learn better, by writing things down. I don't think I would use the computer notes even if they were available to me. I do feel we need a longer lab time. We always seem rushed on Fridays. As I said before, the two of you make a wanderful team. Class is always interesting! Thank you!]
I really enjoy the pharmacology lab,I find it really useful to watch the instructor do the activity, walk us thru it and then watch us do it. I really like that. I know that my weakness is in math,I have started doing some of the problems at home out of the Calculations workbook.I would just like a little more detailed explanation about the math.]
The lecture notes were very helpful in umderstandng the material. It made it easier to know what to focus on. The test review class was not helpful. I think it could be more organized in the matter of questions and more student participation.]
I feel the powerpoint lectures are really good, and they help to focus on the material at the moment. I find the lab assignments and seminars to be very challenging and I like that. The questions,are helpful, but I feel the powerpoints and your class lecture notes help me more. I would like a little more interaction in class, but others may not, as I am a very visual type person. In summary I feel Ms. Woodberry and Ms. Guimond are "excellent" educators.]
Sample questions are very helpful and the test review was extremely useful.]
Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job!!!]
I would like a few minutes of math prep when we are approaching a new topic such as drop factors. The book is helpful but somtimes it nice to go through the problem, or maybe ask if anyone is having problem with a certain problem. Thank you, Tori]
I would suggest that the lecture notes be placed in the syllabus, because I have tried so many times to see the lecture notes in the website, but I couldn't. Also, I would suggest that a practice quiz, or a study guide be given to help us prepare for the tests and final exam. Also, I think it would be fun and interesting if we had a group project simulating hospital situations with the medications that we learn; and each week or every 2 weeks we give a report of what is going on with the patient, and at the end of the semester do a presentation on it.]
help provide more feedback on what to concentrate on for test prior to's hard to find the direction when there are 12-20 chapters...]
More sample test questions, even if available online or some method other than class time. ]
I would rather use the time that we take in class to go over our seminars for more math time that is teacher directed. The seminar assignments are great, but most of us do them in groups or check out what each other has decided on before class, so its kind of a repeat. I may be biased on this because I am a math-phobic..... Another thought, perhaps more lab time for pharm. We have so much lab time for Foundations, and not much for pharm. Love how organized you two are with the powerpoints etc., The energy between you two teachers is excellent, and makes going to your class a pleasure. :) Thanks for all you do!]
Provide more interactive activities about each drug classification, much like the seminars do in a broad sense.]
I find my difficulties lie in judging what should be: studied just to understand the concept, what to really memorize, or what to avoid. Going into the computerized math case studies I thought I understood how to understand and approach the different situations, but as I progressed I was feeling very unsure of myself. I believe that I may need to find a tutor to help clarify what I am perceiving as difficult now. I would have also appreciated more lab time with the instructors. Once the instructors go over the skill we, as students, do not have more than one chance to demonstrate that skill to the instructor. We tend to run a few minutes late just giving everyone one try. I learn well through repetition, and would feel more comfortable having more lab time with the instructors.]
I don't know that you (faculty) could do any more to help us learn the material. I think you are very organized and the material is covered throroghly. It does seem as though we don't have much time in lab. That hasn't been a problem yet, but could be an area of concern in the future. Thanks for all your help.]
No rating on the website notes because I don't utilize. I rarely answer the study questions either. Class lecture combined w/ review and assignments have been the most helpful to me as is study time in group and alone at home.]
I was very happy with my grade on the test, therefore I don't suggest changing anything. I'm extremely grateful that you have the powerpoints available ahead of time; I wish it was the same in Foundations.]
I know that during teaching sessions you state what things needed to be taught to the pt, but maybe you could group them while speaking about them (like you did at test review time), i.e. All the ones that cause photosensitivity are___. I feel that I spent a lot of time trying to find differences to make them unique and to sort of group them and then I was short on time REALLY knowing them.]
i think that i understand the material, but i will probably need to see a tutor for the more complex math.]
I find I am learning the material very well with the seminar assignments (especially helpful) and lab assignments. I would like to see more lab time however. I feel we do not spend enough time practicing in lab. We have a lot of lab time devoted to Fundamentals of Nursing, but not enough time to Pharmacology.]
more lab time for practice on skills this is a great class]
quick review of med calculations during ea teaching session]
MORE LAB TIME!!!!! I feel so rushed in lab & not all of the information sticks. I would feel more confident if we had more time with our instructors]
Study more for the exam.]
I suggest that you spend 30 mins or so going over the math part in class once a week. I don't agree that the student is left alone trying to do it themselves. I am aware that you can go to the teacher individually but.... I think it need to be covered in class. I also sugget that it is a lot of information for a student to absorb information all at once. I believe that the student should be tested in every 2 chapters that way it's not too many drugs for students remeber all at once. I don't agree with 10 to 12 chapters. It's too much. I learn better if you gave frequent test in smaller chapters. Because it gets very overwhelming and confusing for a first time nursing student.]
More time needs to be devoted to math in class as a lecture. The content lectures on the prototype drugs and how they work is extremely helpful. Today's lecture was great!! I learned a lot.]
Some additional math problems elsewhere or a weekly/bi-weekly quiz on it. Lecture is great. Very interesting and holds my interest.]
Since a lot of study emphasis is the power points, re-organization of material needed for the 'basic' drug info for exam. Just a couple of simple to the point knowledge questions thrown in just relieve anxiety plus to see that students are on the right track. Many of us interpreted various questions quite differently due to varying levels of experience.]
Have more test so that we can spend more time on one individual subject]
I feel that the first test had a huge amount of information. If two test had been given that would have allowed for better absorption of the material.]
Space the classes out a little - there seems to be far too much information in class at the one time. The Pharmacology lab time is insufficient. Why is it we get an overload in Foundations, a lot of what has been covered in other classes - the majority of that information is not as critical as Pharmacology. Practice tests would be beneficial, maybe 10 questions each lab time on the subject we are learning. Marlene. PS I scraped through my foundations test 78 and I was given an extra 2 points for my first exam so I have 78 for both of them. I don't seem to have any problems doing anything else, just trying to get my head around how to answer the questions. Have been reviewing Test SUccess and will see a tutor this week too. Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Marlene.]
I am a hands on learner, so any chance to learn or practice what I have learned with a hands on technique would help me to learn the material better. I realize this is probably not possible in most aspects of the class, but any advice on how I could study on my own time with the technique that works best for me would be GREATLY]
I meant to say GREATLY appreciated, but I accidentally sent it to soon. Sorry I had to fill out another one just to tell you that. Thanks]
I think that everything that is being covered is helping me I would like a little more attention on the Math because that is the area that I need the most help. Other than that I think the lectures are very helpful and informative. You guy's do a great job!!!]
the second computer lab was interesting but not very helpful. i personaly like it when the math is actually taught to me even if it isn't a very long lesson it just helps get some of what i learned way back when to see it done again instead of just looking at it already done. having the powerpoints ahead of class is a huge help (thank you) i really like the way you teach the class you only cover the important things and the fact that you tell us what in the book we need and don't need]
Possibly review learning questions that are not "cut and dry" in class that students may have a question on; Also, to recap prototype drugs briefly in class at the end of seminar discussion on that chapter would help solidify drug information tremendously!!]
I am more of a on hands learner so any type of learning of that nature helps me out a lot. Another thing that helps a lot are the test prep sessions. By these we know exactly what to concentrate on. Mybe even a takehome review exam might even help more!! :)]
I understood this first exam well because I was very familiar with most of the drugs we studied. But with this next exam coming up I feel we should have spent more time getting familiar with the CVS and anti-diabetic drugs, like we had with the last exam. I wish we had as much time in this class as we do in foundations, and less time in foundations...a lot of people agree with me on this matter.]
more lab time]
Ms Guimond, since I am taking this class for the second time I have seen an imporvement from last semester and would suggest that it remain this way.]
The materials in this semester are much better and were given in advance which give students more time to prepare and study for the lecture. The lectures in this semester were clear and explained well. The test subjects that were covered on the test were also emphasized and greatly helped students to remember them.]
more time. Smile]
more practice test questions]
i think both of our teachers do a great job at covering the material we need to learn. everything is helpful]
more seminar assignments on all or most of the material]
More time learning from book material. As far as knowing where to look, and what to look for (like how Mrs. Woodsberry initially did it).]
there is not enough time spent on the nursing math in class.]
perhaps quizes on the different meds would encourage to learn meds...i don't feel like i"m learning enough about each med]
Both of you rely on us to download the powerpoints,therefore rushing thru the lectures and not giving us enough time to write down notes as you lecture. Other than that keep up the good work! Take care E. Reed]

End of Survey