Name ________________________________ Date________________

Translate each phrase to an algebraic expression.

1.  The sum of p and 15.        ______________

2.  Three-fourths of the population p.        ______________

3.  The difference of 9 and x.        ______________

4.  t  added to 12.        ______________

5.  The ratio of s and 150.        ______________

6.   Sixty increased by m.        ______________

7.  25 subtracted from d.        ______________

8.  45 more than w.        ______________

9.  Twice the value q.        ______________

10.  Exceeds the amount c by 23.        ______________

11.  How many seconds in d minutes?        ______________

12.  A man sleeps x hours a day.  How many hours does he sleep in a year?         ______________

13.  A secretary earns m dollars an hour. Express her salary per day, if she works an 8-hour day.        ______________

14.  A woman needs to buy 21 presents for her nephews.  If she has already bought g presents, how many presents did she need to buy?        ______________

15.  If the ecology club collected p tons of garbage last week and added 6 more this week, how tons of garbage were collected?        ______________

16.  A group of w people took buses that held 50 people each.  How many busses were needed to transport all of them?        ______________