Word Problems Lab 2 for MAT0024C


Name:  __________________________                                Date:  ______________


1.  A CD is priced at $15.00, but it is on sale for 20% off.  What is the sale price of the CD?


            a.   $3.00

            b.   $10.00

            c.   $18.00

            d.   $12.00



2.  If a sony play station costs $250 after a 15% discount, what was the original cost?


a.       $294.12

b.      $212.50

c.       $287.50

d.      $399.46


3.  If a palm pilot costs $1300 after a 20% increase in price, what was the original cost?


            a.   $1625.00

b.   $1083.33

c.       $1560.00

d.      $1040.00



4.  Find the simple interest percent if you invested $1000.00 for 5 years and you received $500.00 in interest.


            a.   20%

            b.   50%

            c.   10%

            d.   40%



5.  The width of a rectangular garden is 8 meters less than its length.  Its perimeter is 76 meters.  Find the length of the garden.


a.       23 meters

b.      76 meters

c.       345 meters

d.      15 meters


6.  The perimeter of a triangle is 51 inches.  The length of the middle side is 5 inches more than the length of the smaller side and the largest side is 4 inches less than three times the length of the smallest side.  Find the length of the middle side.


a.       10 inches

b.      15 inches

c.       26 inches

d.      5 inches


7.  If 10 times a number is decreased by 29, the result is the product of 42 and the square of the number.  Choose the equation that could be used to find this number, x.







8.  Identify the proportion listed below that solves the problem:  A car can travel 1200 miles on 60 gallons of gasoline.  How many gallons do you need to travel 100 miles?


            a.                         c. 


b.                         d. 


9.  Two shrimp boats start from the same port at the same time, but they head in opposite directions.  The slower boat travels 15 knots per hour slower than the fast boat.  At the end of 12 hours, they were 600 nautical miles apart.  How many nautical miles had the slow boat traveled by the end of the 12-hour period?


a.       210 nautical miles

b.      17.5 nautical miles

c.       2.5 nautical miles

d.      390 nautical miles


10.  If a student had some difficulty completing this worksheet that covers word problems that are on the state competency exam, that is REQUIRED to pass this class and the student wanted to do well on the competency exam, what should the student do?


a.       Ask questions

b.      Always go to class and take good notes

c.       Complete their homework

d.      Seek extra help when needed like the instructor and the tutoring center (1-131)

e.      ALL THE ABOVE!!!!

Answers to Word Problems Lab 2 for MAT0024C


1.  D


To find the discount you multiply the original price by the percent of the discount.


So, the discount is $15.00(0.20) = $3.00.


To find the sale price you subtract the original price from the discount.


So, to find the sale price you take 15.00 – 3.00 = 12.00.  The sale price is $12.00.




2.  A                                                                                        Check


Original Cost – Discount = Sale Price                           294.12 - .15(294.12) = 250


X - .15X = 250                                                                        294.12 – 44.12 = 250


1X - .15X = 250                                                                      250 = 250


.85X = 250

.85        .85


X = 294.12



3.  B


Original Cost + Increase = New Price   Check:   1083.33 + .20(1083.33) = 1300


            X + .20X = 1300                                                         1083.33 + 216.67 = 1300

           1X + .20X = 1300                                           

                                                                                                1300 = 1300

            1.20X = 1300

            1.20       1.20


X = $1083.33








4.  C


The formula to find simple interest is:  Interest = Principal x Rate x Time (I = P*R*T)


The information gives would lead to:  500 = (1000)X (5)


Then simplify:  500 = X(5000)


Then solve for x by dividing both sides by 5000:  500/5000 = X(5000)/5000


X = 0.10, the simple interest percent would be 10%.


Check:             500 = 1000(0.10)(5)

                        500 = 500



5.  A

                                                            W - 8                                       Width:  W -8


                                                Length:  W

                        W                                                                    W       

Perimeter:  76






W - 8


Equation:  W + W - 8 + W + W - 8 = 76                                             Width:  23 – 8 = 15


Combine Like Terms:  4W - 16 = 76                                                    Length: 23

                                           + 16  +16

                                    4W      =     92                         Check:  15 + 23 + 15 + 23 = 76

                                    4                  4                                                              76   = 76


Solve:                           W = 23           










6.  B


Small:  X                                                                                             

Middle:  X + 5

Large:  3X - 4                                                  X                                 X + 5

Perimeter: 51




                                                                                    3X - 4


The equation will be: X + X + 5 + 3X - 4 = 51                        


Combine like terms:  5X + 1 = 51                                                        

Solve:                               - 1   - 1

                                    5X      = 50                              Check: 10 + 10 + 5 + 3(10) - 4 = 51

5             5                                           10 + 15 + 26 = 51

                                                                                                 25 + 26 = 51

                                    X   =   10                                                    51   = 51



Small:  X = 10

Middle:  10 + 5 = 15

Large:  3(10) - 4 = 26




7.  B


Translate the problem to:




8.  B

                                                                        Note:  If your proportion does not match the

                                               proportion on the test, multiply the

                                                                                    diagonals to see which matches.








9.  A







Fast Boat




Slow Boat









Fill in the 4 x 4 chart with the given information.


To fill in the distance column use the formula Distance = Rate x Time


You now have the formula:


12X + 12(X - 15) = 600


Distributive Property:  12X + 12X -180 = 600


Combine Like Terms:  24X - 180 = 600

                                             +180   +180

Solve for X:                  24X          = 780

                                    24                 24


                                          X     =  32.5


Substitute X into the chart and answer the question:






Fast Boat

12(32.5) =390 miles

32.5 knots


Slow Boat

12(32.5-15) = 210 miles

32.5-15 = 17.5 knots



600 miles




The answer from the chart is the slow boat traveled 210 miles.




10.  UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! The answer is E!!!


The competency exam is very important.


To pass MAT0024C Elementary Algebra you need an 80% or better on the competency exam.


Note:  Use test taking strategies like eliminating the incorrect answers first, then look at the possible choices.