Question 27 on the MAT0020/24C Beginning Algebra State Exam

Simplify Square Root of a Polynomial Using the Distributive Property



27.  Simplify:                                                                        


A.               B.                    C.                      D. 







The first step to simplify this problem is to use the distributive property:



The next step is to multiply the radical expressions.  Remember to multiply radical expressions, multiply the coefficients and multiply the radicands.



The next step is to simply, if needed, the radical terms.




The solution is: 


Practice Problems for Question 27

Simplify Square Root of a Polynomial Using the Distributive Property

Solutions Below


1.  Simplify completely:                                                                                    


a.               b.                   c.                        d. 







2.  Simplify completely:                                                                                  


a.                 b.               c.             d. 








3.  Simplify completely:                                                                                


a.                   b.                          c.                d. 







4.  Simplify completely:                                                                                    


a.                           b.                          c.               d. 








1.  d                 2.  a                      3.  c                         4.  a