Assignment Five

Section A

Section B

Section C


Integrating the internet into traditional courses including assessment- including Snag-It and Power Point.

A)  Include some assessment portion in your webpage

I have included in my web page chapter tests, chapter quizzes, and labs that are all used for assessment.

I have also attached a version of the Algebra Competency Exam in Scientific Notebook that is used for assessment.


B)  Design a Power Point presentation to be used in your teaching.

Attached you will find a Power Point presentation that teaches students how to graph linear equations.



C)  Write a half page statement explaining the importance of integrating data into mathematics courses.

            Integrating data into mathematics courses is very important.  For many years many mathematics teachers have taught math without integrating data.  These teachers would just teach the math and the examples in the textbook without adding any outside information.  I feel as a mathematics instructor, I need to teach my students about the math and teach them the applications and the meaning behind the math.  I really do not like instructors who just teach procedures.  The instructors who say, “Here is step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4 and here is the answer.  Now sit down, shut up, and do 30 problems just like that.”  I am constantly trying to integrate data into my math courses.  I want the students to see the applications and truly understand the math.  I have a background in business, so when I teach graphing I pull examples of real businesses and we discuss not only how to graph their sales equation, but what is done after the equation has been graphed.  For example, if the sales are low what would the business do?  The students would respond with answers like have sales on merchandise, fire employees, etc.  This practice involves the students and they can see the applications of the math.  I will not stop there.  I also ask the students to research ways the math they are learning can apply to their own lives.  While they are learning, I learn new applications.  Integrating data into math courses is essential.