Computer Project 2


1.  (Bivariate Association) Compute the Pearson and Spearman Correlation coefficients between log(salary) and every continuous performance measures.  Assess the strength of the association based on p-values from formal statistical tests.



/*This will calculate the Pearson and Spearman Correlation Coefficients

between log(salary) and every continous performance measures*/


/* Assess Normailty */


      var logsalary X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12;


/* Check linear association */

Proc plot HPCT=50 VPCT=75;

Plot logsalary*X1;

Plot logsalary*X2;

Plot logsalary*X3;

Plot logsalary*X4;

Plot logsalary*X5;

Plot logsalary*X6;

Plot logsalary*X7;

Plot logsalary*X8;

Plot logsalary*X9;

Plot logsalary*X10;

Plot logsalary*X11;

Plot logsalary*X12;



/* Compute Pearson Correlation Coefficient */

Proc corr;

var logsalary X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12;






                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  69


                                       The CORR Procedure


  13  Variables:    logsalary X1        X2        X3        X4        X5        X6        X7

                    X8        X9        X10       X11       X12


                                       Simple Statistics


  Variable            N          Mean       Std Dev           Sum       Minimum       Maximum


  logsalary         337       6.53542       1.17654          2202       4.69135       8.71604

  X1                337       0.25782       0.03955      86.88700       0.06300       0.45700

  X2                337       0.32397       0.04713     109.17900       0.06300       0.48600

  X3                337      46.69733      29.02017         15737             0     133.00000

  X4                337      92.83383      51.89632         31285       1.00000     216.00000

  X5                337      16.67359      10.45200          5619             0      49.00000

  X6                337       2.33828       2.54334     788.00000             0      15.00000

  X7                337       9.09792       9.28993          3066             0      44.00000

  X8                337      44.02077      29.55941         14835             0     133.00000

  X9                337      35.01780      24.84247         11801             0     138.00000

  X10               337      56.70623      33.82878         19110       1.00000     175.00000

  X11               337       8.24629      11.66478          2779             0      76.00000

  X12               337       6.77151       5.92749          2282             0      31.00000


                                       Simple Statistics


                                 Variable     Label



                                 X1           BattingAverage

                                 X2           OnBasePercentage

                                 X3           Runs

                                 X4           Hits

                                 X5           Doubles

                                 X6           Triples

                                 X7           HomeRuns

                                 X8           RunsBattedIn

                                 X9           Walks

                                 X10          StrikeOuts

                                 X11          StolenBases

                                 X12          Errors


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  70


                                       The CORR Procedure


                           Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 337

                                   Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0


                    logsalary         X1         X2         X3         X4         X5         X6


 logsalary            1.00000    0.26610    0.30622    0.64711    0.66753    0.59876    0.27363

                                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X1                   0.26610    1.00000    0.80596    0.43674    0.50779    0.45168    0.26380

 BattingAverage        <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X2                   0.30622    0.80596    1.00000    0.51357    0.45661    0.40398    0.19855

 OnBasePercentage      <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     0.0002


 X3                   0.64711    0.43674    0.51357    1.00000    0.92317    0.83224    0.54922

 Runs                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X4                   0.66753    0.50779    0.45661    0.92317    1.00000    0.88930    0.54428

 Hits                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001


 X5                   0.59876    0.45168    0.40398    0.83224    0.88930    1.00000    0.41651

 Doubles               <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001


 X6                   0.27363    0.26380    0.19855    0.54922    0.54428    0.41651    1.00000

 Triples               <.0001     <.0001     0.0002     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X7                   0.53118    0.21273    0.31121    0.68106    0.61400    0.63515    0.12468

 HomeRuns              <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     0.0221


 X8                   0.65223    0.36954    0.39942    0.83348    0.85162    0.82537    0.33118

 RunsBattedIn          <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X9                   0.57211    0.27989    0.59046    0.82839    0.72301    0.64030    0.30773

 Walks                 <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X10                  0.41406    0.07625    0.20827    0.68490    0.64626    0.60070    0.32898

 StrikeOuts            <.0001     0.1626     0.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X11                  0.24215    0.20090    0.23008    0.52612    0.42902    0.29264    0.52877

 StolenBases           <.0001     0.0002     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X12                  0.18394    0.14537    0.09549    0.34226    0.41589    0.33900    0.19802

 Errors                0.0007     0.0075     0.0800     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     0.0003


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  71


                                       The CORR Procedure


                           Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 337

                                   Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0


                           X7           X8           X9          X10          X11          X12


  logsalary           0.53118      0.65223      0.57211      0.41406      0.24215      0.18394

                       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0007


  X1                  0.21273      0.36954      0.27989      0.07625      0.20090      0.14537

  BattingAverage       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.1626       0.0002       0.0075


  X2                  0.31121      0.39942      0.59046      0.20827      0.23008      0.09549

  OnBasePercentage     <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0001       <.0001       0.0800


  X3                  0.68106      0.83348      0.82839      0.68490      0.52612      0.34226

  Runs                 <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X4                  0.61400      0.85162      0.72301      0.64626      0.42902      0.41589

  Hits                 <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X5                  0.63515      0.82537      0.64030      0.60070      0.29264      0.33900

  Doubles              <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X6                  0.12468      0.33118      0.30773      0.32898      0.52877      0.19802

  Triples              0.0221       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0003


  X7                  1.00000      0.87738      0.62498      0.74882      0.07800      0.15239

  HomeRuns                          <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.1531       0.0051


  X8                  0.87738      1.00000      0.72706      0.74545      0.20596      0.29305

  RunsBattedIn         <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001       0.0001       <.0001


  X9                  0.62498      0.72706      1.00000      0.66633      0.35483      0.24301

  Walks                <.0001       <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X10                 0.74882      0.74545      0.66633      1.00000      0.27865      0.30159

  StrikeOuts           <.0001       <.0001       <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001


  X11                 0.07800      0.20596      0.35483      0.27865      1.00000      0.17028

  StolenBases          0.1531       0.0001       <.0001       <.0001                    0.0017


  X12                 0.15239      0.29305      0.24301      0.30159      0.17028      1.00000

  Errors               0.0051       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0017











/* Spearman Correlation Coefficient */


   VAR  logsalary X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12;





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  78


                                       The CORR Procedure


  13  Variables:    logsalary X1        X2        X3        X4        X5        X6        X7

                    X8        X9        X10       X11       X12



                                       Simple Statistics


  Variable            N          Mean       Std Dev        Median       Minimum       Maximum


  logsalary         337       6.53542       1.17654       6.60665       4.69135       8.71604

  X1                337       0.25782       0.03955       0.26000       0.06300       0.45700

  X2                337       0.32397       0.04713       0.32300       0.06300       0.48600

  X3                337      46.69733      29.02017      41.00000             0     133.00000

  X4                337      92.83383      51.89632      91.00000       1.00000     216.00000

  X5                337      16.67359      10.45200      15.00000             0      49.00000

  X6                337       2.33828       2.54334       2.00000             0      15.00000

  X7                337       9.09792       9.28993       6.00000             0      44.00000

  X8                337      44.02077      29.55941      39.00000             0     133.00000

  X9                337      35.01780      24.84247      30.00000             0     138.00000

  X10               337      56.70623      33.82878      49.00000       1.00000     175.00000

  X11               337       8.24629      11.66478       4.00000             0      76.00000

  X12               337       6.77151       5.92749       5.00000             0      31.00000


                                       Simple Statistics


                                 Variable     Label



                                 X1           BattingAverage

                                 X2           OnBasePercentage

                                 X3           Runs

                                 X4           Hits

                                 X5           Doubles

                                 X6           Triples

                                 X7           HomeRuns

                                 X8           RunsBattedIn

                                 X9           Walks

                                 X10          StrikeOuts

                                 X11          StolenBases

                                 X12          Errors





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  79


                                       The CORR Procedure


                          Spearman Correlation Coefficients, N = 337

                                   Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0


                    logsalary         X1         X2         X3         X4         X5         X6


 logsalary            1.00000    0.31464    0.34096    0.66218    0.67126    0.61791    0.33701

                                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X1                   0.31464    1.00000    0.73065    0.47004    0.54789    0.48025    0.28906

 BattingAverage        <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X2                   0.34096    0.73065    1.00000    0.52780    0.45553    0.40368    0.25081

 OnBasePercentage      <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X3                   0.66218    0.47004    0.52780    1.00000    0.93111    0.85502    0.59683

 Runs                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X4                   0.67126    0.54789    0.45553    0.93111    1.00000    0.90628    0.56720

 Hits                  <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001     <.0001


 X5                   0.61791    0.48025    0.40368    0.85502    0.90628    1.00000    0.46651

 Doubles               <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001                <.0001


 X6                   0.33701    0.28906    0.25081    0.59683    0.56720    0.46651    1.00000

 Triples               <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X7                   0.55863    0.25559    0.32183    0.70460    0.65957    0.69279    0.22444

 HomeRuns              <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X8                   0.67539    0.40710    0.40005    0.86586    0.89225    0.87453    0.41543

 RunsBattedIn          <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X9                   0.61785    0.30357    0.61867    0.86424    0.78706    0.72234    0.45490

 Walks                 <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X10                  0.46050    0.08966    0.19676    0.73729    0.70850    0.68638    0.39461

 StrikeOuts            <.0001     0.1004     0.0003     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X11                  0.32760    0.25311    0.26060    0.59317    0.51750    0.40239    0.60053

 StolenBases           <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001


 X12                  0.23869    0.15070    0.07321    0.37819    0.44014    0.38978    0.29039

 Errors                <.0001     0.0056     0.1800     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001     <.0001




                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002  80


                                       The CORR Procedure


                          Spearman Correlation Coefficients, N = 337

                                   Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0


                           X7           X8           X9          X10          X11          X12


  logsalary           0.55863      0.67539      0.61785      0.46050      0.32760      0.23869

                       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X1                  0.25559      0.40710      0.30357      0.08966      0.25311      0.15070

  BattingAverage       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.1004       <.0001       0.0056


  X2                  0.32183      0.40005      0.61867      0.19676      0.26060      0.07321

  OnBasePercentage     <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0003       <.0001       0.1800


  X3                  0.70460      0.86586      0.86424      0.73729      0.59317      0.37819

  Runs                 <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X4                  0.65957      0.89225      0.78706      0.70850      0.51750      0.44014

  Hits                 <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X5                  0.69279      0.87453      0.72234      0.68638      0.40239      0.38978

  Doubles              <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X6                  0.22444      0.41543      0.45490      0.39461      0.60053      0.29039

  Triples              <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X7                  1.00000      0.85543      0.64377      0.76129      0.20358      0.23461

  HomeRuns                          <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       0.0002       <.0001


  X8                  0.85543      1.00000      0.78294      0.78425      0.34717      0.36332

  RunsBattedIn         <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X9                  0.64377      0.78294      1.00000      0.70795      0.44102      0.31638

  Walks                <.0001       <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001       <.0001


  X10                 0.76129      0.78425      0.70795      1.00000      0.37602      0.33672

  StrikeOuts           <.0001       <.0001       <.0001                    <.0001       <.0001


  X11                 0.20358      0.34717      0.44102      0.37602      1.00000      0.28014

  StolenBases          0.0002       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001                    <.0001


  X12                 0.23461      0.36332      0.31638      0.33672      0.28014      1.00000

  Errors               <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001       <.0001














2.  (Comparing Two Populations) Use both a parametric t test and a nonparametric procedure to compare salaries between players who have free agent eligibility and those who do not.


/*Question 2*/

/*This will give the status and the players name with their salary*/

DATA salary1;

      SET baseball;

IF X13=1 THEN STATUS='free';

      ELSE IF X15=1 THEN STATUS='arb';

      ELSE STATUS='none';

proc print;

VAR status;



/*This will sort salary1 by status*/


BY Status;



/*Parametric T Test to compare salaries and status*/

Proc TTest Data=salary1 CI=NONE;


Var Y;





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 150


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                      The TTEST Procedure




                     Lower CL              Upper CL

Variable        N        Mean      Mean        Mean    Std Dev    Std Err    Minimum    Maximum


Y              65      1312.2    1567.6      1822.9     1030.5     127.82        109       5150





                            Variable      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|


                            Y             64      12.26      <.0001


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 151


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                      The TTEST Procedure




                     Lower CL              Upper CL

Variable        N        Mean      Mean        Mean    Std Dev    Std Err    Minimum    Maximum


Y             134      1896.9    2108.9        2321     1241.2     107.22        109       6100





                            Variable      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|


                            Y            133      19.67      <.0001


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 152


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                      The TTEST Procedure




                     Lower CL              Upper CL

Variable        N        Mean      Mean        Mean    Std Dev    Std Err    Minimum    Maximum


Y             138      234.49    262.78      291.08     168.11      14.31        109        935





                            Variable      DF    t Value    Pr > |t|


                            Y            137      18.36      <.0001







































/*Check Statistical Assumptions - Normality */

/* The assumption of equal variances has been checked in PROC TTEST */

Proc UNIVARIATE DATA=salary1 Normal plot;


Var Y;





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 164


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                          65    Sum Weights                 65

                Mean               1567.56923    Sum Observations        101892

                Std Deviation      1030.52578    Variance            1061983.37

                Skewness           1.45078254    Kurtosis            2.63021668

                Uncorrected SS      227689700    Corrected SS        67966935.9

                Coeff Variation    65.7403677    Std Error Mean      127.820991



                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     1567.569     Std Deviation               1031

                     Median   1262.000     Variance                 1061983

                     Mode     1000.000     Range                       5041

                                           Interquartile Range         1200


                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  12.26379    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M      32.5    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    1072.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001

                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.882636    Pr < W     <0.0001

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.140892    Pr > D     <0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  0.332383    Pr > W-Sq  <0.0050

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  2.016276    Pr > A-Sq  <0.0050


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max          5150

                                     99%               5150

                                     95%               3300

                                     90%               2833

                                     75% Q3            2050



     The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 165


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------

                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     50% Median        1262

                                     25% Q1             850

                                     10%                650

                                     5%                 425

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109

                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109       51         3050       36

                                125       30         3300       26

                                370       16         3850       65

                                425       54         5000       58

                                500       15         5150        8


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 166

------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------

                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                        Stem Leaf                     #             Boxplot

                          50 05                       2                0






                          38 5                        1                |

                          36                                           |

                          34                                           |

                          32 0                        1                |

                          30 5                        1                |

                          28 38                       2                |

                          26 05                       2                |

                          24 837                      3                |

                          22 1                        1                |

                          20 0055057                  7             +-----+

                          18 03                       2             |     |

                          16 055                      3             |     |

                          14 46035                    5             |  +  |

                          12 01600                    5             *-----*

                          10 0008859                  7             |     |

                           8 05884559                 8             +-----+

                           6 562344668                9                |

                           4 209                      3                |

                           2 7                        1                |

                           0 12                       2                |


                         Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+2


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 167


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                      5100+                                             *  *





                      4100+                                                 ++

                          |                                          *    ++

                          |                                             ++

                          |                                           ++

                          |                                         *+

                      3100+                                       +*

                          |                                     +**

                          |                                    **

                          |                                  **

                          |                                ++*

                      2100+                              ****

                          |                            +**

                          |                          ++**

                          |                        ++***

                          |                      ++**

                      1100+                    +****

                          |                  ****

                          |            ******

                          |         ***  ++

                          |        *   ++

                       100+  *  *    ++


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 168


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                         134    Sum Weights                134

                Mean                2108.9403    Sum Observations        282598

                Std Deviation      1241.19395    Variance            1540562.42

                Skewness           0.41272592    Kurtosis            -0.2517405

                Uncorrected SS      800877112    Corrected SS         204894802

                Coeff Variation    58.8539158    Std Error Mean      107.222826



                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     2108.940     Std Deviation               1241

                     Median   2171.000     Variance                 1540562

                     Mode     2500.000     Range                       5991

                                           Interquartile Range         1910



                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  19.66876    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M        67    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    4522.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001



                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.968001    Pr < W      0.0030

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.088906    Pr > D      0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  0.139511    Pr > W-Sq   0.0341

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  1.020792    Pr > A-Sq   0.0108



                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max          6100

                                     99%               5300

                                     95%               4275

                                     90%               3650

                                     75% Q3            2900


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 169


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     50% Median        2171

                                     25% Q1             990

                                     10%                550

                                     5%                 350

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109



                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109      129         4350       39

                                109      112         4450       25

                                109       79         4500       70

                                284       85         5300       86

                                300       84         6100       10




                    Stem Leaf                             #             Boxplot

                       6 1                                1                0


                       5 3                                1                |

                       4 5                                1                |

                       4 01123344                         8                |

                       3 5566666678                      10                |

                       3 011222233444                    12                |

                       2 5555566677888889                16             +-----+

                       2 0000001222222233333444444444    28             *--+--*

                       1 6666668889                      10             |     |

                       1 000012222223444                 15             +-----+

                       0 556666667778888899999           21                |

                       0 11133344444                     11                |


                     Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+3


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 170


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                      6250+                                                  *


                          |                                                *++

                          |                                             +*++

                          |                                       ******

                          |                                    ****+

                      3250+                                ****+

                          |                             ****

                          |                       ******

                          |                     ***+

                          |                 ++***

                          |           ********

                       250+* * * *****++


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 171


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                         138    Sum Weights                138

                Mean               262.782609    Sum Observations         36264

                Std Deviation      168.105795    Variance            28259.5582

                Skewness           1.52966616    Kurtosis            2.06178012

                Uncorrected SS       13401108    Corrected SS        3871559.48

                Coeff Variation    63.9714308    Std Error Mean      14.3101156



                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     262.7826     Std Deviation          168.10579

                     Median   195.0000     Variance                   28260

                     Mode     109.0000     Range                  826.00000

                                           Interquartile Range    210.00000


             NOTE: The mode displayed is the smallest of 5 modes with a count of 5.



                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  18.36342    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M        69    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    4795.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001



                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.816707    Pr < W     <0.0001

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.181833    Pr > D     <0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  1.396782    Pr > W-Sq  <0.0050

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  8.222419    Pr > A-Sq  <0.0050



                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max           935

                                     99%                750

                                     95%                640



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 172


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     90%                525

                                     75% Q3             350

                                     50% Median         195

                                     25% Q1             140

                                     10%                117

                                     5%                 113

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109



                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109      138          687       63

                                109       97          700       74

                                109       91          750       38

                                109       62          750       87

                                109       61          935       42



             Stem Leaf                                           #             Boxplot

                9 4                                              1                0



                7 55                                             2                0

                7 0                                              1                0

                6 59                                             2                0

                6 234                                            3                |

                5 6668                                           4                |

                5 0222                                           4                |

                4 56                                             2                |

                4 0003                                           4                |

                3 555666666789                                  12             +-----+

                3 0002222234                                    10             |     |

                2 5666888899                                    10             |  +  |

                2 00000022333344                                14             *-----*

                1 555555555666667778888888889                   27             |     |

                1 111111111222222222223333333444444444444444    42             +-----+


              Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+2




                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 173


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                       925+                                                  *



                          |                                              * *

                          |                                            *

                          |                                          **     ++

                          |                                        ***   +++

                          |                                      ***  +++

                       525+                                     *  +++

                          |                                    *+++

                          |                                  +**

                          |                               +****

                          |                            ++***

                          |                         +++**

                          |                      +++***

                          |                   ++*****

                       125+* * * *** ***********


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2

                                        The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 174


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)

                                      Schematic Plots



                       6000 +                        0



                            |            0           |

                       5000 +            0           |

                            |                        |

                            |                        |

                            |                        |

                       4000 +                        |

                            |            |           |

                            |            |           |

                            |            |           |

                       3000 +            |        +-----+

                            |            |        |     |

                            |            |        |     |

                            |            |        *-----*

                       2000 +         +-----+     |  +  |

                            |         |     |     |     |

                            |         |  +  |     |     |

                            |         *-----*     |     |

                       1000 +         |     |     +-----+        0

                            |         +-----+        |           0

                            |            |           |           |

                            |            |           |        *--+--*

                          0 +            |           |           |


                     STATUS               arb        free        none


/*Nonparametric procedure to compare salaries of players

and their status using Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test */



Var Y;






                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 176


                                     The NPAR1WAY Procedure


                           Wilcoxon Scores (Rank Sums) for Variable Y

                                 Classified by Variable STATUS


                                   Sum of      Expected       Std Dev          Mean

             STATUS       N        Scores      Under H0      Under H0         Score


             arb         65      13971.00       10985.0    705.657420    214.938462

             free       134      32252.50       22646.0    875.292486    240.690299

             none       138      10729.50       23322.0    879.465613     77.750000


                               Average scores were used for ties.



                                      Kruskal-Wallis Test


                                  Chi-Square         208.0733

                                  DF                        2

                                  Pr > Chi-Square      <.0001






























3.  (Comparing more than two populations) Define a new variable status such that status = “free”, if a player has free agency eligibility; “arb”, if he has arbitration eligibility; and “none”, otherwise.  Then apply ANOVA techniques and its nonparametric alternative method to compare salary in these two groups.  If their differences are found significant, then perform further analysis such as multiple comparisons to find out what have led to the rejection to the null hypothesis.



/* ANOVA with Multiple Comparison */

PROC GLM DATA=salary1;




                              CLDIFF ALPHA=0.05;



****Gives an output but has limitations and seems strange***




/*Checking Assumptions*/


      BY STATUS;

      VAR Y;




                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 220


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                      The MEANS Procedure


                                  Analysis Variable : Y Salary


                N            Mean         Std Dev         Minimum         Maximum


               65         1567.57         1030.53     109.0000000         5150.00


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                  Analysis Variable : Y Salary


                N            Mean         Std Dev         Minimum         Maximum


              134         2108.94         1241.19     109.0000000         6100.00


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                  Analysis Variable : Y Salary


                N            Mean         Std Dev         Minimum         Maximum


              138     262.7826087     168.1057948     109.0000000     935.0000000



/*Check for normality */

/* Parallel Boxplot */


      BY STATUS;

      VAR Y;



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 232


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                          65    Sum Weights                 65

                Mean               1567.56923    Sum Observations        101892

                Std Deviation      1030.52578    Variance            1061983.37

                Skewness           1.45078254    Kurtosis            2.63021668

                Uncorrected SS      227689700    Corrected SS        67966935.9

                Coeff Variation    65.7403677    Std Error Mean      127.820991



                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     1567.569     Std Deviation               1031

                     Median   1262.000     Variance                 1061983

                     Mode     1000.000     Range                       5041

                                           Interquartile Range         1200



                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  12.26379    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M      32.5    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    1072.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001



                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.882636    Pr < W     <0.0001

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.140892    Pr > D     <0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  0.332383    Pr > W-Sq  <0.0050

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  2.016276    Pr > A-Sq  <0.0050



                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max          5150

                                     99%               5150

                                     95%               3300

                                     90%               2833

                                     75% Q3            2050



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 233


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     50% Median        1262

                                     25% Q1             850

                                     10%                650

                                     5%                 425

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109

                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109       51         3050       36

                                125       30         3300       26

                                370       16         3850       65

                                425       54         5000       58

                                500       15         5150        8

------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------

                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)

                        Stem Leaf                     #             Boxplot

                          50 05                       2                0






                          38 5                        1                |

                          36                                           |

                          34                                           |

                          32 0                        1                |

                          30 5                        1                |

                          28 38                       2                |

                          26 05                       2                |

                          24 837                      3                |

                          22 1                        1                |

                          20 0055057                  7             +-----+

                          18 03                       2             |     |

                          16 055                      3             |     |

                          14 46035                    5             |  +  |

                          12 01600                    5             *-----*

                          10 0008859                  7             |     |

                           8 05884559                 8             +-----+

                           6 562344668                9                |

                           4 209                      3                |

                           2 7                        1                |

                           0 12                       2                |


                         Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+2





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 235


------------------------------------------ STATUS=arb ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                      5100+                                             *  *





                      4100+                                                 ++

                          |                                          *    ++

                          |                                             ++

                          |                                           ++

                          |                                         *+

                      3100+                                       +*

                          |                                     +**

                          |                                    **

                          |                                  **

                          |                                ++*

                      2100+                              ****

                          |                            +**

                          |                          ++**

                          |                        ++***

                          |                      ++**

                      1100+                    +****

                          |                  ****

                          |            ******

                          |         ***  ++

                          |        *   ++

                       100+  *  *    ++


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2

                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 236


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                         134    Sum Weights                134

                Mean                2108.9403    Sum Observations        282598

                Std Deviation      1241.19395    Variance            1540562.42

                Skewness           0.41272592    Kurtosis            -0.2517405

                Uncorrected SS      800877112    Corrected SS         204894802

                Coeff Variation    58.8539158    Std Error Mean      107.222826



                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     2108.940     Std Deviation               1241

                     Median   2171.000     Variance                 1540562

                     Mode     2500.000     Range                       5991

                                           Interquartile Range         1910



                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  19.66876    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M        67    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    4522.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001



                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.968001    Pr < W      0.0030

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.088906    Pr > D      0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  0.139511    Pr > W-Sq   0.0341

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  1.020792    Pr > A-Sq   0.0108



                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max          6100

                                     99%               5300

                                     95%               4275

                                     90%               3650

                                     75% Q3            2900


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 237


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     50% Median        2171

                                     25% Q1             990

                                     10%                550

                                     5%                 350

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109



                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109      129         4350       39

                                109      112         4450       25

                                109       79         4500       70

                                284       85         5300       86

                                300       84         6100       10




                    Stem Leaf                             #             Boxplot

                       6 1                                1                0


                       5 3                                1                |

                       4 5                                1                |

                       4 01123344                         8                |

                       3 5566666678                      10                |

                       3 011222233444                    12                |

                       2 5555566677888889                16             +-----+

                       2 0000001222222233333444444444    28             *--+--*

                       1 6666668889                      10             |     |

                       1 000012222223444                 15             +-----+

                       0 556666667778888899999           21                |

                       0 11133344444                     11                |


                     Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+3


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 238


----------------------------------------- STATUS=free ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                      6250+                                                  *


                          |                                                *++

                          |                                             +*++

                          |                                       ******

                          |                                    ****+

                      3250+                                ****+

                          |                             ****

                          |                       ******

                          |                     ***+

                          |                 ++***

                          |           ********

                       250+* * * *****++


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 239


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)




                N                         138    Sum Weights                138

                Mean               262.782609    Sum Observations         36264

                Std Deviation      168.105795    Variance            28259.5582

                Skewness           1.52966616    Kurtosis            2.06178012

                Uncorrected SS       13401108    Corrected SS        3871559.48

                Coeff Variation    63.9714308    Std Error Mean      14.3101156








                                   Basic Statistical Measures


                         Location                    Variability


                     Mean     262.7826     Std Deviation          168.10579

                     Median   195.0000     Variance                   28260

                     Mode     109.0000     Range                  826.00000

                                           Interquartile Range    210.00000


             NOTE: The mode displayed is the smallest of 5 modes with a count of 5.



                                   Tests for Location: Mu0=0


                        Test           -Statistic-    -----p Value------


                        Student's t    t  18.36342    Pr > |t|    <.0001

                        Sign           M        69    Pr >= |M|   <.0001

                        Signed Rank    S    4795.5    Pr >= |S|   <.0001



                                      Tests for Normality


                   Test                  --Statistic---    -----p Value------


                   Shapiro-Wilk          W     0.816707    Pr < W     <0.0001

                   Kolmogorov-Smirnov    D     0.181833    Pr > D     <0.0100

                   Cramer-von Mises      W-Sq  1.396782    Pr > W-Sq  <0.0050

                   Anderson-Darling      A-Sq  8.222419    Pr > A-Sq  <0.0050



                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     100% Max           935

                                     99%                750

                                     95%                640


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 240


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                    Quantiles (Definition 5)


                                     Quantile      Estimate


                                     90%                525

                                     75% Q3             350

                                     50% Median         195

                                     25% Q1             140

                                     10%                117

                                     5%                 113

                                     1%                 109

                                     0% Min             109






                                      Extreme Observations


                              ----Lowest----        ----Highest---


                              Value      Obs        Value      Obs


                                109      138          687       63

                                109       97          700       74

                                109       91          750       38

                                109       62          750       87

                                109       61          935       42



             Stem Leaf                                           #             Boxplot

                9 4                                              1                0



                7 55                                             2                0

                7 0                                              1                0

                6 59                                             2                0

                6 234                                            3                |

                5 6668                                           4                |

                5 0222                                           4                |

                4 56                                             2                |

                4 0003                                           4                |

                3 555666666789                                  12             +-----+

                3 0002222234                                    10             |     |

                2 5666888899                                    10             |  +  |

                2 00000022333344                                14             *-----*

                1 555555555666667778888888889                   27             |     |

                1 111111111222222222223333333444444444444444    42             +-----+


              Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**+2



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 241


----------------------------------------- STATUS=none ------------------------------------------


                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)


                                         Normal Probability Plot

                       925+                                                  *



                          |                                              * *

                          |                                            *

                          |                                          **     ++

                          |                                        ***   +++

                          |                                      ***  +++

                       525+                                     *  +++

                          |                                    *+++

                          |                                  +**

                          |                               +****

                          |                            ++***

                          |                         +++**

                          |                      +++***

                          |                   ++*****

                       125+* * * *** ***********


                               -2        -1         0        +1        +2


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 242

                                    The UNIVARIATE Procedure

                                     Variable:  Y  (Salary)

                                        Schematic Plots



                       6000 +                        0



                            |            0           |

                       5000 +            0           |

                            |                        |

                            |                        |

                            |                        |

                       4000 +                        |

                            |            |           |

                            |            |           |

                            |            |           |

                       3000 +            |        +-----+

                            |            |        |     |

                            |            |        |     |

                            |            |        *-----*

                       2000 +         +-----+     |  +  |

                            |         |     |     |     |

                            |         |  +  |     |     |

                            |         *-----*     |     |

                       1000 +         |     |     +-----+        0

                            |         +-----+        |           0

                            |            |           |           |

                            |            |           |        *--+--*

                          0 +            |           |           |


                     STATUS               arb        free        none
































/* High solution plot of the data */





























/*One-Way ANOVA*/

PROC GLM DATA=salary1;



   OUTPUT OUT=rdata r=resid;




                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 243


                                       The GLM Procedure


                                    Class Level Information


                             Class         Levels    Values


                             STATUS             3    arb free none



                                 Number of observations    337


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 244


                                       The GLM Procedure


Dependent Variable: Y   Salary


                                              Sum of

      Source                      DF         Squares     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      Model                        2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001


      Error                      334     276733296.9        828542.8


      Corrected Total            336     516644690.0



                       R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE        Y Mean


                       0.464364      72.90530      910.2433      1248.528



      Source                      DF       Type I SS     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      STATUS                       2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001



      Source                      DF     Type III SS     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      STATUS                       2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001














/* Another way of checking homogeniety or equal varainces */



      PLOT resid*STATUS;




                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 245



                                                                                   T      r

                                                                                   A      e

   O                                              X  X  X X X X X                  T      s

   b         X     X     X   X  X  X  X   X   X   1  1  1 1 1 1 1 I                U      i

   s    Y    1     2     3   4  5  6  7   8   9   0  1  2 3 4 5 6 D                S      d


    1 2475 0.260 0.292  59 128 22  7 12  50  23  64 21 21 0 0 1 0 Shawon Dunston  arb   907.43

    2 2313 0.273 0.346  87 169 28  5  8  58  70  53  3  8 0 0 1 0 Mark Grace      arb   745.43

    3 1190 0.255 0.321  39 108 22  8  3  26  42  61  2  8 0 0 1 0 Spike Owen      arb  -377.57

    4  775 0.272 0.300  18  62 14  2  5  35   9  19  0  3 0 0 1 0 Mackey Sasser   arb  -792.57

    5  760 0.241 0.320  33  84 16  2  6  36  40  53  2 14 0 0 1 1 Kevin Elster    arb  -807.57

    6 2567 0.196 0.297  36  56 12  0 12  42  41  66  5  8 0 0 1 0 Darren Daulton  arb   999.43

    7  660 0.272 0.304  38  82 21  3  9  49  14  49  0  9 0 0 1 0 Ricky Jordan    arb  -907.57

    8 5150 0.292 0.410  95 149 28  5 25 116 107  73 43  3 0 0 1 0 Barry Bonds     arb  3582.43

    9 2000 0.265 0.306  53 133 16  6  3  54  30  56  7  9 0 0 1 1 Jose Lind       arb   432.43

   10  875 0.270 0.330  96 164 32  8 16  67  52  99 10 24 0 0 1 1 Jay Bell        arb  -692.57

   11  992 0.264 0.319  38 121 24  5  2  57  36  63  9  7 0 0 1 0 Tom Pagnozzi    arb  -575.57

   12 2700 0.251 0.338 101 141 35  3 32 105  71 104 34  6 0 0 1 0 Ron Gant        arb  1132.43

   13 1262 0.320 0.368  41  98 17  2  3  32  23  19  2 15 0 0 1 0 Jeff Treadway   arb  -305.57

   14  940 0.259 0.358  49  91 14  3 11  54  54  59  5 17 0 0 1 0 Jeff Blauser    arb  -627.57

   15  500 0.249 0.296  36  88  9  2  0  27  22  63  3 18 0 0 1 0 Rafael Belliard arb -1067.57

   16  370 0.188 0.243  13  30  7  0  5  14  11  42  1  8 0 0 1 0 Damon Berryhill arb -1197.57

   17 2833 0.256 0.346  71 136 36  0 28  91  73 107 12  2 0 0 1 0 Paul O'Neill    arb  1265.43

   18 2750 0.301 0.354  91 175 35  3 26  88  44  79 19 12 0 0 1 0 Chris Sabo      arb  1182.43

   19 1550 0.281 0.342  66 119 13  3  3  32  37  71 26 10 0 0 1 0 Bip Roberts     arb   -17.57

   20 1300 0.234 0.301  13  36  5  0  6  19  16  39  0  6 0 0 1 0 Dave Martinez   arb  -267.57

   21 1000 0.260 0.323  36  65 10  0 11  39  23  46 11  5 0 0 1 1 Geronimo Berroa arb  -567.57

   22 1500 0.253 0.312  65 145 30  3 13  80  46  85  4 23 0 0 1 0 Ken Caminiti    arb   -67.57

   23 1458 0.295 0.358  79 161 23  4  4  46  53  71 19 11 0 0 1 0 Craig Biggio    arb  -109.57

   24 1210 0.285 0.331  84 170 28 10  8  54  42  65 34  5 0 0 1 0 Steve Finley    arb  -357.57

   25  587 0.278 0.355  24  60 11  2  2  20  25  24  1  4 0 0 1 0 Mike Sharperson arb  -980.57

   26 3300 0.267 0.296  60 155 22  3 17  87  23 114  8 14 0 0 1 1 Benito Santiago arb  1732.43

   27 2100 0.272 0.337  81 162 27  5  4  38  55  74 23 20 0 0 1 0 Tony Fernandez  arb   532.43

   28  805 0.262 0.315  51  94 12  1 21  49  27  66  5  2 0 0 1 0 Darrin Jackson  arb  -762.57

   29  725 0.194 0.277  25  34 12  2  2  22  19  15  5  8 0 0 1 0 Gary Sheffield  arb  -842.57

   30  125 0.269 0.345   4   7  2  1  0   5   3   4  0  0 0 0 1 1 Dann Bilardello arb -1442.57

   31 2000 0.268 0.310  72 158 24  5 34  98  33 128  5 16 0 0 1 0 Matt Williams   arb   432.43

   32 1533 0.221 0.283  23  51  8  4  1  12  20  33  3 11 0 0 1 0 Jose Uribe      arb   -34.57

   33  850 0.238 0.273  31 104 16  2  5  41  18  61  3  0 0 0 1 0 Chris James     arb  -717.57

   34 1200 0.263 0.373  57 127 17  2 16  70  84 108  0 11 0 0 1 0 Randy Milligan  arb  -367.57

   35  730 0.216 0.253  24  62 11  1  0  14  15  31  0  7 0 0 1 0 Billy Ripken    arb  -837.57

   36 3050 0.300 0.350  76 163 26  6  9  83  43  35 15  3 0 0 1 0 Mike Greenwell  arb  1482.43

   37 1650 0.262 0.312  45 116 25  3  4  41  26  55 11  5 0 0 1 0 Billy Hatcher   arb    82.43

   38 1600 0.283 0.349  87 175 42  2  5  60  60  53  6 14 0 0 1 1 Jody Reed       arb    32.43

   39 1075 0.258 0.318  64 107 22  3  8  40  35  86  4 24 0 0 1 0 Luis Rivera     arb  -492.57

   40  950 0.262 0.307  30 111 13  2  0  31  26  27  5 12 0 0 1 0 Felix Fermin    arb  -617.57

   41 2530 0.289 0.319  57 146 19  4  5  68  26  33  5  4 0 0 1 0 B.J. Surhoff    arb   962.43

   42 2150 0.267 0.333  68 130 22  2 20  69  45  77 32  4 0 0 1 0 Roberto Kelly   arb   582.43

   43 1300 0.285 0.321  67 140 23  2 19  80  26  40  0  3 0 0 1 0 Mel Hall        arb  -267.57

   44 2983 0.295 0.354  88 188 41 11  9  69  57  86 53 15 0 0 1 0 Roberto Alomar  arb  1415.43

   45 1000 0.244 0.271  22  71 17  0  5  36  11  45  0  4 0 0 1 0 Pat Borders     arb  -567.57

   46 1000 0.234 0.274  41 104 18  3  0  29  24 107  7 19 0 0 1 0 Manuel Lee      arb  -567.57



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 246



                                                                                  T       r

                                                                                  A       e

   O                                           X   X  X X X X X                   T       s

   b         X     X    X    X  X X  X   X  X  1   1  1 1 1 1 1 I                 U       i

   s    Y    1     2    3    4  5 6  7   8  9  0   1  2 3 4 5 6 D                 S       d


   47 1650 0.296 0.352  92 179 28 8  2  50 52  74 48  5 0 0 1 1 Luis Polonia     arb     82.43

   48 1900 0.273 0.284  52 143 20 3  3  49 11  38 21 21 0 0 1 0 Ozzie Guillen    arb    332.43

   49  740 0.284 0.367  92 172 25 1 23 100 80  67  2 18 0 0 1 0 Robin Ventura    arb   -827.57

   50  650 0.246 0.310  25  41 13 0  5  22 15  42  0  4 0 0 1 0 Ron Karkovice    arb   -917.57

   51  109 0.225 0.333  71   8 16 4  0   3 14  12 25  0 0 0 1 0 Bo Jackson       arb  -1458.57

   52 1150 0.272 0.338  59 132 19 2  9  62 47  38 26 17 0 0 1 0 Gregg Jeffries   arb   -417.57

   53  740 0.277 0.330  34  74 18 2 13  41 17  52  1  3 0 0 1 0 Mike Macfarlane  arb   -827.57

   54  425 0.252 0.301  15  35  5 1  5  22 10  23  1  0 0 0 1 0 Chris Gwynn      arb  -1142.57

   55 1933 0.265 0.310  52 108 23 3  8  42 26  72 11  9 0 0 1 0 Greg Gagne       arb    365.43

   56 1075 0.310 0.363  79 137 27 8 18  74 34  79 13  7 0 0 1 0 Shane Mack       arb   -492.57

   57  950 0.286 0.361  34  73 14 1  2  19 30  21  2  3 0 0 1 0 Gene Larkin      arb   -617.57

   58 5000 0.307 0.357 110 203 44 5 25 116 56  91 16  7 0 0 1 1 Ruben Sierra     arb   3432.43

   59 2050 0.274 0.312  50 125 31 1  6  67 22  70  2 15 0 0 1 0 Terry Steinbach  arb    482.43

   60  760 0.226 0.286  15  30  8 1  0  13 12  14  0  5 0 0 1 0 Walt Weiss       arb   -807.57

   61 2167 0.254 0.332  95 160 34 6  3  57 72  63 28 18 0 0 1 0 Harold Reynolds  arb    599.43

   62 2050 0.327 0.399  76 179 42 1 22 100 71  82 18  4 0 0 1 0 Ken Griffey      arb    482.43

   63 1445 0.244 0.337  64  99 14 4 27  77 53 117  0  5 0 0 1 0 Jay Buhner       arb   -122.57

   64  875 0.305 0.347  35  54  6 2  6  23 10  27 16  2 0 0 1 0 Henry Cotto      arb   -692.57

   65 3850 0.322 0.389 115 203 49 3 26  88 68  72  4 12 0 0 1 1 Rafael Palmeiro  arb   2282.43

   66 3300 0.272 0.302  69 153 21 4 31 104 22  80  4  3 1 0 0 0 Andre Dawson     free  1191.06

   67 2600 0.269 0.335  58 111 17 2 18  66 39  69  0  3 1 1 0 0 Steve Buchele    free   491.06

   68 2500 0.249 0.337  54 115 15 1 17  73 63 116  6  5 1 0 0 0 Kal Daniels      free   391.06

   69 2175 0.291 0.379 104 170 32 2 26 100 87  89 22  4 1 0 0 0 Ryne Sandberg    free    66.06

   70  600 0.258 0.370  34  86 14 1 14  38 15  45  0 10 1 0 0 0 Luis Salazar     free -1508.94

   71 2600 0.300 0.368  69 141 22 3 19  75 53  64 31  7 1 0 0 0 Ivan Calderon    free   491.06

   72 1907 0.225 0.292  60 130 22 1 13  73 50 100  2 14 1 0 0 0 Tim Wallach      free  -201.94

   73  990 0.290 0.349  59 141 30 2 16  64 42 102 14  6 1 0 0 0 Larry Walker     free -1118.94

   74  925 0.246 0.323  22  81 14 0  6  26 22  26  2  5 1 0 0 0 Gary Carter      free -1183.94

   75 6100 0.302 0.391 102 174 44 6 18 100 90  67  2 15 1 1 0 0 Bobby Bonilla    free  3991.06

   76 4125 0.260 0.321  69 150 23 1 19  96 55  74 10  7 1 1 0 0 Eddie Murray     free  2016.06

   77 3213 0.255 0.347  45  71  7 5  1  17 39  47 37  3 1 0 0 0 Vince Coleman    free  1104.06

   78 2319 0.259 0.349 108 146 34 4 38 117 78 120 30 31 1 0 0 0 Howard Johnson   free   210.06

   79 2000 0.223 0.307  43  84 10 4 10  40 36  56  7  4 1 0 0 0 Kevin Bass       free  -108.94

   80 1600 0.225 0.310  44  96  9 3  0  31 50  69  8 15 1 1 0 0 Dick Schofield   free  -508.94

   81 1394 0.258 0.381  58 108 23 0  4  51 83  50  1  5 1 0 0 0 Dave Magadan     free  -714.94

   82  935 0.275 0.351  40  70 16 4  4  21 30  42 15  3 1 1 0 0 Daryl Boston     free -1173.94

   83  850 0.327 0.424  60 141 14 3  0  54 75  38  4 20 1 1 0 0 Willie Randolph  free -1258.94

   84 2500 0.252 0.309  66 137 33 1 28  81 48  93  1  5 1 0 0 0 Dale Murphy      free   391.06

   85 2350 0.294 0.367  84 158 27 6 21  92 67 100  7  3 1 0 0 0 John Kruk        free   241.06

   86 2317 0.297 0.391  48  73 13 5  3  12 37  20 24  4 1 0 0 0 Lenny Dykstra    free   208.06

   87 2000 0.258 0.288  46  86  7 4 12  40 12  57  5  9 1 1 0 0 Mariano Duncan   free  -108.94

   88  715 0.205 0.268  21  36  5 3  1  11 16  36  7  3 1 0 0 0 Stan Javier      free -1393.94

   89  650 0.243 0.344  20  45 12 0  0  15 30  30  3  4 1 0 0 0 Wally Backman    free -1458.94

   90 4450 0.265 0.355  87 130 24 7 17  83 71  85 10  1 1 0 0 0 Andy Van Slyke   free  2341.06

   91 1850 0.289 0.351  25  97 11 2  3  41 33  27  2  1 1 1 0 0 Mike LaValliere  free  -258.94

   92 1192 0.295 0.363  19  65 17 1  1  29 21  32  1  5 1 0 0 0 Don Slaught      free  -916.94



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 247



                                                                                   T          r

                                                                                   A          e

 O                                             X   X  X X X X X                    T          s

 b         X     X     X  X   X  X  X   X   X  1   1  1 1 1 1 1 I                  U          i

 s    Y    1     2     3  4   5  6  7   8   9  0   1  2 3 4 5 6 D                  S          d


 93  825 0.246 0.324  45  62 12  2  7  24  28  39 17  6 1 0 0 0 Gary Redus        free -1283.94

 94 2425 0.272 0.326  41 116 12  1  8  70  37  46  4 16 1 1 0 0 Pedro Guerrero    free   316.06

 95 2367 0.219 0.268  34  82 13  2  9  33  23  86  5  9 1 0 0 0 Andres Galarraga  free   258.06

 96 2050 0.240 0.357  37  88 11  4  1  26  67  48  1  9 1 0 0 0 Jose Guillen      free   -58.94

 97 2000 0.285 0.380  96 157 30  3  3  50  83  36 35  8 1 0 0 0 Ozzie Smith       free  -108.94

 98 1617 0.307 0.368  55 100 16  5  6  34  32  53 16  2 1 0 0 0 Milt Thompson     free  -491.94

 99 1167 0.240 0.300  29  58  8  4  6  36  22  34 15  5 1 0 0 0 Gerald Perry      free  -941.94

100 3150 0.319 0.363  94 187 34  8 22  86  43  70 10 24 1 0 0 0 Terry Pendleton   free  1041.06

101 2785 0.297 0.371  81 119 10  1  0  26  47  40 72  3 1 1 0 0 Otis Nixon        free   676.06

102 2400 0.253 0.313  32  67 12  0 11  45  25  31  0  3 1 0 0 0 Sid Bream         free   291.06

103 1750 0.275 0.377  58  97 19  1  7  44  50  64  9  5 1 0 0 0 Lonnie Smith      free  -358.94

104 4350 0.302 0.378  88 140 27  4 20  69  55  64 24 15 1 0 0 0 Barry Larkin      free  2241.06

105 2833 0.280 0.359  51 101 12  2  6  35  46  39  5  7 1 0 0 0 Bill Doran        free   724.06

106  800 0.214 0.290  38  72 12  1 11  38  36  92  1  3 1 1 0 0 Pete Incaviglia   free -1308.94

107 4050 0.265 0.361  86 134 22  4 28  99  75 125 10  5 1 0 0 0 Darryl Strawberry free  1941.06

108 3600 0.235 0.353  39  67 10  0 11  33  48  92 14  3 1 0 0 0 Eric Davis        free  1491.06

109 3333 0.296 0.401 112 182 13  5  2  38 108  79 38  0 1 0 0 0 Brett Butler      free  1224.06

110 2183 0.264 0.353  39  91 16  2  8  40  47  32  4  7 1 0 0 0 Mike Scioscia     free    74.06

111 1150 0.294 0.338  29  86 15  3  2  40  17  46  2  3 1 0 0 0 Todd Benzinger    free  -958.94

112  840 0.287 0.349  59 123 16  1  3  38  37  32 12 20 1 0 0 0 Lenny Harris      free -1268.94

113  400 0.222 0.296  21  38  8  5  2  19  18  52  0  2 1 0 0 0 Mitch Webster     free -1708.94

114  350 0.248 0.286  24  56  5  2  2  13  12  35  2 11 1 1 0 0 Dave Anderson     free -1758.94

115 4075 0.278 0.396  84 147 19  1 31 106 105 135  4 14 1 0 0 0 Fred McGriff      free  1966.06

116 2387 0.317 0.355  69 158 27 11  4  62  34  19  8  3 1 0 0 0 Tony Gwynn        free   278.06

117 1750 0.265 0.322  44 102 17  1  6  51  33  56  3 18 1 1 0 0 Kurt Stillwell    free  -358.94

118  687 0.217 0.319  41  74 16  0 12  44  51  77  9  9 1 1 0 0 Tim Teufel        free -1421.94

119 4275 0.301 0.359  84 170 32  7 29 116  51  91  4  4 1 0 0 0 Will Clark        free  2166.06

120 3563 0.312 0.357  67 155 30  3  4  43  34  74 17  6 1 0 0 0 Willie McGee      free  1454.06

121 1600 0.262 0.352  74 129 24  5 19  48  63  95 14 11 1 0 0 0 Robby Thompson    free  -508.94

122  940 0.175 0.216  14  29  4  1  3  17   9  60  0  3 1 0 0 0 Corey Snyder      free -1168.94

123 3415 0.227 0.307  29  40  9  1 10  28  16  29  4  8 1 1 0 0 Glenn Davis       free  1306.06

124 2100 0.323 0.374  99 210 46  5 34 114  53  46  6 11 1 0 0 0 Cal Ripken        free    -8.94

125 1300 0.278 0.321  57 135 22  1  5  43  28  45  6  1 1 0 0 0 Joe Orsulak       free  -808.94

126 1025 0.260 0.313  82 158 27 10 19  59  47 115 16  3 1 0 0 0 Mike Devereaux    free -1083.94

127 2900 0.249 0.374  75 120 18  1 26  87  96 133  0  0 1 0 0 0 Jack Clark        free   791.06

128 2850 0.229 0.303  54 105 24  1 16  70  49  72  1  3 1 0 0 0 Tom Brunansky     free   741.06

129 2700 0.332 0.421  93 181 42  2  8  51  89  32  1 12 1 0 0 0 Wade Boggs        free   591.06

130 2400 0.231 0.291  45 107 23  2  5  48  37  53  8  5 1 0 0 0 Tony Pena         free   291.06

131 2300 0.251 0.314  56 119 33  3 14  56  39  81  6  2 1 0 0 0 Ellis Burks       free   191.06

132  550 0.225 0.272  17  38  6  1  1   4  11  40  4  5 1 1 0 0 Herm Winningham   free -1558.94

133  550 0.224 0.274  28  94 21  1  1  44  27  54  2  7 1 1 0 0 Brook Jacoby      free -1558.94

134  300 0.209 0.293   9  28  5  1  0  11  15  12  0  1 1 1 0 0 Junior Ortiz      free -1808.94

135 4500 0.261 0.347 102 163 25  0 44 133  78 151  0  8 1 0 0 0 Cecil Fielder     free  2391.06

136 3358 0.263 0.387  85 132 17  2 31  89 101 131  3  6 1 0 0 0 Mickey Tettleton  free  1249.06

137 2400 0.248 0.320  57  93 20  0  9  55  37  39 11  9 1 0 0 0 Alan Trammell     free   291.06

138 2200 0.279 0.391  94 131 26  2 23  78  90  45  4  4 1 0 0 0 Lou Whitaker      free    91.06



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 248



                                                                                  T       r

                                                                                  A       e

  O                                             X  X  X X X X X                   T       s

  b         X     X     X   X  X  X  X   X  X   1  1  1 1 1 1 1 I                 U       i

  s    Y    1     2     3   4  5  6  7   8  9   0  1  2 3 4 5 6 D                 S       d


 139 2017 0.179 0.314  64  60 14  2 25  64 89 175  1  7 1 0 0 0 Rob Deer         free   -91.94

 140 1567 0.284 0.371  87 160 28  4 17  72 79  95 10  8 1 0 0 0 Tony Phillips    free  -541.94

 141 1050 0.247 0.306  65 114 14  9  6  52 36  60 15  3 1 1 0 0 Dan Gladden      free -1058.94

 142  375 0.237 0.351  23  46 10  1  7  29 35  40  1  1 1 1 0 0 Dave Bergman     free -1733.94

 143  355 0.260 0.293  18  66  6  0  4  21 12  26  2  3 1 0 0 0 Mark Carreon     free -1753.94

 144  109 0.216 0.341  37  61  7  5  0  19 54  91 29  6 1 0 0 0 Gary Pettis      free -1999.94

 145 3453 0.325 0.399 133 216 32 13 17  75 77  62 19  6 1 0 0 0 Paul Molitor     free  1344.06

 146 3200 0.260 0.332  66 131 20  4 10  77 54  79  6  2 1 0 0 0 Robin Yount      free  1091.06

 147 2167 0.213 0.282  48  77 16  2 11  38 35  71 13  9 1 0 0 0 Franklin Stubbs  free    58.06

 148 1150 0.286 0.320  63 149 27  4  2  47 27  34  4 12 1 1 0 0 Jim Gantner      free  -958.94

 149  300 0.206 0.262  14  51 18  1  1  28 17  26  0  3 1 1 0 0 Scott Fletcher   free -1808.94

 150  284 0.265 0.350  28  62 11  3  1  25 29  21  4 11 1 0 0 0 Kevin Seitzer    free -1824.94

 151 5300 0.316 0.397  78 153 35  3 31 100 65 121  6  7 1 1 0 0 Danny Tartabull  free  3191.06

 152 3620 0.288 0.339  64 169 35  0  9  68 46  42  2  5 1 0 0 0 Don Mattingly    free  1511.06

 153 2500 0.268 0.308  52 122 20  0 24  77 25  49  3  6 1 0 0 0 Matt Nokes       free   391.06

 154 2167 0.225 0.312  37  64 12  0 17  48 36  80  1  0 1 0 0 0 Jesse Barfield   free    58.06

 155 1950 0.247 0.343  67 119 15  4 12  49 67  84  6 12 1 1 0 0 Mike Gallego     free  -158.94

 156 3742 0.273 0.330  89 174 42  3 33 108 49 112 20  8 1 0 0 0 Joe Carter       free  1633.06

 157 3633 0.252 0.308  58 108 18  2 20  65 31  70 12 13 1 0 0 0 Kelly Griffin    free  1524.06

 158 2383 0.282 0.342 110 181 40 10 17  60 55 135 33  1 1 0 0 0 Devon White      free   274.06

 159 2300 0.262 0.326  75 149 27  4 28  86 56 109  7  2 1 1 0 0 Dave Winfield    free   191.06

 160 1375 0.250 0.342  37  72 15  0 12  48 36  76  4  2 1 0 0 0 Candy Maldonado  free  -733.94

 161  900 0.216 0.318  20  40  5  1  1  21 29  21  0  3 1 0 0 0 Pat Tabler       free -1208.94

 162  775 0.250 0.364  27  60 12  1  2  24 44  44  0  0 1 0 0 0 Rance Mulliniks  free -1333.94

 163  600 0.243 0.286  27  85  6  2  0  27 22  49  5 22 1 1 0 0 Alfredo Griffin  free -1508.94

 164 2700 0.246 0.293  58 144 22  1 18  66 33 104  5 17 1 0 0 0 Gary Gaetti      free   591.06

 165 2317 0.238 0.322  48  85 11  1 16  50 44  62  3  5 1 0 0 0 Hubie Brooks     free   208.06

 166 3650 0.285 0.323  63 159 27  0 25  86 32  62  2 10 1 0 0 0 George Bell      free  1541.06

 167 3575 0.304 0.345  85 198 38  2 10  56 41  38 31 10 1 0 0 0 Steve Sax        free  1466.06

 168 3500 0.268 0.359 102 163 20  6  5  50 83  68 51  3 1 0 0 0 Tim Raines       free  1391.06

 169 2500 0.259 0.358  71 106 22  5 18  66 62  86  0  6 1 1 0 0 Dan Pasqua       free   391.06

 170 1350 0.241 0.299  42 111 25  0 18  74 32  86  1  6 1 1 0 0 Carlton Fisk     free  -758.94

 171 4200 0.301 0.360  79 166 34  3 21  96 52  66  2  8 1 1 0 0 Wally Joyner     free  2091.06

 172 3417 0.259 0.322  65 135 32  1 16  74 49  46  6  2 1 0 0 0 Kevin McReynolds free  1308.06

 173 3100 0.255 0.327  77 129 40  2 10  61 58  75  2  1 1 0 0 0 George Brett     free   991.06

 174 1650 0.301 0.333  47 113 22  3  2  47 20  35  5  5 1 1 0 0 Jim Eisenreich   free  -458.94

 175  900 0.250 0.279  11  57 10  0  1  23 11  46  0  1 1 0 0 0 Bob Melvin       free -1208.94

 176  400 0.188 0.243  20  36  9  1  2  18 15  40  2  2 1 1 0 0 Curtis Wilkerson free -1708.94

 177  109 0.271 0.328  74 161 22  6 12  58 49 133 23 17 1 1 0 0 Juan Samuel      free -1999.94

 178 3100 0.284 0.373  72 131 20  1 20  89 67  48  4  8 1 0 0 0 Kent Hrbek       free   991.06

 179 2992 0.319 0.352  92 195 29  6 15  89 31  78 11  6 1 0 0 0 Kirby Puckett    free   883.06

 180 2800 0.277 0.385  84 148 34  1 29  93 95 117  5  0 1 0 0 0 Chili Davis      free   691.06

 181 2500 0.311 0.336  54 137 28  1 10  69 14  22  1  8 1 1 0 0 Brian Harper     free   391.06

 182 1200 0.279 0.322  36 102 20  0  6  36 21  55  1 11 1 1 0 0 Mike Pagliarulo  free  -908.94

 183 3250 0.268 0.400 105 126 17  1 18  57 96  73 58  8 1 0 0 0 Rickey Henderson free  1141.06

 184 2825 0.201 0.330  62  97 22  0 22  75 93 116  2  4 1 0 0 0 Mark McGwire     free   716.06



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  b         X     X     X   X  X  X  X   X  X   1  1  1 1 1 1 1 I                  U          i

  s    Y    1     2     3   4  5  6  7   8  9   0  1  2 3 4 5 6 D                  S          d


 185 2600 0.276 0.346  86 158 33  0 25  85 58 113  6  1 1 0 0 0 Dave Henderson    free   491.06

 186 1583 0.295 0.383  76 144 25  1 20  90 72  67  0  1 1 0 0 0 Harold Baines     free  -525.94

 187 1150 0.063 0.063   0   1  0  0  0   1  0   2  0  0 1 1 0 0 Carney Lansford   free  -958.94

 188 1100 0.238 0.290  38  70 14  4  0  28 18  43 20  3 1 0 0 0 Willie Wilson     free -1008.94

 189  525 0.261 0.321  16  53  4  0  1  17 16  28  0  6 1 0 0 0 Jamie Quirk       free -1583.94

 190  500 0.249 0.385  32  51 10  1  1  20 47  25  2  3 1 1 0 0 Randy Ready       free -1608.94

 191 3750 0.256 0.338  52  95 13  1 27  69 43  57  2  6 1 0 0 0 Kevin Mitchell    free  1641.06

 192 2188 0.248 0.300  58 139 29  3 17  88 44  61  0  5 1 0 0 0 Pete O'Brien      free    79.06

 193 2167 0.194 0.286  38  63  8  1  8  32 34  49  0  6 1 0 0 0 Dave Valle        free    58.06

 194  109 0.216 0.285  38  87 12  0 19  51 35 117  0  2 1 0 0 0 Lance Parrish     free -1999.94

 195 4300 0.266 0.359 115 152 32  1 44 122 78 152 26  9 1 0 0 0 Jose Canseco      free  2191.06

 196 2387 0.341 0.408 108 201 27  3 15  78 65  78 36 14 1 0 0 0 Julio Franco      free   278.06

 197  950 0.278 0.377  76 113 17  2 17  49 58  70  1  0 1 1 0 0 Brian Downing     free -1158.94

 198  675 0.271 0.339  21  54  8  1  2  20 21  25  2 11 1 1 0 0 Geno Petralli     free -1433.94

 199  600 0.252 0.283  44 136 18  4  9  44 25  84 11 21 1 1 0 0 Dickie Thon       free -1508.94

 200  460 0.228 0.279  16  38  7  2  3  21 11  32  2  3 0 0 0 0 Dwight Smith      none   197.22

 201  240 0.250 0.327  40  61 11  0  1  18 24  26 14  2 0 0 0 0 Doug Dascenzo     none   -22.78

 202  200 0.203 0.240  39  64 10  1 10  33 14  96 13  6 0 0 0 0 Sammy Sosa        none   -62.78

 203  177 0.262 0.283   7  38  5  0  0  10  5  18  2  7 0 0 0 0 Jose Vizcaino     none   -85.78

 204  140 0.222 0.307  21  45  9  0  6  22 19  56  3  3 0 0 0 0 Rick Wilkins      none  -122.78

 205  117 0.227 0.280   4   5  2  0  1   3  2   1  0  0 0 0 0 0 Derrick May       none  -145.78

 206  115 0.261 0.370   1   6  0  0  0   2  4   3  0  0 0 0 0 0 Rey Sanchez       none  -147.78

 207  365 0.208 0.265  12  35 11  1  0  15 14  30  2  6 0 0 0 0 Tom Foley         none   102.22

 208  302 0.238 0.347  83 134 15  4 10  51 95 151 56 27 0 0 0 0 Delino DeShields  none    39.22

 209  300 0.267 0.310  73 149 23  9  6  39 34  89 76  6 0 0 0 0 Marquis Grissom   none    37.22

 210  129 0.353 0.435  16  48 12  2  2  18 20  22  0  5 0 0 0 0 Bret Barberie     none  -133.78

 211  111 0.213 0.222   4  13  4  1  1   8  1  18  0  0 0 0 0 0 John VanderWal    none  -151.78

 212  629 0.293 0.355  32  79 17  0  1  30 24  43  2  0 0 0 0 0 Dave Gallagher    none   366.22

 213  275 0.257 0.315  51  96 10  1  6  34 33  57 13  8 0 0 0 0 Chico Walker      none    12.22

 214  120 0.225 0.330   7  20  2  0  0   5 14  19  1  2 0 0 0 0 Chris Donnels     none  -142.78

 215  260 0.337 0.413  13  32  5  0  0  12 13  14  0  0 0 0 0 0 Jim Lindeman      none    -2.78

 216  250 0.228 0.238  12  36  4  1  1  11  2  26  0  2 0 0 0 0 Steve Lake        none   -12.78

 217  200 0.240 0.300  51  92 16  3 13  50 31  73  9  3 0 0 0 0 Wes Chamberlain   none   -62.78

 218  180 0.298 0.378  18  45 10  2  6  21 17  26  1  8 0 0 0 0 Dave Hollins      none   -82.78

 219  180 0.249 0.313  38  81 11  4  1  20 29  45 13  6 0 0 0 0 Mickey Morandini  none   -82.78

 220  525 0.288 0.366  24  47  7  0  7  24 18  23  2  3 0 0 0 0 Lloyd McClendon   none   262.22

 221  367 0.273 0.344  23  51 11  2  4  23 19  34  9  1 0 0 0 0 Gary Varsho       none   104.22

 222  325 0.239 0.328  16  26  1  1  4  18 14  15  3  2 0 0 0 0 Jeff King         none    62.22

 223  320 0.244 0.281   7  20  4  0  1  11  5  17  4  2 0 0 0 0 Cecil Espy        none    57.22

 224  150 0.275 0.373  83 113 17  2 10  50 64  81  8 12 0 0 0 0 Orlando Merced    none  -112.78

 225  113 0.340 0.381  15  36  7  0  0   7  7  17  3  6 0 0 0 0 John Wehner       none  -149.78

 226  113 0.250 0.280   2   6  0  2  0   1  1   8  0  1 0 0 0 0 Carlos Garcia     none  -149.78

 227  400 0.227 0.260  21  47 10  2  1  15 10  29 12  2 0 0 0 0 Rex Hudler        none   137.22

 228  315 0.305 0.360  69 173 40  6  8  77 50 113 20  3 0 0 0 0 Felix Jose        none    52.22

 229  315 0.280 0.353  76 158 36  3 11  81 62  94 17 25 0 0 0 0 Todd Zeile        none    52.22

 230  230 0.251 0.301  83 142 23 15  9  69 41 114 44  6 0 0 0 0 Ray Lankford      none   -32.78



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    O                                         X  X  X X X X X                    T       s

    b        X     X    X   X  X X  X  X  X   1  1  1 1 1 1 1 I                  U       i

    s   Y    1     2    3   4  5 6  7  8  9   0  1  2 3 4 5 6 D                  S       d


   231 135 0.216 0.316 28  58  7 2  5 28 39  33 14  1 0 0 0 0 Bernard Gilkey    none -127.783

   232 130 0.243 0.322 38  45  8 3  5 17 18  45 15  6 0 0 0 0 Geronimo Pena     none -132.783

   233 555 0.275 0.377 67 109 25 1 21 87 65  81  8  7 0 0 0 0 David Justice     none  292.217

   234 350 0.241 0.316 46  99 25 0  6 44 44  48  1  4 0 0 0 0 Greg Olson        none   87.217

   235 148 0.242 0.284  7  23  6 0  4 23  6  20  1  3 0 0 0 0 Francisco Cabrera none -114.783

   236 146 0.251 0.296 32  68 16 1 12 50 17  48  0  8 0 0 0 0 Brian Hunter      none -116.783

   237 750 0.267 0.321 20  72 15 2  3 31 23  38  0  5 0 0 0 0 Jeff Reed         none  487.217

   238 430 0.318 0.374 72 152 33 1 14 59 46  61 10  9 0 0 0 0 Hal Morris        none  167.217

   239 260 0.216 0.265 21  58 11 0 11 41 18  53  0 11 0 0 0 0 Joe Oliver        none   -2.783

   240 120 0.286 0.303 11  18  1 0  0  3  1  15  1  2 0 0 0 0 Freddie Benavides none -142.783

   241 935 0.262 0.319 44 121 20 7  4 50 40  49  9 10 0 0 0 0 Casey Candaele    none  672.217

   242 395 0.218 0.327 26  31  3 1  1 11 24  17 16  0 0 0 0 0 Gerald Young      none  132.217

   243 350 0.294 0.387 79 163 26 4 15 82 75 116  7 12 0 0 0 0 Jeff Bagwell      none   87.217

   244 285 0.254 0.320 51 120 28 9 13 69 40 101 10  5 0 0 0 0 Luis Gonzalez     none   22.217

   245 139 0.243 0.270 27  61 13 2  9 36  9  74  4 18 0 0 0 0 Andujar Cedeno    none -123.783

   246 133 0.153 0.227 11  18  6 0  1  7 12  41  1  1 0 0 0 0 Eric Anthony      none -129.783

   247 135 0.268 0.293  3  15  4 0  1  5  2  12  1  0 0 0 0 0 Dave Hansen       none -127.783

   248 135 0.214 0.250  1   3  1 0  0  1  0   5  1  1 0 0 0 0 Carlos Hernandez  none -127.783

   249 135 0.195 0.345 10  22  2 0  0  3 25  32  3 10 0 0 0 0 Jose Offerman     none -127.783

   250 200 0.228 0.295 26  84 16 0 10 47 31  90  2  2 0 0 0 0 Jerald Clark      none  -62.783

   251 130 0.286 0.444  0   2  0 0  0  0  2   3  0  0 0 0 0 0 Phil Stephenson   none -132.783

   252 120 0.246 0.267  5  14  2 0  0  9  1   9  2  2 0 0 0 0 Oscar Azocar      none -142.783

   253 117 0.275 0.298  6  25  3 0  1  6  2  14  0  7 0 0 0 0 Craig Shipley     none -145.783

   254 114 0.243 0.308 13  26  7 2  2  8  9  27  1  1 0 0 0 0 Dan Walters       none -148.783

   255 650 0.264 0.325 51  92 10 6  0 18 30  31 21  4 0 0 0 0 Mike Felder       none  387.217

   256 360 0.225 0.271 16  40  9 0  0 19  9  22  1  4 0 0 0 0 Kirt Manwaring    none   97.217

   257 150 0.123 0.188 12  13  3 0  2  8  7  26  3  3 0 0 0 0 Mike Benjamin     none -112.783

   258 145 0.246 0.358 41  55  5 3  1 15 36  30 13  0 0 0 0 0 Darren Lewis      none -117.783

   259 140 0.240 0.306 14  31  7 1  2 14 12  25  0  0 0 0 0 0 Mark Leonard      none -122.783

   260 109 0.115 0.148  0   3  1 0  0  2  1   6  0  3 0 0 0 0 Royce Clayton     none -153.783

   261 109 0.120 0.185  0   3  0 0  0  1  2  11  0  1 0 0 0 0 Ted Wood          none -153.783

   262 687 0.233 0.326 45  74 16 0 23 61 41  99  0  0 0 0 0 0 Sam Horn          none  424.217

   263 380 0.204 0.255 29  42  9 0  7 18 13  49  0  4 0 0 0 0 Tim Hulett        none  117.217

   264 365 0.230 0.336 40  59 12 3  2 27 36  44 12  3 0 0 0 0 Brady Anderson    none  102.217

   265 175 0.243 0.304 36  83 15 0 11 31 29  61  0  1 0 0 0 0 Chris Hoiles      none  -87.783

   266 150 0.233 0.302 40  91 17 2 16 45 40  82  1  7 0 0 0 0 Leo Gomez         none -112.783

   267 150 0.278 0.316 15  59  7 0  2 22 12  19  1  3 0 0 0 0 David Segui       none -112.783

   268 140 0.269 0.303 32  58 12 1 13 33 11  51  1  2 0 0 0 0 Chito Martinez    none -122.783

   269 350 0.263 0.271 10  30  8 0  0  9  1  16  0  3 0 0 0 0 John Marzano      none   87.217

   270 340 0.295 0.375 69 141 21 1 11 71 61  66  1  9 0 0 0 0 Carlos Quintana   none   77.217

   271 155 0.260 0.339 21  57 12 0  4 32 26  43  2  6 0 0 0 0 Mo Vaughn         none -107.783

   272 145 0.457 0.486  6  16  4 2  0  7  2   2  0  2 0 0 0 0 Scott Cooper      none -117.783

   273 700 0.243 0.279 23  69 14 0  1 24 14  67  0  5 0 0 0 0 Joel Skinner      none  437.217

   274 525 0.217 0.264 10  40  9 0  0  7  8  24  0  4 0 0 0 0 Sandy Alomar      none  262.217

   275 525 0.288 0.346 80 171 28 2 11 69 48  74  3 27 0 0 0 0 Carlos Baerga     none  262.217

   276 333 0.243 0.297 46  99 18 7  9 45 30  85  4  7 0 0 0 0 Mark Whiten       none   70.217



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  b        X     X     X   X  X  X  X   X   X   1  1  1 1 1 1 1 I                  U       i

  s   Y    1     2     3   4  5  6  7   8   9   0  1  2 3 4 5 6 D                  S       d


 277 325 0.258 0.324  29  57  8  2  8  25  23  54  6  3 0 0 0 0 Glenallen Hill    none   62.217

 278 200 0.284 0.310  22  73 14  0  5  30  10  43  3  8 0 0 0 0 Carlos Martinez   none  -62.783

 279 175 0.282 0.323  60 130 31  2 26  95  25  99  3  9 0 0 0 0 Albert Belle      none  -87.783

 280 158 0.249 0.309  30  70 12  3  4  22  24  57 10  1 0 0 0 0 Thomas Howard     none -104.783

 281 145 0.264 0.293  29  83 15  1  0  30  15  45  2  9 0 0 0 0 Mark Lewis        none -117.783

 282 300 0.259 0.309  65 144 36  3 21  91  40 149 12 23 0 0 0 0 Travis Fryman     none   37.217

 283 230 0.257 0.335  77 122 15  7  3  33  52  92 41  6 0 0 0 0 Milt Cuyler       none  -32.783

 284 150 0.289 0.325  29  46 13  2  5  17   9  24 10  2 0 0 0 0 Skeeter Barnes    none -112.783

 285 120 0.291 0.341  19  37  5  0  2  11  10  25  2  2 0 0 0 0 Scott Livingstone none -142.783

 286 750 0.283 0.337  71 117 13  6  8  54  34  55 14 17 0 0 0 0 Bill Spiers       none  487.217

 287 500 0.244 0.319  81 132 24  5 27  98  62 125  2  2 0 0 0 0 Greg Vaughn       none  237.217

 288 395 0.311 0.361  64 125 15  6  1  57  33  38 16  1 0 0 0 0 Darryl Hamilton   none  132.217

 289 230 0.238 0.272  53 106 18  3 15  59  22 107 14  7 0 0 0 0 Dante Bichette    none  -32.783

 290 109 0.364 0.364   2   4  1  0  1   1   0   4  0  0 0 0 0 0 Tim McIntosh      none -153.783

 291 360 0.245 0.322  19  45 11  1  1  15  18  43  3 15 0 0 0 0 Randy Velarde     none   97.217

 292 280 0.230 0.257  34 106 23  1 12  53  16  75  3 15 0 0 0 0 Charlie Hayes     none   17.217

 293 255 0.220 0.333  69 110 14  1 23  63  83 128  5  6 0 0 0 0 Kevin Maas        none   -7.783

 294 147 0.242 0.288  35  72 12  4  3  23  15  52 12 18 0 0 0 0 Pat Kelly         none -115.783

 295 125 0.238 0.336  43  76 19  4  3  34  48  57 10  5 0 0 0 0 Bernie Williams   none -137.783

 296 109 0.308 0.310   4   8  1  0  0   3   1   3  0  0 0 0 0 0 John Ramos        none -153.783

 297 387 0.256 0.353  64 116 30  1 17  68  68  84  0  5 0 0 0 0 John Olerud       none  124.217

 298 117 0.275 0.361  17  44  7  0  4  20  19  43  0 14 0 0 0 0 Ed Sprague        none -145.783

 299 640 0.263 0.321  32  65 10  2  2  26  11  55  7  3 0 0 0 0 Junior Felix      none  377.217

 300 190 0.258 0.295  38  94 14  1  3  20  14  26  4 11 0 0 0 0 Luis Sojo         none  -72.783

 301 170 0.200 0.258  11  23  7  0  1  13   8  34  1  3 0 0 0 0 Ron Tingley       none  -92.783

 302 135 0.211 0.274   5  12  2  0  0   3   3   2  0  4 0 0 0 0 Gary DiSarcina    none -127.783

 303 130 0.203 0.313   7  14  4  0  0   3  10  17  0  1 0 0 0 0 John Orton        none -132.783

 304 130 0.293 0.354   8  17  7  0  0   9   6  12  1  1 0 0 0 0 Lee Stevens       none -132.783

 305 620 0.318 0.453 104 178 31  2 32 109 138 112  1  2 0 0 0 0 Frank Thomas      none  357.217

 306 565 0.274 0.304  72 161 14 13  0  49  26  58 26  2 0 0 0 0 Lance Johnson     none  302.217

 307 235 0.241 0.313  37  55  2  3  0  18  20  21 11 10 0 0 0 0 Joey Cora         none  -27.783

 308 225 0.165 0.218  15  19  4  1  1   5   7  25  0  0 0 0 0 0 Shawn Abner       none  -37.783

 309 200 0.281 0.386  37  63 16  3  6  31  38  40  1 10 0 0 0 0 Craig Grebeck     none  -62.783

 310 145 0.251 0.361  42  61 10  2  3  25  39  48 14  2 0 0 0 0 Mike Huff         none -117.783

 311 120 0.217 0.250   4   5  0  0  0   0   1   7  1  1 0 0 0 0 Shawn Jeter       none -142.783

 312 575 0.280 0.336  41  77 22  1  4  23  23  44 14 10 0 0 0 0 Keith Miller      none  312.217

 313 287 0.277 0.320  24  51  9  0  2  13  11  42 15  4 0 0 0 0 Gary Thurman      none   24.217

 314 275 0.261 0.289  86 164 28  9  8  64  24  99 20  3 0 0 0 0 Brian McRae       none   12.217

 315 183 0.217 0.283  45  80 16  4  5  34  30  75 17 16 0 0 0 0 Terry Shumpert    none  -79.783

 316 170 0.251 0.315  22  58  8  0  3  31  23  42  2  6 0 0 0 0 Brent Mayne       none  -92.783

 317 153 0.216 0.267  20  51  7  0  1  17  16  45  3 12 0 0 0 0 David Howard      none -109.783

 318 450 0.303 0.401  21  50 10  1  6  23  24  25  0  2 0 0 0 0 Randy Bush        none  187.217

 319 360 0.281 0.351  78 159 24  6  1  50  59  40 25 18 0 0 0 0 Chuck Knoblauch   none   97.217

 320 175 0.286 0.378  35  57  7  2  5  20  30  35  5  7 0 0 0 0 Scott Leius       none  -87.783

 321 155 0.283 0.327  15  39  7  1  7  26   9  31  3  1 0 0 0 0 Pedro Munoz       none -107.783

 322 205 0.249 0.336  33  46  8  0  3  21  23  42 12  3 0 0 0 0 Lance Blankenship none  -57.783



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     b        X     X    X   X  X X  X   X  X   1 1  1 1 1 1 1       I         U       i

     s   Y    1     2    3   4  5 6  7   8  9   0 1  2 3 4 5 6       D         S       d


    323 185 0.238 0.289 21  56  5 1  0  21 14  37 3 11 0 0 0 0 Mike Bordick   none  -77.783

    324 115 0.235 0.268  9  16  5 0  2   4  3  11 3  1 0 0 0 0 Scott Brosius  none -147.783

    325 560 0.307 0.405 98 167 35 1 14  52 84  72 0 15 0 0 0 0 Edgar Martinez none  297.217

    326 360 0.230 0.302 42  98 16 4  1  41 45  37 7 13 0 0 0 0 Omar Vizquel   none   97.217

    327 162 0.247 0.286 16  44 13 0  2  22  9  38 0  7 0 0 0 0 Dave Cochrane  none -100.783

    328 133 0.205 0.272 11  23  2 0  4   9 11  24 0  2 0 0 0 0 Tino Martinez  none -129.783

    329 287 0.264 0.321 78 144 34 1 27 102 42 118 4  6 0 0 0 0 Juan Gonzalez  none   24.217

    330 230 0.269 0.332 46 106 22 0 20  69 33  93 0  6 0 0 0 0 Kevin Reimer   none  -32.783

    331 215 0.194 0.270  8  28  3 2  1  11 16  23 1  1 0 0 0 0 Jack Daugherty none  -47.783

    332 183 0.213 0.312 36  57  8 3  2  26 39  32 8 15 0 0 0 0 Jeff Huson     none  -79.783

    333 170 0.111 0.138  3   3  0 0  0   1  1   7 0  0 0 0 0 0 John Russell   none  -92.783

    334 160 0.264 0.318 24  48  7 0  1  22 15  18 0  7 0 0 0 0 Mario Diaz     none -102.783

    335 142 0.187 0.281 38  50  9 2 15  37 32  98 0  9 0 0 0 0 Dean Palmer    none -120.783

    336 140 0.264 0.270 24  74 16 0  3  27  5  42 0 10 0 0 0 0 Ivan Rodriguez none -122.783

    337 109 0.258 0.395  6   8  1 0  1   6  7  11 0  0 0 0 0 0 Monty Fariss   none -153.783







/* Nonparametric: Kruskal-Wallis */



      VAR Y;





                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 253


                                     The NPAR1WAY Procedure


                           Wilcoxon Scores (Rank Sums) for Variable Y

                                 Classified by Variable STATUS


                                   Sum of      Expected       Std Dev          Mean

             STATUS       N        Scores      Under H0      Under H0         Score


             arb         65      13971.00       10985.0    705.657420    214.938462

             free       134      32252.50       22646.0    875.292486    240.690299

             none       138      10729.50       23322.0    879.465613     77.750000


                               Average scores were used for ties.



                                      Kruskal-Wallis Test


                                  Chi-Square         208.0733

                                  DF                        2

                                  Pr > Chi-Square      <.0001




























/* Multiple Comparison - Tukey's Method */

PROC GLM DATA=salary1;


   Model Y = STATUS;

   Means STATUS / Tukey;  

   Means STATUS / t cldiff alpha = 0.05;

   Means STATUS / tukey cldiff alpha = 0.05;



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 259


                                       The GLM Procedure


                                    Class Level Information


                             Class         Levels    Values


                             STATUS             3    arb free none



                                 Number of observations    337

                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 260


                                       The GLM Procedure


Dependent Variable: Y   Salary


                                              Sum of

      Source                      DF         Squares     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      Model                        2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001


      Error                      334     276733296.9        828542.8


      Corrected Total            336     516644690.0



                       R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE        Y Mean


                       0.464364      72.90530      910.2433      1248.528



      Source                      DF       Type I SS     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      STATUS                       2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001



      Source                      DF     Type III SS     Mean Square    F Value    Pr > F


      STATUS                       2     239911393.0     119955696.5     144.78    <.0001



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 261


                                       The GLM Procedure


                           Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for Y


                 NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.



                          Alpha                                   0.05

                          Error Degrees of Freedom                 334

                          Error Mean Square                   828542.8

                          Critical Value of Studentized Range  3.32936



                Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.




                        STATUS          Between     Simultaneous 95%

                      Comparison          Means    Confidence Limits


                      free - arb          541.4       217.5    865.3  ***

                      free - none        1846.2      1586.3   2106.1  ***

                      arb  - free        -541.4      -865.3   -217.5  ***

                      arb  - none        1304.8       982.4   1627.2  ***

                      none - free       -1846.2     -2106.1  -1586.3  ***

                      none - arb        -1304.8     -1627.2   -982.4  ***


                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 262


                                       The GLM Procedure


                                      t Tests (LSD) for Y


  NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error




                               Alpha                        0.05

                               Error Degrees of Freedom      334

                               Error Mean Square        828542.8

                               Critical Value of t       1.96709



                Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.




                        STATUS          Between      95% Confidence

                      Comparison          Means          Limits


                      free - arb          541.4       270.7    812.0  ***

                      free - none        1846.2      1629.0   2063.3  ***

                      arb  - free        -541.4      -812.0   -270.7  ***

                      arb  - none        1304.8      1035.4   1574.1  ***

                      none - free       -1846.2     -2063.3  -1629.0  ***

                      none - arb        -1304.8     -1574.1  -1035.4  ***



                                         The SAS System       13:29 Friday, October 25, 2002 263


                                       The GLM Procedure


                           Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for Y


                 NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.



                          Alpha                                   0.05

                          Error Degrees of Freedom                 334

                          Error Mean Square                   828542.8

                          Critical Value of Studentized Range  3.32936



                Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.




                        STATUS          Between     Simultaneous 95%

                      Comparison          Means    Confidence Limits


                      free - arb          541.4       217.5    865.3  ***

                      free - none        1846.2      1586.3   2106.1  ***

                      arb  - free        -541.4      -865.3   -217.5  ***

                      arb  - none        1304.8       982.4   1627.2  ***

                      none - free       -1846.2     -2106.1  -1586.3  ***

                      none - arb        -1304.8     -1627.2   -982.4  ***






/* An Example of Insiginificant Differences */

/*Does not seem to work*/

/*Is it necessary Free?*/


PROC GLM DATA=salary1;


   Model Free = STATUS;

   Means STATUS / Tukey;