What is your Plan?  


A goal without a plan is just a wish.- Antoine de Saint Exupery


For this assignment you are going to plan out your college career towards an educational goal using Valencia College’s Lifemap tools.


To access LIFEMAP tools:


Log into your ATLAS account:  http://portal.valencia.cc.fl.us/cp/home/loginf




On the left side of the page under the My Atlas tab there is a section called “LifeMap”.  Click on the link below, “Go to My LifeMap”




There are many resources you can use to complete your educational plan such as CAREER PLANNER, MY EDUCATION PLAN, MY PORTFOLIO, MY JOB PROSPECTS, and MY FINACIAL PLANNER. 


You will be using specific resources, but please feel free to use all of them.

  Step 1:  What is your educational goal?


In the space below, state your educational goal and the reason you choose this educational goal.  For example, the degree you are seeking, career you are pursuing, or other educational goal.


To assist with choosing a career you can go to:       MY CAREER PLANNER




















  Step 2:  Research your educational goal  


Complete some research for the educational goal you have chosen.  Find out what are the requirements for the degree, special courses or certificates, education needed for your chosen career, etc..  If you are continuing your education beyond Valencia, state the educational institution, list their website, research the specific program, and find information on the requirements (This will help with step 3).  State your findings below:


























  Step 3:  Develop an Education Plan


Your education plan will be a semester by semester plan of how you are going to achieve your goal.  List the specific courses and semesters to achieve your goal in the space provided.  Make sure you pay attention to any prerequisite courses.


To assist with choosing a career you can go to:       MY EDUCATION PLAN





































  Step 3:  Develop an Education Plan continue
































  Step 3:  Develop an Education Plan continue
































Step 4:  Mathematics Plan



Mathematics is an important component to your educational plan.  Using your main education plan you created in Step 3 to create a mathematics courses plan.  List the specific mathematics courses you are planning on taking and the semesters you are taking them.































Step 4:  Mathematics Plan continue
































Step 5:  Reflection


Answer the following questions in your reflection:


1)  What did you learn that was interesting or that you did not know when you began the project?


Step 5:  Reflection continue


2)  How do you plan on living through the time you are getting your education?

For example, where will you live, how will you pay your expenses (college, transportation, rent, food etc.).