Teaching, Counseling or Librarianship Strategies

            The strategies that will be used in the active learning notes are the following:

·          brain-based research on how the brain learns material using questioning, connections to previous material, connections to the real world, collaborative learning, and practice.

·          documented problem solving and pair checks

·          availability of an organized packet for notes, homework, and activities

The students in the treatment groups (group using active study notes) will be given the active learning notes, and the instructors of the treatment groups will teach the factoring material through the active learning notes and the resources in that packet.  The students will complete the notes, homework, and collaborative activities.  Then, the students will take assessments on factoring in WebCT.  The results of their performance on the factoring questions on the state exam will be recorded.  The results will then be compared to those of the other control courses on Osceola Campus.