
For every question that was incorrect on your test you will correct on this post test assessment/reflection.
Here is how you complete the post test assessment:

1)       Write the problem that was incorrect under problem

2)       Under the problem identify why the question was incorrect

3)       Under Documented Problem solving correct the problem, but in between the math steps write in words the step

4)       Complete the reflection at the end of the post test assessment/reflection.




Identify Mistake on Test


Documented Problem Solving




































For every question that was incorrect on your test you will correct on this post test assessment/reflection.
Here is how you complete the post test assessment:

1)       Write the problem that was incorrect under problem

2)       Under the problem identify why the question was incorrect

3)       Under Documented Problem solving correct the problem, but in between the math steps write in words the step

4)       Complete the reflection at the end of the post test assessment/reflection.



Documented Problem Solving







Identify Mistake on Test


I completed the multiplication before I completed the division.  I should have done Multiplication/Division from left to right.


          Use order of operations:

          1) Parenthesis

          2) Exponents

          3) Multiplication/Division (Left to Right)

          4) Addition/Subtraction (Left to Right)

Step one is Division

Step two is Multiplication

Step three is Subtraction

Step four is Addition



Use the following questions to guide you in learning what you did well and where you still have room for improvement in learning material and studying for your next test.  Please keep in mind that you will not be “graded” on your answers but on the thoroughness of your responses.


Write a paragraph explaining including the answers to the following questions:


  1. What did I do to prepare for this test? How much time did I spend preparing for this test?  When did I study for this test?  Where did I study for this test?








  1. Who did I use as a resource to prepare for this test?  What did I use as a resource to prepare for this test?






  1. What is one great thing I did in preparing for this test and Why?








  1. What is my plan of action in preparing for the next test? What is one thing I should share with my group that will make it easier for them to prepare for the next test?







