VCC Prealgebra Exam Information


Questions:       35 multiple-choice.

Time limit:        1 hour 45 minutes.

Calculator:       May NOT be used.

Formulas:         Will NOT be provided.

Students should know the following information:

·       Perimeter and area of a square, rectangle, triangle.

·       Volume of a rectangular solid.

·       Distance = Rate · Time.

·       Interest = Principal · Rate · Time.


Exam will be given in class during the last week of the term. 

Do you have any questions about the exam?  Ask Mr. Groccia at 2-206 or e-mail at or call 321-697-4182.


The following review is a list of the type of questions that will be on the state test.


It is not a list of the exact questions. 


Problem number vs Topic


More practice:


1, 2, 3.    Find the perimeter or area of a square, rectangle, or triangle.

4.            Find the volume of a rectangular solid.

5, 6, 7.    Simplify a numeric expression using order of operations with integers.

8, 9.        Simplify a numeric expression with absolute value and integers.

10.          Simplify an algebraic expression with integers.

11.          Simplify an algebraic expression with fractions.

12.          Simplify an algebraic expression with decimals.

13.          Evaluate an algebraic expression with integers.

14.          Evaluate an algebraic expression with fractions.

15.          Evaluate an algebraic expression with decimals.

16,17,18.Solve an equation with integers.

19, 20.    Solve an equation with fractions.

21, 22.    Solve an equation with decimals.

23.          Solve a formula for a variable with assigned values for other variables.

24, 25.    Translate a real world word problem using percentages.

26.          Translate a real world word problem without percentages.

27.          Multiply a monomial with a binomial.

28.          Multiply a monomial with a trinomial.

29.          Multiply a monomial with a binomial.

30.          Multiply a binomial with a binomial using integers.

31.          Multiply a binomial with a binomial using fractions.

32.          Multiply a binomial with a binomial using decimals.

33.          Add polynomials.

34.          Subtract polynomials.

35.          Add and subtract polynomials.





Before opening the exam, write down any information that you feel might cause you to make an error on the exam.   (Data Dump)   Then during the exam you can refer back to this information as a reminder.


Work all the problems.  Guess, if necessary.


Do all rechecking on a clean sheet of scrap paper.