Assignment Two:  Begin a discussion on distance learning/on line learning and using the internet in traditional teaching.


A)  Search the internet for a mathematics course that is offered on-line or by distance learning or that just has a web component.  Write a short explanation of the site- where/when/how use it.


            This past semester I took at graduate level mathematics course at the University of Central Florida called Introduction to Math Modeling and Simulation.  The course was a hybrid course that had some class meetings and the rest of the class was on Web CT.  The instructor was very intelligent and knew his material well.  It was his first time using Web CT and he had another person set up the Web CT portion of the course.  The Web CT portion had modules with information for the course, quizzes, a discussion board, and many links.  The lecture portion of the course was an explanation of the chapters in the text and some explanation of the modules.  I enjoyed the lecture, but much of the class time was consumed with the problems from the Web CT portion of the course.  The instructor was relying on another person to help with the Web CT part, so he did not know why there were some many problems.  The problems that occurred with the Web CT portion were that the quizzes would, in some cases, give the answers to the quiz after taking the quiz, the quizzes were multiple choice questions and the answer was not there, many of the modules and links did not relate to the course, the discussion board was not maintained well, and when we would e-mail the instructor he would not e-mail back.  All of these problems caused stress for the class.  The instructor was very kind and had the best intentions, but he honestly did not know how to run Web CT.  The class understood that it was the first time for him, but mainly everyone was concerned about their grade.  In the end of the course everything worked out and the grades were calculated correctly.  It just took many e-mails, time, and patience.  I learned many things from that experience.  I learned about the stress factor of trying new technology from the student’s point of view, that being open and honest with students about technical problems is the best way to go, the instructor needs to be flexible and understanding when using technology, and don’t give up from one bad experience.  I think using technology in the class is not just a learning experience for the students, but also for the instructor.

B)  Review a technology journal for articles that would be of interest or use to a mathematics teacher wanting to integrate the Internet into their course of create an on line or create an on-line course.


Works Cited


Kaddijevich, Djordje "An Internet-based collaborattive environment for the learning of mathematics." Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 1:18 (2002): 44-50.




The journal article, “An Internet-based collaborative environment for the learning of mathematics”, gives detailed descriptions on how to use the Internet effectively in the mathematics classroom.  The article emphasizes communication between students over the Internet to spark discussions and begin critical thinking of a project.  The instructor will set a task to be completed on his/her web site and the students can pair up and go to the web site and get the task.  Then the assignment becomes the responsibility of the students.  They are required to go the instructor’s web site and get the task.  Then the students must complete the task based on the specifications of the instructor.  Once the students are completed and have collaborated on their work over the Internet, the results and all of the correspondences between the students over the Internet are sent to the instructor via the Internet. The instructor will grade the task and give suggestions for improvement or state that the task is completed.  The entire process is timed.  It recommended that the task be completed within 2-3 days and the instructor review the end results and gives feedback within 2-3 days.  This article gives specific ways that the Internet can be used for a mathematics classroom and can be very beneficial to an instructor that wants to implement the Internet into their classroom for the first time.


Works Cited


Flores, Alfino "Learning and Teaching Mathematics with Technology." Teaching Mathematics 6:8 (2002): 308-320.




            The journal article, “Learning and Teaching Mathematics with Technology”, gives information on challenges and benefits of learning over the Internet and using technology. 

The challenges that are faced by instructors who are trying to implement the Internet into their classrooms are tough decision on how to invest limited resources and time into usage of the Internet and technology.  Another challenge is have resources to pay for support provided through trained personnel to help instructors and administration plan, maintain, and coordinate the use of the technology.  Still other challenges are costs in professional development because the technology is constantly changing.  Yet another challenge is the money needed to provide the technology and many schools do not have the resources available.  The challenges are all summed up into money and time.

The benefits to using the Internet are it gives students access to a plethora of information and also access to interactive sites and great material that helps students learning difficult concepts.  The Internet allows the students to go beyond their own classroom and share ideas with students from all over the world.  The benefits to using technology and the effects on the students’ learning are overwhelming, but to be realistic the challenges of time and money must be met to effectively use the Internet and technology in the classroom.

C)     Write a statement of your philosophy about using the web in mathematics- who, how, why, when.



I believe that all math instructors should use the web in their teaching.  The Internet has so many resources that it would be criminal to not incorporate the Internet into a math course.  Just going into the Internet for 15 minutes someone can find wonderful, interactive, well developed sites that can bring math alive.  There are on line tutorials, Java programs to help with math concepts, and detailed explanations of math topics at the free disposal of students.  All students’ need is to be guided there by an instructor.


            I feel that the Internet should be used with activity type worksheets.  The worksheets will have the task to complete, the website(s) to explore, and questions that lead the student to the desired product.  I feel that Internet has some many avenues that the students can get lost and lose the meaning of the activity, so they need a guided worksheet.


            I feel that the reason instructors should use the Internet in their math courses is to develop a deeper meaning of the mathematical concepts.  For example, it is easy to show a student to graph an equation, but it do the students know what they are looking at or can they apply it to their lives.  With the use of the Internet, students can look up real data on topics that interest them and then they can form and graph equations based on what they are interested so the material comes to life and has meaning.  Students can also use various web sites that allow them to graph and animate various math concepts.  This gives them a visual representation of the material.  Using the Internet is opening a door to endless possibilities and knowledge for students to explore and learn.


            I think that the web should be implemented throughout the curriculum where it fits in.  I don’t think an instructor should just give a list of web sites to a class the first day and tell the students to use the sites throughout the semester.  I think that the instructor should give out useful web sites as the topic emerges.  I also believe that an instructor should not give out a web site unless he/she has used it and has developed a plan for using it.